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The real reason to prefer C++ over Rust is that the compiler trusts you, he put his faith in you, he thinks you're there for him. When you put a signature for a function defined in another file the C++ compiler trusts that you are telling the truth and that you will provide a valid object file during linking stage. This is what trust is all about. Meanwhile, Rust compiler screams at you for even the smallest shit like having an unused variable.

Google removes yet another FOSS application from the Google Play store because it links to its website which links to its Patreon

Walled gardens strike again

What are peoples thoughts on non-libre games? Is that one of the areas where hiding your code is acceptable?

Five to ten years ago, I could understand complaining about Big Tech platforms because they're weren't many alternatives.

Now, there are a ton, which means the real problem is everyone who keeps using them while pretending to hate it.

giving me a lot of shit today... Can't even render my Python code using minted.

UI Rant 

@zpartacoos their privacy concerns are not real privacy concerns, they are likiely just a pop culture fad. If they were real concerns, they would be willing to pay you (or someone like you) for the setup and warranty. For UI just hook up telegram client to matrix or xmpp, would have happened already if there was any real market.

Before ever having any hope of convincing people of true value and mechanisms of private communication over internet, you need to first at least convince them of the value and mechanisms of owning and freely using their devices.

UI Rant 

Family and Friends: **complain about data privacy regarding whatsapp**
Me: sets up xmpp for family & friends

**nobody uses it**

People basically complained that there isn't a single "official app" and they think the available clients look like scams or dodgy apps that a teenager made. And they think I'm prompting these "amateur" apps filled with viruses. Lol.

It makes me sad that this is how people view tech. The aesthetics of the UI determines 99% of the judgment people give to it.

WOA I need to buy one of these! A Completely modular, repairable laptop. Not just with external modules for the ports but designed to be easy to open it up and change any of the internal components as well.

Annoying people 

It really bothers me when I'm in a meeting that was booked for 90min and within 50 minutes of the meeting after we accomplished our goal for the meeting there's that one guy who will say "oh we still have 40 minutes" and proceed to either keep bringing earlier points or starts asking arbitrary questions just to keep wasting more time.

Mathematical ability perception 

I consider myself to be garbage at math. Yet, I work with math on a daily basis for the last 3+ years and literally make my living by making mathy software. Is this perception of myself and math due to having witnessed the greatness of some of my friends and family who won high awards at national and international mathematics Olympiads? Sure, they're incredible at math, but they are probably in the top 0.00001% percentile. And, even if I'm top 0.01% percentile I'm still very far from reaching the same heights as them and they're the ones I compare myself to. Thus, I end up thinking I'm garbage when perhaps I'm still really good when compared to average person it's just that the people around me are astronomically good at math. Like, ffs one of them won university physics competition at 14 yrs old!! I need to remind myself normal people are not like that.

Asumí que seria mejor escribir ese toot en ingles ya que creo que es considerado el idioma estándar en el mundo cibernético... DIN embargo pensado lo bien creo que debió haber sido en

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Looking for friends to talk to (video call?) And get to know. Preferably in the or western Europe but anywhere is fine as we can communicate online. Nothing specific just want to make friends with similar background.

About me: Venezuelan scientist/engineer and masters student living in UK.

The establishment is really effective at divide and conquer.

They will ban Catholic content, Catholics complain. They ban Palestinian opinions, Palestinians complain. They ban feminists, and feminists complain.

People need to unite and recognize that we can debate and disagree about all sorts of things, but the real danger to freedom is authoritarian elites who think they have some sort of legitimate right to control debate and censor, ban, harass, spy on, etc. people who contest that.

My thinkpad's seems to be drastically overheating and depleting all power very quickly. This is not due to CPU load or anything like that (it happens without even running apps). Any idea why a battery would suddenly start draining itself so quickly and losing most energy in the form of heat??

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