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@freemo I think this goes for all extremist groups, whether it is on the domain of political left/right, vaccinations, gun rights or religion, to name a few: the passion they have for their cause is admirable!

Patrick boosted

is a new hashtag we came up with over at where you say something you admire about a group you view as an opponent to a cause you are passionate about. For example if you are a Liberal you would compliment Conservatives, if you are a Conservative you compliment Liberals. Whatever group or groups you feel passionate for whether its politics, activism, religion, whatever it might be.

Use the tag and list something you respect or admire about the opposing side. When you see someone mention a group that refers to you, then return a compliment in a reply.

I will kick it off:

for this week is for the extreme left and extreme right political spectrum (non-moderates). I admire the passion and energy you put into your activism. There are many people who would love to have that sort of passion for anything.

(Some people who helped flush out the idea in the original thread: @arteteco @Surasanji @hashtaggrammar @commandelicious @comphys @QuentinMann @rnitsch @Nyoei @spinflip @hodot @SecondJon )

@Aggy_C thanks! She tries her best to be as kind as she can be! She loves to sit really tight next to you, but putting her on your lap is a big no-no. We're practising to be held for cuddles at the moment!

@Surasanji Oh my! Moving the kitty made it stop and activated the stubs-related movement mode.

I think it is fixed for now, but not sure if either of us is happy with this solution. I will try again to invoke the symptoms!

@Surasanji the sound only increases! She stopped moving, except for the front paws, going in a somewhat anti-phase motion of opening and closing.

@Surasanji Also, you can make your machine give the option to boot into Windows or Linux during startup ("dual boot"). It *can* be a hassle w8th modern UEFI supported machines, but often the procedure is easy and well documented.

@freemo @dee

Patrick boosted

@pkok I'm sorry. Your cat is broken. Please send it to me for repair.

@Surasanji well, she won't stop making a resonating sound. Is she too damaged for repair? Could I file for a replacement maybe?

Today, in "Two Categories, One Picture": "cat" and "new phone functionality test"

Patrick boosted

I saw a van with a Mastodon sticker, but since they also had Slayer and Black Sabbath stickers, I don't think they were talking about us.

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"Human cultures vary a lot," the human ambassador said, "but we all agree there are things that should not go on pizza..."

The alien looked up. "But it fnaggles my splanch so nicely."

"And one of those things is people."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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1. If at all possible, do not use the computer

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@freemo I got to experience that adorable Mastodon error gif.

Attached if no one saw it!

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In case anyone was wondering what is... Well aside from being the name of our instance it stands for "Question Others, Teach Others" and is pronounced like "goto", it is an intentional play on words "goto QOTO" sounds like "goto goto".

@Surasanji @IsaacMaw_Robots Still hopeful it will come in our lifetime though!

@Surasanji @IsaacMaw_Robots Oh yeah, the transition will be terrible. Most rich people will lose their privilege, so what is their incentive to participate?

Even non privileged people might oppose the transition, as there is a lot of uncertainty how the world looks afterwards. And why go with something that might be either great or terrible, while you can enjoy safe mediocrity?

@Surasanji Knowing a few things about the nature of the universe would be very interesting:
- To what extend its the universe deterministic?
- How did life begin? How can we recreate that setting?
- What is the mind? What do we perceive exactly?
- How can we travel through time (besides the usual 1s/s-only-forwards type)?
- What set off the Big Bang?

@IsaacMaw_Robots @Surasanji I don't think work as it is now would be necessary, but if you'd like to, you could continue the same tasks. Because AI/robotics has made human work obsolete, I guess there would be enough food (and well distributed), so you could do whatever you would like!

I imagine a world where interpersonal communication would be central: a lot more people have/make time to visit their (grand)parents.

That, or an mondial omnipotent company controls E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. 🤷‍♂️

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.