Come evitare di toccare temi e argomenti reali per promuovere una falsità: che l'esplosione dei chatbot sia l'avanguardia di una vera rivoluzione scientifica piuttosto che una particolare applicazione di modelli di automazione ampiamente sopravvalutati il cui successo è dipeso dall'enorme sfruttamento di dati perlopiù depredati, dalla loro elaborazione massiccia e da uno spropositato sfruttamento di risorse umane (i dataworkers), finanziarie ed energetiche a danno di politiche sociali e ambiente.
#ai #consciousness #philosophy
Quando Nietzsche anticipava i neuroni specchio (mirror neuron system) più di un secolo prima che venissero scoperti.
#filosofia #philosophy #neuroscienze #neuroscience
A new edition of “The Life of the Mind” is a revelation
Il cambiamento non è qualcosa che avviene in una realtà fissa. Il cambiamento è la realtà.
«It is by avoiding the rapid decay into the inert state of 'equilibrium' that an organism appears so enigmatic.»
—[Erwin Schrödinger, What is Life? 1944]
#science #philosophy
"Mechanism is a common and powerful concept, invoked in grant calls and publication guidelines. But scientists use it in different ways, making it difficult to clarify standards in the field. We asked nine scientists to weigh in."
#science #philosophy #epistemology
La funzione epistemica della narrazione
#letteratura #filosofia #philosophy #narrative
In an increasingly secular world, AI can fill a gap in our longing for something greater. While religious belief is declining, robots and AI are uniquely positioned to take on the role of religion. Meanwhile, believers in AGI claim it will have god-like powers.
#ai #philosophy
Objective reality exists, but what can you know about it that isn’t subjective. According to some neuroscientists, not much.
#neuroscience #philosophy
Come due studiosi di sinistra salvarono l'archivio di Nietzsche
Beyond Binaries: Prof. Klaus-Dieter Mathes’ Non-Dual Legacy
#dharma #philosophy #art
Byung-Chul Han, in treatises such as “The Burnout Society” and his latest, “The Crisis of Narration,” diagnoses the frenetic aimlessness of the digital age.
#philosophy #internet
Aby Warburg, Ernst Cassirer e l'importanza simbolica della ellisse.
#philosophy #math
"Han diagnosed what he called “the violence of positivity,” deriving from “overproduction, overachievement, and overcommunication.” We are so stimulated, chiefly by the Internet, that we paradoxically cannot feel or comprehend much of anything."
#philosophy #internet
The Backus-Naur form had already been formulated by the Indian pandit Pāṇini, four centuries BC, in his formalization of Sanskrit grammar. Aristotle was more or less contemporary with him. As the first phenomenologist in history, his perspective is still the foundation of modern thought. He glimpsed what modern neuroscience demonstrated 2,400 years later. In the technical field, nothing truly new has ever been done or said in relation to the human.
«Was bleibet aber, stiften die Dichter»
#history #computation #science #philosophy
We tend to think of delusions as factually inaccurate. However, we don’t often consider how, by invalidating them, we also undermine the agency of those who hold them. This is a mistake, argues philosopher Lisa Bortolotti. If we examine the content of our delusions against the environment which influenced them, they reveal the very ways humans engage in active meaning-making, the ultimate mark of human agency.
#psychology #neuroscience #philosophy
Richard Cytowic, a pioneering researcher who returned synesthesia to mainstream science, traces the historical evolution of our understanding of the phenomenon.
#neuroscience #art #philosophy
Scalo montagne, quando posso, altrimenti scrivo, leggo, vedo gente, compilo codice e respiro in silenzio. Umanista in pieno naufragio, con un debole per la fenomenologia, l'ermeneutica, la buona cucina, il buon vino e le amicizie sincere.
𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝙰𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚡 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚛