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"...imagine a world where everyone was deaf. “People would stop talking,” he said..."

- ⭐ Hugo Mercier - Cognitive scientist and expert on human reasoning and argumentation

credits: Amiya Behera / @amiya_rbehera

Good stuff...

1❓ Do you want to ping pong more about direct change to people on Fediverse? :fediverse: ?

I believe we can change peer to peer or as small group with consent and transparency...

2❓ And how do you see things (so I can see where you're at about this kind of work / starting of ideas), it seems you might be ahead on some work and doing this all already or just blogging mostly?

P.S My Favourite line from Link 3
"...imagine a world where everyone was deaf. “People would stop talking,” he said..."


Guys like Girls like bees attracted to flowers... they see, they like and really appreciate them on a biological level 

Guys like Girls like flowers... (and the other ways of saying it that is more socially correct)

And even like girls who pick flowers they like them so much (and kind of kill them hehe). So post is about the appreciation mostly...

Girls can be be like a flower to guys, they see, they like and really appreciate them, and well feel like sometimes they need to pollinating them somewhat as natures way of spreading of what they were designed to do (males more directly in humans spread seeds in this context)...

This is reflected somewhat in bees more because almost that is their only purpose / use!

So as bit of a compariso, it's the overwhelming attraction for guys to flower girls or shower them as flowers (or any other best way to say this)... so even though we all as humans have some ability of communication, the other senses are far more immediate at wanting to do xyz and at times overwhelming making us say / do things in reaction to attraction / beauty etc.

Making hammers for others because they implement solutions faster than us or block earlier... Best is sometimes a mix - so not to create more for bad people to use faster but slow careful progress? 

@amiya_rbehera The tough thing is that anything we make THEY get first or are fastest to implement on larger scales - and can modify it faster too...

So if you make a good hammer, they will make it break other things or even toughen their glass... so many ways to put this but they are also in the loop and can see it coming or implement it make our thing weak if our users are weak (such as a fake example of using googlemail to say what you're going to do or how well it's working)... they get to see things or make it and even road block once anything seems to take flight...
It's a good idea in many ways but

GIVING BETTER TOOL TO WEAK LINKS ALSO ISN'T GOOD (think of number of Mastodon users pumping links and all the adverts with it even if people 'can' block it - we are pumping out millions of links per day for google and admins essentially don't care - well many I've asked...

People don't see it as...
☑️ google vs, us
or as
☑️ Mastodon vs. almost everything else

...even though many MANY principles point that way and so SHOULD end in those freedoms

But if @Gargron still has the position "it's not my place to tell people" or to design suggestions / alternatives (even options along side links) then yes we are also an extension like an advert farm... with excuse "it's not our job / position / place to tell user or simply suggest often to use Lib-redirect or whatever... even if it's not working right now)

Mastodon has to continue somewhat to continue origins while I respect not biting more than you can chew - still the education for user is paramount as WEAK USERS = WEAK EVERYTHING ELSE... which they use are their strength / money income... (there is direct relativity)

Best is sometimes a mix - so not to create more for bad people to use faster but slow careful progress?

Making hammers for others because they implement solutions faster than us or block it... Best is sometimes a mix - so not to create more for bad people to use faster but slow careful progress? 

@amiya_rbehera The tough thing is that anything we make THEY get first or are fastest to implement on larger scales - and can modify it faster too...

So if you make a good hammer, they will make it break other things or even toughen their glass... so many ways to put this but they are also in the loop and can see it coming or implement it make our thing weak if our users are weak (such as a fake example of using googlemail to say what you're going to do or how well it's working)... they get to see things or make it and even road block once anything seems to take flight...
It's a good idea in many ways but

GIVING BETTER TOOL TO WEAK LINKS ALSO ISN'T GOOD (think of number of Mastodon users pumping links and all the adverts with it even if people 'can' block it - we are pumping out millions of links per day for google and admins essentially don't care - well many I've asked...

People don't see it as...
☑️ google vs, us
or as
☑️ Mastodon vs. almost everything else

...even though many MANY principles point that way and so SHOULD end in those freedoms

But if @Gargron still has the position "it's not my place to tell people" or to design suggestions / alternatives (even options along side links) then yes we are also an extension like an advert farm... with excuse "it's not our job / position / place to tell user or simply suggest often to use Lib-redirect or whatever... even if it's not working right now)

Mastodon has to continue somewhat to continue origins while I respect not biting more than you can chew - still the education for user is paramount as WEAK USERS = WEAK EVERYTHING ELSE... which they use are their strength / money income... (there is direct relativity)

Best is sometimes a mix - so not to create more for bad people to use faster but slow careful progress?

“The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.”

- Phillip Fisher

1/ if Einstein wasn't just creating for newer 'Nazi' types? 2/ Why couldn't it be "some mystical score board 

@freemo Not sure of this if ...

1/ upping the ante is how some of the ways of karma is being measured - and if Einstein wasn't just creating for newer 'Nazi' types? (so if we could use the Nazi term a bit loosely - financial being fascistic for example and other "do or start to get hunger and die" ways are quite similar in my mind to bullet in head ultimatums while living value is being diminished across the board all the meanwhile...).

So overall I mean that giving America a super power to defeat another super-power still = a bad super power ...and not much karma control that works longer term.

2/ Why couldn't this be a score board if we could assume God exist (for example playing by themself their own game) or Gods playing fun games together like "Jason and The Argonauts" without us needing to know about it?

Why couldn't it it be "some mystical score board where god will shoot you down with lightening if your being bad." once god or they had enough or wanted to change it up like some big brother hybrid show :)

Creating bad work for ourselves... (the standard way of life when dependent on money so much) 

❓ If you are employed to find problems as a job (like police person or solver) then what happens when there are no problems to solve or much less?...

When people solve things and bad behaviour is trained out or themselves disappear? What of your job and work if constantly there isn't much to do? The job or society doesn't expect or provide for this veru well when everything is tied to needing money as the priority for what in many cases shouldn't be the most important thing individually or as a chain / pyramid...

✅ 1 common :
CREATE yourself 'work' and the problems (made usually from other people who are not doing anything terrible by reclassifying it or re-labelling people).

This is essentially what a lot of 'legal' and 'illegal' is even if it has some reasoning...

Make existing things more problematic even if they were not really a problem... ever!

The priority is MORE to continue to exist, to continue to get money (by almost any means) rather than actually do useful things in life. Basically this is what Governments often do for themselves as a template to stay in power or keep leverage...

To continue 'working' means 'making work / making problems and leaving things 'a bit broken' can continue justification to keep 'working' and the continued dependency etc to exist...

Good people essentially starve and put themselves out of work by solving it so well or by training all others so that everyone can almost to other people's work... needing less 'jobs' overall and more mentality / .

i.e. 'Work' templates often don't expect you to finish things or solve them as a job very gently, or expect that things change and simply may not be needed in the same way all the time but change themself into something else...

Less police officers or creating more problems? can be 'both bad' perhaps as options and bad perspective from the initial way of looking at 'this or that' thing because they are skewed by the need for money MOSTLY (more than real progress or simply 'no progress is needed - take a break! ').

Because the leverage is so hard on people living *on* money - the problems are tied to dependency for one to keep going! We just 'need' to keep digging even though we don't need to and it doesn't matter where we go sometimes/

Humanity (People inside humanity) need to do other things sometimes but are systematically kept doing the same mono-work and blinkered... even though no 1 thing is needed forever or has less and less meaning when repeated so many times in a row.

There is no soft way to allow space and time for people to transition or find other things once there is too many people doing 1 thing and even starting creating bad work... (too many chefs etc)...

What an unnecessary way of doing a lot of things... (too many roads for example but good money in it)

@garyackerman Too many


Creating bad work for ourselves (the standard way of life) 

@garyackerman This reminds me to post a and :

❓ If you are employed to find problems as a job (say police or checker) then what happens when there are no problems to solve?... or when people solve things... or bad behaviour themselves disappear. What of your job and work if constantly there isn't much to do? The job or society doesn't expect or provide for this well when everything is tied to needing money...

✅ 1 common could be:
CREATE yourself the problems as 'work' (usually made from other people who are not doing anything terrible by reclassifying it). Make existing things more problematic basically even if they were not really a problem ever.

The priority is to continue to exist to get money (by almost any means) rather than actually do useful things in life (basically what Governments often do as a template to stay in power or keep leverage)

To continue 'working' means 'making problems and leaving things a bit broken' to continue justification for 'working' / the continued dependency etc to exist...

i.e. 'Work' templates often don't expect you to finish things or solve them as a job very gently, or expect that things change and simply not be needed,.

Less police officers or creating more problems? ('both are bad' perhaps from the initial way of looking at things skewed by the need for money (more than real progress or simply 'no progtress needed'). Because the leverage is so hard on people living *on* money - the problems are tje dependence for one to keep going! We just need to keep digging even though we don't need to and it doesn't matter where we go sometimes/

Humanity (People inside humanity) need to do other things sometimes are systematically kept doing mono-work and blinkered... even though no 1 thing is needed forever or has less and less meaning.

There is no soft way to allow space and time for people to transition or find other things once there is too many people doing 1 thing and even starting creating bad work... (too many chefs etc)...

what an unnecessary way of doing a lot of things... (too many roads for example but good money in it)

too many


@freemo I'm getting notifications for new posts *even though* I have tje options mostly selected to off -
- I did have it on but even after selecting still lots of notifications of new posts...

"Here in Germany, dozens have died in floods, hundreds are missing, thousands have lost their homes. It's devastating. This is the #ClimateCrisis unravelling in one of the richest parts of the world — which for a long time thought it would be “safe”.

No place is “safe” any more."

Most widespread Tweet by Luisa Neubauer, July 2021.
Now also here on #Mastodon, @luisaneubauer.

One of the strongest arguments for right-to-repair (that no one wants to make) is that as the supply chain collapses, maintaining all the technology in our possession becomes exponentially more important. Parts must be interchangeable, accessible, and open for this to really work at all.

State's conflict with anything good and solving things is from the deliberate mess by Government to keep itself employed and busy...... 

A partial quote inspired this post:

"... a "rogue company" - i.e. for siding with workers... "

- by Mark Burton


(for me the quote highlights the State's conflict with anything good or solving the *deliberate* mess or meddling with the *leverage* (power /control /crisis) intended by Government...)

1/ Because there is almost always an unseen attachment to state...

2/ in which doing good is measurably is not in the Government's job definition for itself to do good but give themselves work, take care of themselves first - whoever they are inside it - and profit,

3/ so political division comes from those doing opposite to state's will and program, Things are good for not letting other things progress as better permanent change and even doing less bad work not chosen always as it solves too much.

4/ And therefore state can go after and focus on those very companies or people as it's a direct threat to their program -
which is literally is a program in many senses of the word (like a programming, agenda of extraction ignoring people, damage to land and people in order to conquer it) etc.

Again seems to touch on the whole initial contract or attachment which Government can use to pull up a company or individual the same as it would something not unwanted growing in it's garden of 'bad' / not always trying for good stuff.

People and History [1] Places and people of history that are 'local' to us makes us proud (tangeble connection to past and present roots) [2] Historical tree or timeline of people + events is visually interesting... [3] Named and unnamed people are both needed as as parts of all progress (a lot is unseen, sometimes not respected) 

@markhburton @CarveHerName

3 points just came to me (shortened in CW title of this post)

+ And also maybe it's not obvious to everyone but Pankhurst is named after Emmeline Pankhurst.

More below on the 3 points...

1/ Places and people of history *local* to us makes proud or have tangible connection past and present roots...

I think the places of history *local* to people makes a real difference to connection past and present...

I personally felt something right now seeing that picture and roots which is a bit strange if I'm honest covering many of these types of things - strange because I never really felt that before (or don't remember when last- most places can feel like any other man-made concrete template, but they were often not in a another time, which is really nice to feel, and be proud of people like this and a sense of continuation...

2/ Seeing the historical tree or timeline of people is interesting for us today...

So as a historical "tree" you could see grows as:

Emmeline Pankhurst.
> Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) in Manchester, UK.
> suffragettes / awareness
> women eventually having votes.

3/ Named and unnamed people were part of this progress and both are needed and part of it all to happen...

Important to note there are are many unnamed here (perhaps like people in Fediverse) that are not listed but part of it... but for those that want and can putting your name on the line is 100% also needed...

People don't want to take the high road. Not just car drivers... educated people too... AND jobs force people to keep upping the ante and even creating bad work for themselves to keep them in a 'job' chain.... 

@steadystatemcr @BrentToderian At the end of the day it seems a good combination of:

1/ masses of ignorant people
Who will still win by sheer numbers and the deliberate population increase by Governments paying Child Benefit (how nice of them helping parents grow more to be like their busy irresponsible parents)
It's like the arms race again (but with people again as bullets 🚄 or payers of bullets growing more densely than ever)


2/ people will always pay more (look at all the things you're already paying for)... rather than walk, cycle, electric scooter, train etc)
So while dis-incentivising seems to make sense it's always been the user or average person are just weak, tired, careless - just not responsible adults

3/ to be fair a of conditional dependence (like getting to work on time, without wearing protective gear etc).... is the stress that drives it (pardon the pun)
Teacher, Police, Doctors ALL on strike two years (June I think) what else can they do at the end but go to work or near-suicuide to show the disparity / inequality in simply being alive.

And more points I'm sure...

One of which is you probably won't reply either! i.e. People don't want to talk about it - it's stressful on top and even between us.

Not being funny but as a best case on the educated Fediverse it's happening over and over again here with how people talk to each other, say but don't do, not willing to accept the risky we are by default inside of.

People are the weakest link, same as users on servers... I've asked them why they don't put notices up or what not repel YouTube/Google even more...

The answer is generally people can't accept LESS or more HARD WORK or PEOPLE WORK... and I started not blaming them a since those clever and with more time do little but jabber about it from their luxury / rented homes paying endlessly...

People can't really accept less and maybe there is no other way like sharing house a lot more or doing work somehow to free up someone in the house to do things like Greta... or that talking about it is the loving of each other needed as the underlying way... less bandwidth, less American servers for causes, Less zoom and mainstream data ETC... a big messy chain to ditch almost or go back to basics...

Nothing works, mainstream "Sharing" buttons all but labelled as "snooping" buttons which are sharing with direct opposition or Google / bigtech who spreads it all behind our backs like flight websites that have a different name but share data real-time to push up prices.

No it's 'helping' myself or 'helping' others in using things in the easiest way - one has to tap head and say no don't give them data, because that's worse than doing nothing (like putting some shields up or finding something else totally to do that is not data-mining / not saving your data with them / mapping things and enabling more control long term - and for your kids)

People (not just car drivers) don't want to take the high road, learn every day, do the homework. Even a lot of scholars chasing their career path or designed input output - you think it's all going to be used for good - they twist everything and use it for bad - same as the material world - doesn't matter what you say to those types.

So down we go with the will of those 'guiding us' down even faster... and of course Government is there to incentive that - they are not there to put themselves out of a job- same as everyone else! And this is where I think jobs need to end and not be fixed to one's existence because people create bad work for themselves....


I am so angry over this. No fair trial. No real accusations. Purely political trial. This is an EU country!! Why, WHY is nobody talking about this?! It needs to be all over the damn news!! It’s a grotesque injustice and nobody is standing up to say enough is enough! Denmark must be held accountable!! Please, PLEASE share this. Please see how you can get this out there. The world needs to know this, the world needs to stop this!

#FreePaulWatson #IStandWithWhales

* Building understanding * is in the mind between 2+ humans

NOT just in the physical buildings of companies or wealth.

"People just need their income."

"And I very much doubt the other 91.6% are onboard with his actions."

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QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
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