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tripu boosted

Enough with the idiotic pseudo-arguments pointing to in the !
Latest: on his (again).

Imagine insisting on the likelihood that somebody raped someone by repeating that “the motive! By God he had a strong motive. The guy really, really likes sex. We know that for sure. And we know that there have been rapes before. And the system is not perfect! A rape is so easy to commit! C'mon, I'm just saying there was motive, there were ample opportunities, and the means were there!”


🏃 on the snow ⛄ ❄️
8.02 km / 44′41″ @ 10.8 km/h ≡ 5′30″/km
~ 553 kcal

tripu boosted
tripu boosted

anyway this was the topology meme that cursed me i have no fucking idea what this means

Trying to make up my mind about vs. in these days. (Most likely I'll keep both — it's about which to use by default and promote among my contacts of the .)
So far:

✅ Telegram:
‣ Web client (this is big).
‣ Many useful features, and rapid pace of development.
‣ One can edit past messages, and (more or less) delete them, too.
‣ API, bots, apps.

✅ Signal:
‣ The server is and , too (although this is not terribly important per se).
‣ Better (eg, E2E also in group chats).
‣ Developed by a non-profit (is it an advantage, though?).
‣ Recommended by experts I personally trust (, ) and other thoughtful techies ().

Fediverse: anything to correct or add? Specifically: has anyone compared their respective ToS? I'd like to know what types of data they [say they] harvest, and exactly with what legal entities they're shared.

tripu boosted
tripu boosted
tripu boosted

I'll take the cyberpunk dystopia of corporations censoring speech on their *opt-in* platforms, any day, over the authoritarian dystopia of the government censoring speech *across* platforms. I'd prefer neither, but changing to a new social media platform isn't that hard.

I thought the language of 's “Swann's Way” was affected, dense, convoluted. Then I started reading the second part of , “In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower”. Man, the twenty-line-long sentences containing several subordinate clauses, some of them eight lines long! Why? Why!?

tripu boosted
tripu boosted



thread about NPM and that a lot of dependencies (like react) decrease in terms of % of all package downloads. looks like the dependency trees are getting even deeper so the downloads get spread out wider
the visualization about black holes gets more accurate by the day...

I love listening to lunatics and contrarians. There's a lot of value in learning about unsuspected points of view. That's why I like so much.
Too often however, is just letting idiotic ideas stand unchallenged.
Case in point, the latest episode with :
MM: [Blatant overgeneralisation]
TR: “Wow!”
MM: [Reckless call to subvert everything]
TR: “Oooh…”
MM: [Caricature of opposite PoV]
TR: “Nice!”
MM: [Faulty logic]
TR: “You make my mind stretch!”

tripu boosted

@tripu I agree entierly. Its basically two sides both cherry picking data and no one bother to do any serious investigation into the truth and present that honestly. Either outright dismissal, or a bunch of circumstantial BS.

I personally dont think there was election fraud, but i still welcome an investigation. But so many people on the left treat an investigation as if it would be a violation of democracy, hell just having trump go to the courts and ask for an investigation, let alone being granted it, is being treated like a violation of democracy... meanwhile the right is just as bad assuming election fraud is undeniable.

I'm hearing so many attacks on and so many calls from people I would respect otherwise to have “less democracy”… All those (, , …) seem to be confusing “smaller State” with “less democracy”.
When we criticise the tyranny of the majority, what we are saying is that no State or institutional power should intrude so deeply into personal matters — not that we would prefer those intrusions to be orchestrated by dictators, oligarchs or technocrats instead of democratic institutions (imperfect and fallible as they may be)! We want less overall (ie, less ) — not to move the extant coercive power from democracy to .
Please reflect about that distinction if you find yourself dissatisfied with the status quo and flirting with the ideas of , , autarchy, , etc.

I really can't stand the lack of intellectual rigour in all those hints and captious questions about alleged in the
Latest example: in this , argues that there are “means, motive, and opportunity” to suspect crime. But anyone can find as many red flags as they want — *evidence* (or in this case, the lack thereof) and presumption of innocence is what counts. He also wonders why there were observers at all, if the process is supposed to be so clean and fair (by the same logic, air travel must be riddled with safety issues and we should assume it's much more dangerous than people think, since there are so many checks and protocols and inspectors).
And this is the messiah of the …?

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