@worldsendless I've seen some creative works that aren't software given GPL style licenses. However, licenses such as the #CreativeCommons ones tend to be more widely used for a variety of reasons. Was very impressed with Lawrence Lessig's book which talks about the Creative Commons and mentions Free Software as an inspiration: https://www.feedbooks.com/book/2750
@beanalby my repos are already all set up, though. Time to figure out what the git conf version is
@beanalby I have been excitedly trying `git --shared` and my install doesn't know that command, though I see it in the documentation.
Read why "Web Environment Integrity" is terrible, and why we must vocally oppose it now. Google's latest maneuver, if we don't act now to stop it, threatens our freedom to explore the Internet with browsers of our choice: https://u.fsf.org/40a #EndDRM #Enshittification #Google #WebStandards #DefectiveByDesign
Does anyone else have experience setting up #git in a #SharedEnvironment? What did you do for #FilePermissions?
Passkeys as successors to passwords. https://thecyberwire.com/stories/cfc959975d84402aa69206d9a2370a59/passkeys-as-successors-to-passwords #Story
@Nundrum actually I was only referring to the built-in code rain a-la The Matrix. I can't use XSS anymore, so I guess it's moot
I have a recurring problem with multiple users working on the same #remote codebase, in particular with #git. Because git is creating and deleting files at each stage of the game, shareable #FilePermissions get lost each time someone uses git. Any ideas on the best way to manage this?
@Nundrum nice work! That is close enough to genart to me. I have had my #xscreensaver show something like that, but not as useful as what you have there
@Macroz I definitely come to the ClojureScript language as a respite from the turbulence of the JavaScript ecosystem.But whenever I fire up one of my old projects, I have difficulty starting a Cider REPL because NREPL or Cider doesn't match anymore. Maybe I'm setting up my Lein wrong.
@publicvoit I guess the Evil mode users disagree about the better way :) (I'm not one of cthem, though)
@manal The big takeaway I'm gathering from this thread is that I need to bite the bullet and get the upgraded PHP on our server, at the risk of our WordPress farm of 100+ sites...
@worldsendless You're going to hit every landmine PHP has ever had.
Use the latest supported versions; `== No` is no longer possible in 8.0+ https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php https://3v4l.org/I0GqJ
Ensure you're running with https://www.php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.configuration.php#ini.error-reporting = E_ALL
`php -a` is the closest thing to a native repl, but there's others like https://github.com/ramsey/composer-repl or https://psysh.org/
Or step debugging with https://xdebug.org/docs/step_debug
@zimzat We are running a fair-sized #WordPress operation here so changing the versions and the configs isn't done easily, and because the workforce is largely transient university student developers we cannot pay licensing fees for a specialized tool like PHP Storm; the students are on #VSCode and I am on #emacs, both of which are great for working in many languages
@josemanuel Fails because symbols are not strings. Why on earth does that work?
Full Stack Clojure web app engineer