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System of Love (2024 Edition)... is what I'm developing - as a people system more like Chat Roulette than just strangers with info / parroting news. Measurable practice of these = love and care between people... (picture & text version below)... 




So Love is also a system...

Also opposed to any uncaring system which you can imagine loses out on our potential to love things and appreciate people more systematically.

Community caring about itself can also be a system of love (it's without sex etc)...

A better method for humans is love or loving way (it's needed for humans to be healthy and taken care of by others (not just parents either)... to grow themselves and others equally fast in a fast-changing world... )

Capitalist systems (and the uncaring people with it) I think know that cutting these words and meanings leaves only the bad things and therefore the bad games to play. Those things in turn favour the bad and supply uncaring people wealth... (imagine what a casino is and being inside that model for most of your 'life')

VOCABULARY / DEFINITIONS ==================
Measurable -
- able to be measured (adjective) regularly/with constant frequency)

- actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory) (noun)
(to bring into practice)
To grow stronger.

- Being clear, even if something is unclear
- Actively looking not to cheat or be deceptive
- Reliable
- Without much pre-tension
- Truth (within whatever level or sphere)

- close attention
- concern or responsibility for others

- expression specifically
- articulation / sharpness of speech

- to pay attention to a person or sound
- to listen to someone until that person has finished

- Affection for another / others (humanity for example)
- Positive affirmation, constructiveness, or influence for the better; favourable)
- The relationship resulting from affiliating one thing with another
- Association - a connection to or an affiliation with something

events of which one is cognizant (understanding / showing knowledge for / realising)
- Experience of activity which one has performed

- Affable, friendly, courteous, sociable
- Caring for others

- inquisitiveness, the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore

- deep awareness of the suffering of another (the human condition perhaps being suffering naturally somewhat for everyone)

- Image-making power of the mind

- Dependable Person
- Someone who Remembers
- Regular or Accurate

- Treatment of disease or discomfort
- Psychological study to help understand
- Counsel or Counselling, advice
- Studying the nature of being and existence (Ontology)

- Quality of being transparent, clear, detailed
- Revealing sensitive information

- Expression or feeling of certainty
- Self-assurance / Self-Belief

- Religiously committed to the practice of religion
- Committed to something or someone
- A pledge or binding
- To e able to compromise, expose, or endanger in exchange for achieving something (perhaps higher in aim or moral / physical value)

- any great emotion
- in religion - suffering of Jesus
- study of God, or a god, or gods (theology)

- respect (tolerance)
- to have regard for the rights of others
- self-respect, knowledge of one's own worth
- admiration for a person as a being or for what they have done
- to honour someone or something, showing 'respect'
- to bow (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference)
- to praise, be grateful

- To a moderate degree or level
- Moderation of people or activity

- quality of being sincere, honest, truthful
- Sometimes humourless or uncluttered in expression or action
- having a strong feeling

- method of human thought or steps
- theory (in logic: a set of axioms and all statements derivable from them)

- Experiment in thought
- Practice of actual operation
- 'Experiment' in contrast to theory or thought

- As Evangelism, An account of the life, death, resurrection, and teachings of someone like Jesus in the Gospel According to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
- Instruction and activity that impart knowledge and skill
- Profession
- Lessons (as event or past experiences learned)

- To value highly
- To be grateful or thankful for something
- Having adoration, appreciation to someone or something
- Finance, increase in value

- Health, safety, well-being, happiness and prosperity
- Humanitarian concern, concern with people's welfare
- Human organised care (human beings as a group being cared for by others)

- Removal of discomfort or stress
- Catharsis (a therapeutic technique to relieve tension)
- Assistance, to Assist someone and help
- Organised aid, people who assists or help someone or a group

- Patience
- Forgiving, delaying strong reaction
- Tolerant

- ability to tolerate, a skill
- lighter disposition
- in religion, official recognition of the right of individuals to hold dissenting opinions (especially in religion)

- Consciousness state or feeling
- Consideration for environment or people around
- Knowledge

- receptive to new things
- intimacy, feeling of closeness and openness towards someone else or group

- Action of balancing thoughts in the mind
- Rational, the ability - capable of using reason guiding by intellect

- quality of of having many different things
- human quality of having many different people in a population or culture
- a variety of changeable things, like tools
- biodiversity, diversity of flora and fauna

- A coming together or meeting of people
- Merging flow together or fusing of similar or different elements into a union
- Flowing liquid (flowing freely like water (fluid) not solid and not gaseous), or "flowing together" used as a metaphor, simile.
- Mix (stir two or more substances together)

- enjoy oneself, or time together
- to make enjoyment or amusement of others
- to play

- being kind as an act to someone
- showing of emotional intelligence or being considerate to another person or being

- Able to giving time
- An ability or quality of a person
- Not losing one's temper while waiting

- personal view of the world
- process or perspective of going to a more interconnected world, within existing 'globalisation' for example
- commercial globalisation (process of making world economy dominated by capitalist models)
- unity (the feeling or being as one or undivided)
- friendship, friendly relationship with the world
- As a perspective of religion, a system of beliefs dealing (perhaps concerned with soul, deity and/or life after death)

- to balance and counterbalance
- to equilibrate; to bring into equilibrium)
■ Finance, the difference between credit and debit of an account (perhaps something that can never be balanced as there can not be enough money as there is debt (debt is always much more)
- Allowing even unequal things to work in a way allowing both to happen or do their own thing uniquely
- mental balance, stability or ability to be free from psychological disorder
- Calm, serene outlook or disposition

- Understanding, familiarity with information, more surely as fact or accurate information
- Personal experience
- Mental effort or study
- Knowledgebase or Pool of information (books or digital content a certain field, for example)

- Quality of confidence in your own character and actions
- Comparably more gutsy, ignoring / by-passing of fear to do something,
- daring, more inviting of risk than the personal kind of courage
- having direction (indication of moving nearer to one's goals - and also accepting more failures naturally from trying higher things)

- Capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner
- Orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts
-. In physics, waves having a constant phase relation
- People sticking together

- Kind disposition towards others
- Good-natured expression or action towards others
- Encouraging the forces of good than bad
- Showing friendliness, warmth, acceptance
- Peaceful or well-meaning
- Person who sacrifices their own time or something for others.

- state or feeling of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction
- Mind, as health and balance psychologically
- Body, physical structure or fitness of a human or animal
- Level of quality of a person or object as judged by another person or a group

Healthy Community
- Interactions between people that are appreciated by both individual and community
- A group of individual people sharing a common understanding or conscious effort between each other
- Expressively declared feeling of goodwill-to-all generally or as specific activity towards more of the same good things or what is liked between that community
- Specifically declared intentions or more ambiguous "time will tell" belief that good will overall give good eventually somehow without needing to quantify or lock in it's definition or naming of it

- Process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgement to others
- Self-study (study, not always with aid of a formal education institution), Self-directed learning

- Fulfilment of a need or desire
- As appetite and/or greed at the same time (you have enough by psychologically you think you want/need more)
- Compensation for a wrong done by someone else
- (Law) the payment of a debt or fulfilment of an obligation

- To live, survive, persevere
- To repeat behaviour
- Determination, power of the mind and body

- Unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy
- Psychological or material support
- To solidify (to become solid)

- Act of reflecting in one's self and own feelings
- Careful thought or consideration (yours and/or others)

- Understanding other people's position
- Accepting how others feel
- Giving sympathy to another person
- Emotional Intelligence during conversation

- Free from anger and anxiety
- A manner without raised voice or extremes
- Peaceful (almost motionless)
- Relaxing or the state of being relaxed

- showing regard or gesture for others
- affable (friendly, courteous, sociable)

- Easily convinced by others, 'bent' into shape (requests of others) without breaking
- being manipulated with without big effort by others

- to know or grasp a subject
- to be aware of the meanings
- requiring others to stand under your authority or judgement(s)

- activities as games or small incentives
- Sport, mind and/or body
- Variation within existing things that can be done without gamifying them
- To play and have fun

- As a message or messenger to others
- (In religion) Angel or message from a medium that is less-human as original source

- Repetitive acts (mind and/or body)
- Determination
- Giving / output from something to something else

- To travel for the purpose of discovery (Mind and/or Body)
- A careful systematic search
- A systematic consideration of a topic, subject, object, area etc

Vocabulary Credits/ Source:
@freeschool and


Once humans can learn / share / practice and play together better or just without hate / jealousy etc - then these techniques, sentiments of care as vocabulary will help us as long as we live!

If we think Capitalism is the only thing to play / develop, then more surely it will be.

Alternative Universe, Love on the Fediverse.


System of Love... is what I'm developing - as a people system more like Chat Roulette than just strangers with info / parroting news. Measurable practice of these = love and care between people... (picture & text version below)


■ debt (action, state of mind, or object one has an obligation to perform for another) (noun)
■ debt (money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another) (noun)

System of Love (2024 Edition)
ℹ️ Add translated words in your 🗨️ language of choice if you want! 💬 .

Rewriting the garden in Rust. It's heavy, fiddly, time-consuming, but most importantly a great joy.

System of Love... I'm developing systems between people for more care and interaction - more towards Chat Roulette than just strangers with parroting info / news without much self-direction / lacking involvment by others. Measurable practice of love and care (as components) between people... (picture & text version below) 




System of Love... is what I'm developing - as a people system more like Chat Roulette than just strangers with info / parroting news. Measurable practice of these = love and care between people... (picture & text version below)

So Love is also a system... Community also... and a better method for humans... it's needed for a human to be healthy and taken care of... Capitalist systems (and uncaring people) I think know that and cut it out to leave only bad games to play...

(once humans can learn / share / practice and play -these techniques and sentiments below as vocabulary will help us endlessly!).

-------------- VOCABULARY BELOW -------------

Measurable -
- able to be measured (adjective) regularly/with constant frequency)

- actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory) (noun)
(to bring into practice)
To grow stronger.

- quality of being honest

- close attention
- concern or responsibility for others

- expression specifically
- articulation / sharpness of speech

- to pay attention to a sound
- to listen to someone until that person has finished

- Affection for another / others (humanity for example)
- Positive affirmation, constructiveness, or influence for the better; favourable)
- The relationship resulting from affiliating one thing with another
- Association - a connection to or an affiliation with something

events of which one is cognizant (understanding / showing knowledge for / realising)
- Experience of activity which one has performed

- Affable, friendly, courteous, sociable
- Caring for others

- inquisitiveness, the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore

- deep awareness of the suffering of another (the human condition perhaps being suffering naturally somewhat for everyone)

- Image-making power of the mind

- Dependable Person
- Someone who Remembers
- Regular or Accurate

- Treatment of disease or discomfort
- Psychological study to help understand
- Counsel or Counselling, advice
- Studying the nature of being and existence (Ontology)

- Quality of being transparent, clear, detailed
- Revealing sensitive information

- Expression or feeling of certainty
- Self-assurance / Self-Belief

- Religiously committed to the practice of religion
- Committed to something or someone
- A pledge or binding
- To e able to compromise, expose, or endanger in exchange for achieving something (perhaps higher in aim or moral / physical value)

- any great emotion
- in religion - suffering of Jesus
- study of God, or a god, or gods (theology)

- respect (tolerance)
- to have regard for the rights of others
- self-respect, knowledge of one's own worth
- admiration for a person as a being or for what they have done
- to honour someone or something, showing 'respect'
- to bow (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference)
- to praise, be grateful

- To a moderate degree or level
- Moderation of people or activity

- quality of being sincere, honest, truthful
- Sometimes humourless or uncluttered in expression or action
- having a strong feeling

- method of human thought or steps
- theory (in logic: a set of axioms and all statements derivable from them)

- Experiment in thought
- Practice of actual operation
- 'Experiment' in contrast to theory or thought

- As Evangelism, An account of the life, death, resurrection, and teachings of someone like Jesus in the Gospel According to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
- Instruction and activity that impart knowledge and skill
- Profession
- Lessons (as event or past experiences learned)

- To value highly
- To be grateful or thankful for something
- Having adoration, appreciation to someone or something
- Finance, increase in value

- Health, safety, well-being, happiness and prosperity
- Humanitarian concern, concern with people's welfare
- Human organised care (human beings as a group being cared for by others)

- Removal of discomfort or stress
- Catharsis (a therapeutic technique to relieve tension)
- Assistance, to Assist someone and help
- Organised aid, people who assists or help someone or a group

- Patience
- Forgiving, delaying strong reaction
- Tolerant

- ability to tolerate, a skill
- lighter disposition
- in religion, official recognition of the right of individuals to hold dissenting opinions (especially in religion)

vědomí {n} awareness (the state of consciousness) (noun)
informovanost {{cs-noun|g=f}} awareness

- receptive to new things
- intimacy, feeling of closeness and openness towards someone else or group

- Action of balancing thoughts in the mind
- Rational, the ability - capable of using reason guiding by intellect

- quality of of having many different things
- human quality of having many different people in a population or culture
- a variety of changeable things, like tools
- biodiversity, diversity of flora and fauna

- A coming together or meeting of people
- Merging flow together or fusing of similar or different elements into a union
- Flowing liquid (flowing freely like water (fluid) not solid and not gaseous), or "flowing together" used as a metaphor, simile.
- Mix (stir two or more substances together)

- enjoy oneself, or time together
- to make enjoyment or amusement of others
- to play

- being kind as an act to someone
- showing of emotional intelligence or being considerate to another person or being

- Able to giving time
- An ability or quality of a person
- Not losing one's temper while waiting

světový názor {m}, světonázor {m} worldview (personal view of the world) (noun)
globalizace {f} globalisation (process of going to a more interconnected world) (noun)
■NOT globalizace {f} globalisation (process of making world economy dominated by capitalist models) (noun)
♡ jednota {f} unity (the state of being one or undivided) (noun)
♡ přátelství {n} friendship ((countable) friendly relationship) (noun)
♡náboženství {n} religion (system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death) (noun/)

vyvážit / to balance, to counterbalance, to equilibrate (to bring into equilibrium)
■ zůstatek {{cs-noun|g=m}} balance (the difference between credit and debit of an account) can never be balanced / not enough money / letadlo
vyvážený, rovnovážný, vybalancovaný well-balanced (properly balanced; in equilibrium) (adjective)
vyrovnaný well-balanced (mentally stable and free from psychological disorder) (adjective)
vyrovnaný {cs-adj} Calm, serene, well-balanced.
■vrub {{cs-noun|g=m}} | Poplatek byl připsán na váš vrub. | {finance} credit | The fee was charged to the credit [of your account].
■dluh {m} debt (action, state of mind, or object one has an obligation to perform for another) (noun)
■dluh {m} debt (money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another) (noun)

znalost {f}, vědění {n} knowledge (fact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information) (noun)
studium {n} study (mental effort to acquire knowledge) (noun)
totožnost {f}, identita {f} identity (knowledge of who one is) (noun)

odvaha {f}, kuráž {f} courage (quality of a confident character) (noun)
kurážný gutsy (marked by courage) (adjective)
odvážný {m} courageous (of an action, that requires courage) (adjective)
odvážný {m}, smělý {m}, troufalý {m} bold (courageous, daring) (adjective)
směr {m} direction (indication of the point toward which an object is moving) (noun)

soudržnost {f} coherence (quality of cohering; of being coherent) (noun)
souvislý {m}, ucelený coherent (orderly, logical and consistent) (adjective)

dobrácký good-natured (of or pertaining to a perpetual kind disposition) (adjective)
dobro {n} good (the forces of good) (noun)
dobro {n} good (good result) (noun)
přátelský amicable goodwill (showing friendliness or goodwill) (warm, approachable)
slušný {m} decent (fair; good enough; okay) (adjective)
sebezapření {n} self-denial (action that sacrifices one's own benefit for the good of others) (noun)

zdraví {n} health (state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction) (noun)
○ psychologický {m} psychological (of or pertaining to psychology) (adjective)
léčba {f}, lék {m} cure (a method, device or medication that restores good health) (noun)
tělo {n} body (physical structure of a human or animal) (noun)
fit {{cs-adj|g=}} fit, healthy

Healthy Community
společenství {n}, komunita {f} community (group of people sharing a common understanding) (noun)
vnímání {n} perception (conscious understanding of something) (noun)

vzdělávání {n} education (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment) (noun)
samostudium {n} self-study (study without the aid of a formal education institution) (noun)
samouctví {n} autodidacticism (self-education; self-directed learning) (noun)

spokojenost {n} satisfaction (fulfillment of a need or desire) (noun)
naplnění {{cs-noun|g=n}} fulfillment (satisfaction)

vytrvalý {cs-adj} perseverant
žít live (survive, persevere) (verb)

solidarita {f} solidarity (unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy) (noun)
solidarita {f} solidarity (psychological or material support) (noun)26
tuhnout {{cs-verb|a=i}} {intransitive} to solidify (to become solid)

odraz {{cs-noun|g=m}} reflection (act of reflecting)
úvaha {f}, reflexe {f} reflection (careful thought or consideration) (noun)

vcítění {{cs-noun|g=n}} empathy
pochopení {n}, porozumění {n} understanding (Sympathy) (noun)

klidný {m} calm (free from anger and anxiety) (adjective)
klidně calmly (in a calm manner) (adverb)
klid {m}calm (condition of being unworried and free from anger) (noun)
klidný peaceful (motionless and calm; placid) (adjective)
uvolnění {n} relaxation (act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed) (noun)

zdvořilý, slušný courteous (showing regard for others) (adjective)
vlídný {m}, přívětivý {m} affable (friendly, courteous, sociable) (adjective)

ohebný {m} flexible (easily bent without breaking) (adjective)
ohebnost {f} flexibility (quality of being flexible) (noun)

pochopit grasp (to understand) (verb)
znát know (understand (a subject)) (verb)
rozumět understand (to be aware of the meaning of) (verb)
těžký {m}, obtížný {m} hard (requiring a lot of effort to do or understand) (adjective)

aktivně {{cs-adv|aktivněji|nejaktivněji}} actively
Variace Variation
Hrát si - play and have fun

Posel (messenger)
Anděl (angel)

Dát giving

Ohebný (flexible)
Pochopit (to grasp)
Vcítění (empathy)


Sunspot continues to grow - now 15 times the size of our planet and continues to grow... 

AR3664 has already become so gigantic that it can be seen from Earth even without special equipment, using only dark glasses to observe the solar eclipse.

Sunspot AR3664 continues to grow - now to 15 times the size of our planet and continues to grow - NASA is observing....

ℹ️ Powerful bursts of energy into space can reach Earth and cause widespread power outages, interfere with radio communications and navigation signals, disable satellites and cause an enhanced phenomenon of the northern lights.

Community needed for things to happen... 

Community is needed for things to happens - think of how much family life is broken and time spent inside the system and not really on each other...

needed for things to happen...

Alone. nothing much happens to change the world... Together everything is possible -

but not enough people doing things alone-but-together...?

needed for things to happens

Practice makes perfect... (while growing the imperfect humans)

& ...

Friendship experiences: Real friends stick to almost the end! 

Real friends stick to almost the end!...

(or at least to the end of your introduction speech or text - not judging too early!)


2 similar people can be similar enough that they as polar magnets together - which can repel each other rather than attract (unfortunately but it's also because the negatives can be see on first look than the positives).

So when really me and you might be potential "best friends" from the start (because we are loyal to the same things...) but we trip on some specific defensiveness which means you break up with them early (I already know friendships have this so I never break with people early any more).

If you're going to have friendship, you're going to have troubles - and real friends stick to almost the end! (at least don't run away the first time they think you're acting funny)

A new person - Artist, designer, pianist, animation. Creative things... 

Hi discovering a new person at the moment, some comments as example below

(consider this 'on first look' and 'only 60mins looking at stuff and then writing about it' but could useful!)

Fediverse: @sketchee
YouTube: (without adverts)

█A lot of sites on first look from above... but as I write getting ok with that and maybe just choosing 1. Good you're on Mastodon as I can put you on notifications and occasionally check your stuff

█ But it's mostly about working with each other I think to keep in touch so let's try that and ping pong after having a look
(My stuff here boost any you really like)
█Noticed you disabled copy and paste (I think) so hard to paste you small bits to say I .ike them so will skip that feedback a bit and just say if disabled enable that if you have done!

█ About the page "Daily Logging: How and Why I Track My Habits and Goals—and how you can too!"

Good page- the whole thing is writing each bit down, which is good on the train and down-time like that but for most not travelling it's "an extra-thing to do" and tests memory a bit... which is why people take pics but then also forget them or leave them as pics only (don't even rename them). Anyway good page, just hard to sit and write it all at the end or after each task.

►"It's ok to catch up" I guess is fine but will lose the daily detail for each day.

▲(which is another challenge, how much detail / how is it I am capturing this? (hard question for each person)

╬ I like you're not using Google etc

►most people don't care or can't care (time and don't use their time on others to snowball something good or appreciate) so you could be amazing but I would ask "Why would I look at your list or even my own more than once or twice ever?"

► I like using paper but also ends up everywhere / not on one pad, multiple text... so end up having to do half days catchup from computer text or a box I almost throw paper in now

► Getting Things Done (GTD) as a phrase is good, maybe as a big poster list or re-using back of a supermarket poster!

► lol not sure now of writing more (hard day working outside and typing away now and aware of it!)

► Would be good as a short version or summary also at the start as I see you also write long which I'm a fan of! Short and long for the way!

On that note FIN!

(for now) 🙂

, , , things...

US pulling the strings everywhere? [#war and #control] 

and even for different countries...

"!if the US and other allies had not stood alongside Israel we would have seen a different outcome." (to the Iran attack on Israel attacks or other reasons)


“The fact that Israel had to rely on a coalition contains a message: that you can’t imagine it’s always going to be like that."

Source: A newspaper article online, don't want to give advert to it - so here's just the text!!


Voices against #genocide are being suppressed in #Germany and across #Europe, using both police brutality and legal means. Help us fight against this state #totalitarianism.

Hi, if you can please donate for this campaign. It is important.

#law #Greece #Italy #DiEM25

‼️EU Backs Plan to Tap Profits From Russian Assets to Aid Ukraine‼️

European Union member states have tentatively approved a plan to use the profits generated by Russian sovereign assets frozen in the bloc to support Ukraine’s recovery and military defense.

Under the plan agreed to by EU ambassadors on Wednesday, most of the proceeds generated from Feb. 15 onwards would be transferred to the European Peace Facility, a mechanism that reimburses weapons supplied to Kyiv, and to the EU budget’s Ukraine facility.

- Bloomberg

finally allowing Low Quality options available again. Duh, save money and energy!

Low res / Low Bandwidth... Saves the planet. And if often not needed 720p HQ defaults - so stupid... (developer and user) and seems they might have implemented remembering the last settings instead of defaulting back to HQ/HD!

Actually that remembering might just be the Invidious version of YouTube (e.g.

HD = Headache unless really *needed*

LQ = Less-data Quality !

Fix the users and their incorrect perspectives, help fix the world ! 

Fix the users and their incorrect perspectives, help fix the world !

🔧 🛠️

? is when ...

Sometimes accepting we are the weak link...

Computers we did enough of...

"Computers are overrated, people are underrated." 

"Computers are overrated, people are underrated."

- @philip

My kind of quote but who is listening to us if I may group myself as try mostly / only to grow people AND THEN maybe computing... (NOT THE OTHER WAY and growing as priority #100 on the list)

"growing computing only"
vs "actually growing people as priority" ?

Anyone else have this perspective?

Your own instance on The ?


+ ❓ If anyone can help me setup my own instance or has their own personal instance to setup my own account (temporarily to move my posts / outbox.json file) then let me know... and boost please! :boost: 🚀

( because *you can't import Mastodon anywhere publicly!!*... but only to a self-owned instance or similar! )

but can't

Show older
Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.