@sptnkmmnt tankies.
@Absinthe just use dictionary in python?
@peterdrake equal outcome scum.
@hasanraza Can you do OOP vs FP? I still don't really understand the difference.
def coctake (n,m):
for i in range (m):
n = n*1.2
n = n+1
return n
def hcoctake (n,m):
for i in range (m):
n = n*0.2
n = n+1
return n
for i in range(1000) :
j = coctake(i*5,5)
j = float(j)
if (j).is_integer() is True :
print int(j)
for m in range (5):
print int(i+hcoctake(i*5,m))
else :
My approach return the original number of coconut to 7771, which is a bit absurd so I don't know if this approach is correct or not. What it does is that it tries to guess the number of the morning pile divided by 5. It then reverse engineer that number to find the possible number of coconut at the start. If the number of coconut that if found is a whole number, it will print that number and find the number of coconut the other 5 people get.
@Absinthe @bii @paleBlue @billstclair I've tooted one and mentioned you.
@TheGnuMaster RMS is supposedly guilty for what? I didn't catch up with thr news.
Puluhan = {9 : "Ninety",8 : "Eighty",7 : "Seventy",6 : "Sixty",5 : "Fifty",4 : "Forty",3 : "Thirty",2 : "Twenty",1 : "",0 : "",}
Belasan = {9: "Nineteen", 8: "Eighteen", 7:"Seventeen",6: "Sixteen", 5: "Fifteen", 4:"Fourteen",3:"Thirteen",2:"Twelve", 1: "Eleven",0:"Ten"}
Satuan = {9 : "-Nine",8 : "-Eight",7 : "-Seven",6 : "-Six",5 : "-Five",4 : "-Four",3 : "-Three",2 : "-Two",1 : "-One",0 : "",}
SatuanS = {10:"Ten", 9 : "Nine",8 : "Eight",7 : "Seven",6 : "Six",5 : "Five",4 : "Four",3 : "Three",2 : "Two",1 : "One",0 : "",}
f = 9
n = 9
h = 9
while f > 1 :
g = 9
while g > -1 :
if g == 0 and f != 2:
o = Puluhan[f]+Satuan[g] + " bottle of beers on the wall.\n"+Puluhan[f]+ Satuan[g]+" bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around...\n"+Puluhan[f-1]+Satuan[9]+" bottles of beer on the wall."
else :
if g > 1:
o = Puluhan [f]+Satuan[g] + " bottle of beers on the wall. \n" + Puluhan [f]+Satuan[g]+ " bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around...\n"+Puluhan[f]+Satuan[g-1]+" bottles of beer on the wall."
elif g == 1 :
o = Puluhan [f]+Satuan[g] + " bottle of beers on the wall. \n" + Puluhan [f]+Satuan[g]+ " bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around...\n"+Puluhan[f]+" bottles of beer on the wall."
g = g-1
print o
if f == 2 and g == 0:
else :
f = f-1
while f > -1 :
g = 9
while g >0 and f > 0:
o = Belasan[g] + " bottle of beers on the wall.\n"+Belasan[g]+" bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around...\n"+Belasan[g-1]+" bottles of beer on the wall."
print o
g = g -1
g = 10
while g > 0 and f < 1:
if g == 1:
o = SatuanS[g] + " bottle of beers on the wall.\n"+SatuanS[g]+" bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around...\n""No bottles of beer."
else :
o = SatuanS[g] + " bottle of beers on the wall.\n"+SatuanS[g]+" bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around...\n"+SatuanS[g-1]+" bottles of beer on the wall."
print o
g = g -1
f = f-1
print "Done"
A newbie with python. Having this challenge taught me how I could play with loop. Funny, how I thought to use for but then realize while is a lot more fitting.
@iankenway wanting a sovereign nation to rule over you instead of a trans-national state is now fascist, apparently.
@techmagus why the hell are you using facebook in thr first time?
@Surasanji why europe? Why not go to some rural are in a developing nation far from government and corporations?
@Absinthe doesn't it depends on what the person wanted to with it?
@TheGnuMaster john bolton is a warmonger neocon.
@iankenway any consolidation of power, be it of the corporation or of the state is bad. That's why EU is bad.
@mngrif @fructose_dealer that person probably have already fallen to the SJWs, there's no going back.
@freemo ever heard of TERF?
@stsmith they changed color.
@smaragdus I don't understand the problem. The white becomes a minority, so what?