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My interpretation of the data is that this was kicked off earlier than the current , and the influx has only inflamed the petty hate and jealously of the Antifa crowd dancing to the tunes called by the actual Nazi who started this after being kicked from So it's a fire that's been burning, and throwing some good ol' LOX onto it didn't help.

@mathlover @Pat

Romaq boosted

@mathlover @Pat @Romaq
Yep. Old Fediverse drama that's coming up again now that Mastodon is gaining popularity.

Had the influx not occurred - it probably wouldn't happen again so soon.

@Pat While I prefer the Libertarian philosophy as a personal view, I recognize it's crap for scaling up for social behavior. For that, I've been excommunicated from The True Libertarian Faith as a Apostate Statist.

We wouldn't be in this situation AT ALL if only the Libertarians had designed and built Mastodon.


The Mastodon situation, tl;dr:

Petty jealousy and hatred among hard-line Antifa instances, provoked by an actual self-admitted Nazi kicked from QOTO, have pressured the "newbe instance maintainer" who ALSO maintains the Mastodon code into dropping QOTO.ORG without notice or stated public cause, then citing causes based on proven fabrication by the Antifa folks dancing to the tunes set by the actual Nazi who kicked it off.

In short, people seem to be acting like people.

Romaq boosted


The LP. Yeah, that's a great case study in social cooperation.

Actually, I'm not even really following the Masdo drama and have no idea what it's about. What I'm hearing doesn't make sense, but then again my brain can't make sense of most things that people do.


English: Online translation seems somewhat disappointing to a native speaker. I believe by having both my original statement and the online translation, I can make it easier even for someone who can read English, to save them time.

I imagine a better world of more understanding between people if we do what we reasonably can to promote dialog across those issues, including language, that divide us. I believe you are in Japan, and I would be eager to know how I can improve this process.

日本語:オンライン翻訳はネイティブスピーカーにはややがっかりするようです。私の元の声明とオンライン翻訳の両方を持つことで、英語を読める人でも時間を節約しやすくなると信じています。 言語を含む、私たちを分断する問題に対する対話を促進するために合理的にできることをすれば、人々の間の理解が深まるより良い世界を想像します。私はあなたが日本にいると信じています、そして私はこのプロセスをどのように改善できるか知りたいです。



English: My website page says "tootsuite/mastodon (v3.2.1)." I do not know if @freemo is waiting on stability before upgrading, or if the version I see is even the version the instance is running. But I am happy to see Mastodon is multi-lingual. Good software should be shared around the world regardless of language.

日本語:私の ウェブサイトのページに「トゥートスイート/マストドン(v3.2.1)」と書かれています。アップグレードする前に@freemo安定性を待っているのか、それとも私が見るバージョンがインスタンスが実行されているバージョンでさえあるのかはわかりません。しかし、マストドンが多言語であるのを見てうれしいです。優れたソフトウェアは、言語に関係なく世界中で共有されるべきです。


English: Thank you. I have much to learn, but my hope is that I can learn by doing. And if we are both patient, we should be able to communicate well enough. This is one reason I try very hard to focus on proper grammar and spelling. This should help in translating text between languages.



@Pat Perhaps it is. In fact, perhaps the COVID-19 nightmare of US policy is being steered by the Kremlin. Hell... I'm super *SUPER* pissed with the Libertarian Party for talking Putin Party Line over Ukraine.

I'm not clear to what degree it matters or how much. What I *CAN* do is stand there like an angry honey badger, "There's the evidence! There's the truth! It's RIGHT FREAKN' THERE! See it? Damn you, see it?"

And I may be wrong, but I can only be persuaded based on the evidence presented, and I'm willing to accept being wrong. Beyond that, I've no idea what "external influence" really matters.

@Pat That person could want whatever they wish. Unless the person has a firm grasp of social systems and the nature of people, someone like that would have little to no impact upon Mastodon. Besides, Mastodon is irrelevant at that scale: no appreciable commercial interest.


English: Hello! I'm not sure why you would follow me. I do not speak Japanese. But I promise to be patient with translation. I would enjoy learning more of your perspective.


@Pat Someone with an axe to grind? Someone who can't stand to be held accountable to the rules, so they'd prefer to burn it all to the ground? Someone who prefers ideology over facts and truth? Someone who prefers tribalism to facts and truth?

Romaq boosted

While you're at the dinner table sharing leftovers — and political opinions — make sure you come in prepared with the facts to shut down some common election myths.


You still have far more faith in the American Public than what I can scrounge up. I hope you are correct. I fear you are not.

Relative to the COVID-19 discussion, the force for change will most likely be driven by a consensus among corporations hiring the big gun lobbyists where it touches their bottom line. Tribal and political affiliations can resist that force, but it is very difficult to say "no" to people waving around checks.

Supposing Gargron threw in the towel and quit the whole thing, someone will likely step in, and this increases the possibility of a code fork. Corporations are interested in money. "Your love gives me such a thrill. But your love won't pay my bills I WANT MONEY! That's what I want!" If Mastodon doesn't have a monetary interest, corporations won't intervene. If corporations won't intervene, Mastodon will forever suffer squabbles among people of parochial interest. People acting like people. Just like the final answer on the COVID-19 issue. Changing it away from this is a systemic issue, and I'm not clear how to do that with either COVID-19 or Mastodon. Or US politics, for that matter.

@Pat @WhatYouMcCallit


Humans gotta human, myself included. I can be better. I must be better, if only to avoid the accusing bastard staring at me from the mirror.



I've seen a few things he's promoted. I file it in the category of people like Richard Fenyman.

On the basis of the evidence, Fenyman was a horrible disgusting evil sort of man. His accomplishments, however profound they are, and his ability to communicate, however fantastic it was, do not counter or make up for the horrible attitudes and behaviors he engaged in. He sustained a culture that continued with people like Lawrence Krauss being a spectacularly pathetic person as covered her:

I watched the Challenger Disaster with my wife, which essentially had Fenyman as the hero. And he was the hero in that incident. But I made sure she knew the other side also.

And that's pretty much what I do with Cleese. I don't have an answer. I don't know of any solution. Humans gotta human. But I as an individual can a) watch myself for hubris and avoid dismissing anyone, even those with whom I disagree, as being somehow less than I am as a person, and b) take a stand to demand that everyone, myself included, to be better.

I wish I had more to offer. Best I can do.


Romaq boosted

@freemo @Romaq Unfortunately, real life John Cleese is a transphobe. And not just any transphobe, but a signatory to an open letter supporting also hero-turned-transphobe JK Rowling in her transphobia.

Romaq boosted


I can't think of a current US public policy priority more significant than the needless deaths of over a million Americans.



The last one standing over a burning pile of ash. War gives no damn for the innocent.


@Dennis1212 It's amazing how you can sue yourself into retconning history and make yourself a founder of a company.


I can't think of a better breeding ground for pathogens than a war zone.

I'm also fairly confident that continual raging fires from bombing and artillery exchanges will have a net positive effect on the increase of atmospheric carbon. Certainly, if some nut bags decide to involve tactical nukes to try and get the attention of their opposition.

I don't mind a discussion of this on another public thread separate from this one, but my point is specifically to COVID-19 reduction programs... it's going to be really tough, and current priorities will certainly have to be taken into consideration.


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Romaq's choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.