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@tripu A house pet has a better life than many people, but it will never be as free.

The freedom and rights of women are psychologically diminished by the society that cherishes them as objects of intrinsic value (to bare children) and purpose (to raise children). Many women are led to believe that they can have no greater value or purpose.

They are given rights to children to fulfill their intrinsic purpose.

Sexual assault of women is considered worse than other types of assault, because it harms their intrinsic value. In general loss of life or health of a woman is considered worse that of a man for the same reason (still not as bad as sexual assault, cause to justify ourselves we turned the object of a woman into a religion).

Defeat this culture, and all your men issues, which are consequences of objectification of women, will largely go away.

Nobody calling themselves a feminist and in possession of basic logic would argue that any of this is good and how things should be. It’s like you met some delusional fanatic, and decided that the only way to counteract them is to accept the premise and the approach and be just as zealous except in the opposite direction.

@kreyren so you didn't mean it as a provocation and excuse for a clash, instead ukraine should show that they are indeed crazy extrimists, and that rf was right to invade, and that nato and rf should team up to royally fuck em up?

que "noooo, the benevolent nato soldiers do not cause harm when they invade, they only bring peace and prosperity wherever they go, every country should wish nato invaded them"

@kreyren oh yes and for the purposes of defending against the loosing side, NATO will absolutely have to invade ukraine, clash with russians, and ensure that absolutely nothing is left of the country in the aftermath, and sure as hell not any hope of any form of autonomy. Will you ever stop spamming the timeline with your weird fetishes?

@kreyren the one thing you do not possess - common sense. The only thing the people want is for the war to stop asap, while the only thing you seem to want is for their country go up in smoke, while you pleasure yourself watching russian soldiers die.


> i don't accept being a joke i agree that everyone should be well educated to understand the basics of programming

I take it context never matters for you?
OP: I do not enjoy programming
you: impossible
me: everyone should be a programmer then?
you: no everyone should be capable of learning basic toy level of programming, and that's what makes it impossible for the OP to not enjoy it. I'm not a joke.

> Compared to writting/saying it which will take ~2 sec on average

OT: programming languages are tedious to learn and use
you: it's same as English except more efficient
me: are you sane?
you: I'm sorry allow me to clarify, what I meant is that processors are fast... that is after you have learnt and used the language, and written the program, some programs may run in shorter time then it would take you to describe what they do in english (and in whatever programming language btw). This has nothing to do with the post I was replying to. I continue to not be a joke.

> Took me 23 hours to learn rust

I'm also glad to see you admit that you have not read or written anything of substance in that language.

> bcs of a liability lawsuit,

"oh no, I have to be accountable for things I try to market, how terrible!"

> Free Software is by design more robust and functional in comparison to proprietary

"our crap is better than their crap, therefore it's not crap"

> uptime guarantees for uptime or be liable for downtime damages

"the system is not going to explode in flames... that's all we can guarantee... and btw we will do this by implementing several layers of redundancy in hardware and never trusting a single piece of software to do what it is supposed to do reliably."

Just stop embarrassing yourself and try thinking for a split second, ffs.



> Amen
I'm glad to see you at least in parts accept how much of a joke you are.

> Nah i argue for ppl to learn the basics and theory to be able to use all programming langs

you said that rust is easy to read and write, you are either a evangelist, or you have never read or wrote anything of substance in that language

> Show me one!

According to you "I have no freaking clue what this function does" is a documentation, so I expect you'll liberally adjust you definitions of what constitutes a documented project avoid the brick wall of contradiction. Instead let me tell you what is actually worth searching for, beyond trivial recollection: a large open source project with it's internal implementation details, as in the majority of the code that the developer will be dealing with, documented in any way what so ever. I understand that search engines are your sworn enemies due to their tendency to burst your bubble every time you dare to think about them, but unfortunately you'll have to employ them heavily for this one. I would also like to remind you that your argument in the original thread started with "code is better than natural languages" and now you are reduced to maintaining delusions of all code being documented with said natural language for some reason.

> you are on goto yourself lol

ah yes, this means we must be genetically, spiritually and telepathically linked, of course, how foolish of me to publicly point out your diminished capacity of thought, when we are so intimately connected, hail qoto!

> Programming ain't abacus there is too many things to get dopamine rush from like adding a function that can then be used on your 3D printer etc..

Not surprising that you can not distinguish the process from the outcome. Not to mention that my argument does not exclude any other sources of excitement. I would ask you to actually read it, but usually in my experience such attempts are futile.

> lol no.
> That ain't how open-source looks like.
keep asserting your delusions, meanwhile all code is utter useless crap by the admission of the authors. Watch them scream in agony:


@johnabs I meant for the original sin of accepting string, not your specific explanation

@johnabs but you accepted it didn't you, and used it and maybe even taught it without question! shaaaaame!!

@johnabs "a string of pearls" I read as pearls threaded on a string, or otherwise made into a string - a very flexible and spatially complicated object. Even if we intentionally ignore everything that defines a string, and just look at it as a sequence, then at least it should be something like a queue, with specific properties like insertion/deletion being efficient and often used on the two ends, and abysmal in the middle.

The usage you are referring to is much more fringe and I guess akin to some usage of the word chain? Like a chain of events, implies that the events are connected somehow maybe and not just random. String of character linguistically connected?... eh, maybe,. but I don't think I've ever seen strings with such an invariant implemented, or such an invariant relied upon in string processing en large. It's more the case that they happen to be linguistically connected because we use language and we like to do that, in the same way the sequences of number we deal with usually mean something.

Either way coming up with good names for things is part of the job description, and lesser (or almost never ever?) used meaning or arbitrary jargon is... y'all should be fired is what I'm saying basically...

@torresjrjr ah yes, like the ancient proverb that goes: "a tree makes an excellent rope"... ?!!

string? what does that even mean? why is it not called a char_array or something? and then null terminated string? You mean random_access_char_stream? Who came up with this nonsense? and everyone is gobbling it up!


You seem incredibly biased, so much so that I'm doubting if this is just a massive bait troll.

You are asking for a product, that has not at least one plastic part that if even partially replaced with something else will become more luxurious? Literally replace a tiny little chunk of the case with a gold nugget and we're done? The question only makes sense to me if you are talking about every(or the most relevant) plastic part that can be replaced being replaced, and yet your examples focus on singular usually decorative parts.

Now to the truly ridiculous assertions:

>wooden keycaps
that must be just you and LGR who are into that kind of thing, i doubt that's what crosses most people minds when they think high-end keyboard

> carbon fibre
as in carbon fiber reinforced polymer? polymer as in plastic?? this makes me doubt your definition of glass as well...

>game controller
are all crap

> everyone should be a programme
> *rust evangelist*
> literally everyone works on open source software
> large undocumented projects do not exist
> let me go through every function and documents that I have not a freaking clue what it does

a true genius worthy of qoto!

Unless you really enjoy solving random deductive puzzles and get a dopamine rush every time a right number pops up on a black and white screen you will not enjoy programming. Propitiatory or open source, in current state of the industry it's all the same undisciplined cruft glued together with bubble gum, not a very big difference between the two cause most actual markets are dominated by proprietary software, or culture that stems from it.


fresh windows: *constantly crashing cause cause no chipset driver*
also fresh windows: *can't install chipset driver cause constantly crashing*

unity game: *installed in games folder*
Games folder: *exists*
unity game: *can't find data files in Games folder, won't start*
me: *removes Games folder*
unity game: *starts*

how do you even manage to do that? Are you capitalizing every path component? Are you case insensitive searching for em? spectacular...

@101101000 no wait dns can't impersonate a server, but it can still restrict access, and be a temporary nuisance, a bit lower grade then nuking an issue tracker, but at the same general level of petty


>Can you, if they've decided to lock you out of your account?
ability to locking you out of an issue tracker like a petty troll != control over the existence of your project

> don't reuse a namespace associated with someone else
Who thinks they own a namespace under domain? Is that what we are arguing about now? And what exactly is your case for this undelete thing specifically? "I wanted to break all my existing users like another petty troll, but I don't get to do that now, and instead have to allow them to migrate at their own pace"?

> I can talk with you regardless of where the mastodon servers are hosted, which DNS we use or who runs your email.
Simply no. If the admin or the hosting provider decides to nuke this instance good luck finding me to talk to. If the domain owner gives it up, then whoever gets it can host whatever they want under it. My email provider can permanently lock me out of my account here, if I happen to forget the password, and otherwise render my account unmanageable long term. My DNS server can redirect to a mirror of my instance that would simply not federate any of my posts. If you do not recognize the difference between the possibility of something happening vs it actually happening, then the only solution to your problems would be a fully decentralized p2p network.

> I cannot report an issue or submit a patch if all a project provides by way of “collaboration” is a stupid Github URL.
why exactly?

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
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