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Freedom literally means having a Free House

Free House = Free Dom !

In many ways that's what we're aiming for...

regards, FreeSchool.

Wordpress plugins - still easier in some way... unless you're technologically able / willing... and want to heave to new system / way of doing things... 

For example I used someone else's code to make tooltips (mouse hover text in 1 universal list for the whole site!).
Took about 5mins and kind of idiot proof if you can unzip and upload something. I love people that can make components like this. <3

So now I have DRM added as a tooltip across my site (whole site) but I wouldn't know how to do that otherwise... manually and maybe in CSS for one list?

Anyway done! I can move on - solved! Hoorah.

If you want to see the Text Hover plugin in action here so here also about DRM:

DRM = Digital Right Management a kind of media Software-Lock or way of stopping people manipulating files (I've written it better on above links)

Handy for providing explanations of names, terms, phrases, abbreviations, and acronyms.

Anyway this is a shout to the plugin provider I'm using called Text Hover

Thanks to Scott also for his funny / honest URL
(gotta love that honest site name and health risk!)

- still interesting... If you need help *maybe* I have an idiots way for it!

I guess markdown does tooltips...

If you're a techie look away now, oops too late, but there are some thing it can do more, but I static has caught up quite a bit :)

Wordpress it's not the best but simple(r?) so I hope you don't judge me for what back then was the only things that actually had search and other stuff... even if it was long way around and we didn't know about the economics of having a databases and + / -'s of it...
So yes not Wordpress if you're able to do more like a static site and MUCH MORE are self-installed or 1-click like from Linode hosts...

Browser "Do Not Track" signal is unenforceable (they don't have to respect it, we cannot force them)... 

Everyone knows this probably, but slap my face anyway as a reminder (and best to my knowledge).

Would be nice to force them somehow or even better make our own something?... but oh maybe we have that already? But it's not so clear what other than mainstream 'web' from those spiders crawling over us...?

We are what our thoughts have made us... (SHORT MUSIC MESSAGE)... 

What we reimagine and aim for can come to life if we reimagine it often enough so if you keep it mind through all your actions you will get there... and together is even more powerful.
Even to pretend / visualise it is a great thing while awake and just before sleeping.

Not brute forcing it either as the energy is different... usually quite soft...

Lining things up... incrementing...
until the idea almost fruit and ripen itself and people simple arrive on the same plain...

And even if it fails you're even ready the 2nd time!


When the water is polluted and the oxygen / environement is toxic (uncaring)... 

Hey I'm not anti-xyz always... but it is kinda hard when the water is polluted and oxygen is toxic (uncaring)... and energy sucked out of everything...




Ideal life for me is talking to someone and then for them to fit existing things *to me* !,,, 

And then others doing that for others! Really fluid...

Takes time to see what is not hot and what is hot, but after that it can be quite easy as people do what they do best when unleashed!

Well that's a nice sport... Judo... 

Text reads:


Part of the Judo way.

If you have other sports with principles just let me know....

I guess this is quite most of what you'd want in a sport... in whatever you're practising...

Things like ADHD are probably also just a reflection of the system itself being totally uncaring and and then calling something else like ADHD* ! 

*I am using ADHD here so forgive me, could be said differently or using another term (feel free to list others / simplify) but I mean anything related to making it worse for humans in an uncaring or almost non-participatory environment since much of ADHD comes from uncaring environments only to be called 'excessive' wanting that afterwards or the need for participation in life (slap my face if that is a medical condition).

Any environment that just uses people for labour mostly, isn't interested in what you think and brute forces hours for arbitrary numbers and questionable work more than collective change, isn't great.
If a system doesn't educate about health and doesn't alleviate pain of population / civilisation AND instead of profits from it (encourages pain) then ends up compounding at lot of problems (often knowingly if not after year 1 then year 10!) calling other things name from that cold default as a 'medical condition' when I think is crazy itself!

I also see this really similar to USA calling other people terrorists...

It's totally wrong to give leaving bad water in a fish tank (not caring) and saying the fish have XYZD and ABC mental condition from the bad water / not enough oxygen - I think that logic is nuts or just plain evil for profit yeah maybe that's it! Just have to call it evil sometimes.

Being nuts medically would not be my current diagnosis, much because people know what they are doing and turn a blind eye / don't aim to fix it ever. There are softer forms like 'for my children' or 'because I have to eat' but if the tree is leaning so far and continuing then that also has to be seen as not the answer to further lean the tree.

So what is the answer
1- definitely something closer to nature (towards teh roots of the tree rather than branching too far out)
2- If it's a human problem then schooling humans a bit more (hence the name FreeSchool)
(so a combination of the above, and in the affinity you like, just not far away from nature and more 'intensive' people contact compared to the isolation today)

Today more measured deliberate imbalanced is where I see the modern day starting from:
1-startingfrom wrong 'defaults'
2- people assuming system (mentality and methodology of money) is ok or good at measuring people since those bank type of people are pure evil
3- devaluing people as a device to manipulate people is not great
(slap my face according to how many you don't believe it)

Environments have changed so much and many more new techniques and cold calculations are evolving - all to be less human of course and more 'efficient'- so that this itself if it's true (maybe it's not true for you as scientist but you're just 1 person in a virtual corporate container, sorry).

These new normals are a condition itself which I don't know what to call ! Help ! !

I don't think I have a disorder more than all this other existing stuff leaning the wrong way and not straight at all!)

I reserve the right to change this / make it better.

I think all of us have disorders from the start and then it varies in strength and even helps make things worse medical or not.

I see people as a kind of growing-like material, similar to growing plants but with extra abilities (not yet unlocked).... 

and depending on what level or cycle you wish to grow this for me is a like a catch all education even during specialisation or personal preferences.

I see humans at the top and cause of many things but also specialising in between this kind of top-down also is needed. Just not everyone in tech or 1 field even though machine look like they word, ultimately the planet is the real economy which tech digs out fast to provide it!.

Slightly off tangent at the end, just more growing of people / mind / soul really is perhaps underrated and well if you're not sure then I'll be happy to show you what I think in a measurable manner (it's not all airy fairy light-headed utopia up in here!)

[ahem] Anything about this I'm happy to hear or even see the direction where you're also heading... and speculate a bit as you can cross-over or cross-pollinate any field with 2+ humans in it !

🇬🇧 🚨 The EU Parliament proposed today an anti-democratic 3.5% minimum threshold for European elections, which would have invalidated 3.1 million German votes in the 2019 EP elections and redistributed the seats of smaller parties to the establishment.

If unlimited supply is there, you tend to take it... Example: Until you have little water you're not going to re-use water many times... are you? 

So a small note that human nature is like this ---> wait until water runs out ---> and then start to re-use from lack of choice.
Moral of story is we as human need to force ourselves to re-use and use buckets in the sink or water bigger containers after.

If someone else provides infinite pipe of xyz / net / etc then we misuse it / don't keep focus (arguably the planet is the real economy of life which helps all other things and todays toys)

So the truth is also human nature CAN force itself to reuse the water. Certainly I am every day
(it's a big silent win).

Even when I was living lavish I was still reusing my big bath water for weeks dishes or my football boots or plan it a bit...
I don't use much detergents so this helps too.
Even without bath water just a bucket is a start
Clean veg in water, then turn it into all the colours, grey, orange, brown until really you have to throw the water... and even that is calculated onto some plants or strategic splashing somewhere!

The planet is important, people just use water and it goes down the pipe... and they get charged for it.

What a waste of water,..

Water Related & Water Random here:

Talking from the I perspective seems to help most in a crazy world... 

and infinitely without over-doing it just saying ...

"from what I've experienced..."
"just from what I've observed..."

+ some measurements

BUT if you didn't measure it yourself personally THEN it's at big risk of being someone else's poor measurement (or valuation or interpretation)
So if I just copy the news or what is often just twisted TV / Media land / poor sources and stuff parroted by parrots we become puppets (not a bad play on words!)

So while some things may be true or in part are true lose ALMOST ALL lose context and reality fast).

If you can live and say what you see... THAT goes a long way to real evidence because you were there as 1st person experience...

The rest in the world, well it's starting to go to lala-land / crazy interpretation, 1984, de-valuating de-valuations and even perpetuation by you (sorry but those I've contacted and like my honesty you're swallowing also the google pill in order to save people while licking the cream)

Summary / Alternative Summary
- Stats and number are not just a number any more. It's much more as an attribute.
- And even though your eyes can literally deceive you (I can attest to that where I've double checked and just look like xyz) it's STILL the most realest in this crazy / virtual media world / virtualised mediums while good not to fall into it but be ware...

Music Related: Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity (Official Video 4mins)

Hard to by-pass feelings after your start to feel offended or feel threatened.... 

Logic starts to fail if you're not conscious that your feelings are starting to take over!...

(see if you can catch it next time, the feeling that grabs you and won't let you go! So hard!)

So someone's profile or some terminology you might not like will start some feelings but there might be 100 good things after that which is hard to see right now! It shows you care when your mind or heart has already gone off somewhere!

I just got that feeling so I'm registering it here. I think people can do that together live too and make reactions software by announcing it a bit more!

Easy to say but not easy when it happens to you (my best keyword example today is cryptography, google, facebook etc) but people always deserve a balanced approach with these new people (and inevitably new feelings which can be a good thing and exploration).

Needs more intelligence or tactile ways to ask people more without offending others and without further inflaming your own potential offence too!


BUT we can do it just stick with each other a bit more!... and even mention and move on to something most positive and re-visit it later (it's easy to stick to the bad or over-focus on it - so catch that and move on, come back to it later!)

Ok I have to take my own advice now!

It's not fair and it's often illogical and even ilegal-legal b ut ok for them to do it! 

If you think life is fair then I'm very angry with you lol!


ok come back here's some info instead...

Below helps show the unfairness a bit more (call it a bit of relaxed finger-pointing to a few American companys)

1/ who trade-marked the term Bake-Off

2/ Use of the word "Mc" before the word "coffee" (even though McDonald's didn't have any cofee -related thing for a long time and someone else used it first!... like for a decade or more because her 2nd name started with Mc!!
So McD's adds McCafe later and sues someone else for something similar they had before!)...

Video about it (short) and maybe I missed all of the details in reality but sure helps point fingers and feel good about it!

and a comment there says:

" I've always hated American trademark law. An example that's similar to this ridiculous Pillsbury one is of a place that used to be called "McCoffee". It was -- you guessed it -- a coffee shop (cafe). The woman who owned it named the shop as a homophone of her own name, McCaughey. After being in business for 17 years, she was sued by McDonald's because of her use of "Mc" before the word "coffee". McDonalds had no "McCoffee" product, but they decided to create a "McCafe" product, so they apparently felt justified in shutting down anyone/anything that was even remotely similar, regardless of the space that person/product was in. McCaughey didn't use the famous arches in her logo, and she didn't sell fast food. But the corporate slimebags just had to ** up her business.

This is one of countless examples where corporate lawyers justify their existence based on laws that fly in the face of common sense. No human being with working brain cells would've seen her small cafe and thought, "Oh, I must be able to get a McDonald's McCafe here!" It's just corporate America blinded by irrational greed. "

Hi everyone- one of our admins @arteteco **has not been active since 3 months.** If you're asking him question- I suggest not to... 

I was asked to ask arteteco to get my nextcloud activated here and realised after 2 months of no reply that he's not responsive / not there. So if you're waiting on that admin it's not looking good for a reply...

Things like this are perhaps small but does save time to say it to people / announce it even when annoying people (those who remember) tell you 'He's not been active for 2+months' and 'why are you sending me to him when he's not using responding?'
I wanted to get NextCloud account and if you too are trying then right now maybe it's not possible.

Any other feedback let me know if you're waiting for stuff or not being answered.


a) Don't message @arteteco -
Use @freemo @Sphinx @khird for admin work
Maybe NextCloud or other accounts right now... not sure

b) Something isn't right with people that don't answer repeated asking of things but are totally friendly or efficient in what they do want to answer and are responsive, but still leave things outstanding and to add up. I think I never liked this even if it's a modern normal it's hard for me to accept as even a basic service level depends on it.

I reserve the right to change this a bit and also to say it's not end of world but for me this is a common thing about comms to remember stuff and admins to treat it as their mission too...
selective answering is not really an accident from clever people, so I do wonder sometimes "why didn't freemo answer that, I wrote him 2+times about it"

I literally have had to remind over and over and a list had built up / which can make me look demanding... but yes it's been made known so no big thing but important to know.
JUST KNOW if you let things slip people don't just go away and will even remember their own list of asks! and even add to it!
Progress is there to be made... and it's with good people here I think which hopefully more can help out with. That's my feedback.

Freemo wanted to chat and then it just wasn't mentioned when we would do that. I have to let it go but it's like how much do you value what a person says if they are going to do that often (say something and then 'oh no sorry but I forgot or didn't have time for weeks'.

It is hard work )if really community is an active one because it's test 2-way comms and daily life... it's not just machine account maintenance, distance stuff etc)... which maybe admins don't calculate or even test their patience but it's their own miscalculation too... people not just machines!

Future work i(f really things are going to be community and not just 'user') means we will have to figure a way. And by no means is it bad here... just saying we are pushing another kind of tech (ourselves?)

I wouldn't want to be admin either (lol),,,
but maybe to help I could be moderator (audio talks - people taking turns making points), keeping time, note taker, secretary or 'a not-forgetter' and 'frisbee-chaser' or something like that! Give me your work ! Examples here:

Anything I can play role in like that I think will make things better ( add more work but it's the right work because it's between the people). So I'm happy to take feedback from people... peer-to-peer as well as the mostly 1-way blogging I'm honestly reading less now as it's kind of entertainment also! - so to really convert this from freespace to being something more than just news... we need direct comms...

Get in (direct) contact...

Primitive technology for the way!

and peaceful watching....

Build your own here!

If freedom has a price to pay, decide what level you want to pay, then plan to quit the game earlier or by waiting until the time / alignments are right. But don't wait too long especially if you know what's worth the exchange(s)...

'Cheat' the man-made game by choosing the exchange, since the game is to rape you / rake in the money over time passing which it usually does well. What's the meaning for you...
That's my advice to you - to make plans at least and be ready almost anytime.

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