Everyone @barefootstache will be made a new moderator soon. Everyone congratulate him.
@freemo @barefootstache @khird @trinsec
Congrats @barefootstache
Remember, you can't back out now. YOU JUST CANNOT!!!
*cough* Welcome! 😋
>"eye of a shit storm"
That sounds kind of sexual to me.
Are you sure you can say that? It might hurt my feelings. 😂
Congratulations and welcome to the shit-storm @barefootstache .
@freemo @barefootstache @khird @trinsec Thanks for volunteering to stand in front of the fan — when you can guarantee that lots of shit are going to hit it.
@freemo @barefootstache @khird @trinsec , my condolences. I will try very hard to not contribute to your upcoming alcoholism.
@JonKramer hold my beer
@barefootstache Thanks for your service! Keeping this a great place to be! @khird @trinsec @freemo
#Congratulations @barefootstache !!!
You will be moderating one of the #best #instances of #mastodon !!
@freemo @barefootstache @khird @trinsec I"m very happy @barefootstache has stepped up to do this important work!