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binsrc :popos: boosted

I am intrigues by mathematical facts that are very easy to know to be true instinctually or with a verbal explanation but are very difficult to write proofs for.

A good example of this is the four color theorem.

binsrc :popos: boosted

➽=ALL This Brainless, Single-Celled Blob Can Make Complex 'Decisions' Tiny, brainless blobs might be able to make decisions: A single-celled organism can "change its mind" to avoid going near an irritating substance, according to new findings.
Over a century ago, American zoologist Herbert Spencer Jennings conducted an experiment on a relatively large, trumpet-shaped, single-celled organism called Stentor roeselii. When Jennings released an irritating carmine powder around the organisms, he observed that they responded in a predictable pattern, he wrote in his findings, which he published in a text called "Behavior of the Lower Organisms" in 1906.

binsrc :popos: boosted

I absolutely love seeing this senator getting knocked down a peg for her sexist comments. The term is uncalled for, least of all in a professional setting:

binsrc :popos: boosted
binsrc :popos: boosted

I got a docker-compose file written, integration tests working, documentation updated, sample curl statements all figured out.. very productive day. Time for sleep.

binsrc :popos: boosted

I ūnus
Are You Tired Of The Lies And Non-Stop Propaganda?MY FULL NEWS PUNCH-13 PARTS ALL IN
Articles for Political Science, Mathematics and ProductivityThe Student Room BSc, MSc & PhD Project Mangers etc
PPTs IN SLIDESHAREInternational Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD)
P⇢➤=PHD RESEARCH ➽=ALL Professor Tim Anderson says: 7 December at 05:06 •
The failure of western internationalism. Counterpunch, formerly left mag, still pushing WMDs in Syria, six years on. Never mind the 12 hospital worker eyewitnesses at Douma, the independent evidence and the OPCW Whistleblowers. That means nothing to imperial liberalism.
Why the Douma Chemical Attack Wasn’t a ‘Managed Massacre’
by JEFFERSON MORLEYIn the long-running nightmare of the Syrian civil war, the attack at Douma was a déjà vu atrocity with big consequences in Washington.

➽=ALL Epstein Was A Mossad Agent Used To Blackmail American Politicians, Former Israeli Spy Claims
“Mr. Epstein was the simple idiot who was going around providing girls to all kinds of politicians in the United States,” said Ben-Menashe.
“See, fucking around is not a crime. It could be embarrassing, but it’s not a crime. But fucking a fourteen-year-old girl is a crime. And he was taking photos of politicians fucking fourteen-year-old girls — if you want to get it straight. They would just blackmail people, they would just blackmail people like that.”
There’s also a Mossad connection to a different kind of sex offender; Harvey Weinstein.
Weinstein reportedly hired ex-Mossad agents to suppress allegations against him. Working for an Israeli firm called Black Cube, these agents pressured witnesses and tried to intimidate journalist Ronan Farrow in order to “bury the truth” about Weinstein’s

P⇢➤=PHD RESEARCH ➽=ALL Of course, USA is protecting its partners →What does this tell us about West culture?
Iraqi MPs slam US' blacklisting of anti-terrorism commandersIraqi lawmakers have slammed the US' blacklisting of a number of the country's anti-terrorism commanders amid reports of a drone strike that hit somewhere near the residence of an influential anti-American Iraqi leader.
Iraq’s Baghdad al-Youm website reported that Iraqi lawmakers have denounced Washington’s Friday move to impose sanctions targeting leaders of Iraq’s Asaib Ahl al-Haq and Kata'ib Hezbollah groups which operate as part of the country’s Popular Mobilization Units.

P⇢➤=PHD RESEARCH ➽=ALL Syria will NOT Cooperate with the OPCW new Investigation Team OPCW was used before to justify the invasion of Iraq, providing a temporary cover before exposed, to the pariah states in the world is at it again, this time willingly and without death threats to its teams, and this time in refusing to cooperate with the Syrian state on legitimate concerns and real chemical attacks, instead coordinating with al-Qaeda affiliated groups with the supervision of a number of NATO member states, and finally rewriting the report of its teams to suit the narrative of the pariah states.

P⇢➤=PHD RESEARCH ➽=ALL When you follow the gun trail, you sometimes end up in unexpected places

Robert Fisk, discusses how he followed the trail of weapons from the front lines of Syria to a small village in Bosnia
By Robert Fisk‘The Saudis denied it all, of course, as if the documents and the mortars were fake. They had no part in this, they said. I thought very differently. These weapons – there were more mortars in that basement than the entire British army possessed – were, I was sure, shipped to Saudi Arabia and then to Turkey and then crossed the Syrian border to the city in which I found them, 12 miles from the frontier, in Aleppo.’

binsrc :popos: boosted

Haunyte with meionite in a calcareous geode from the Monte Somma (which is the complex of the Vesuvio, which you may know better).
Naples university mineralogical museum

binsrc :popos: boosted

I think im going to be a rebel and make black-pudding fried rice. I will just call it blood rice.

I wonder if i can just buy blood somewhere and try that in a fried rice directly..

binsrc :popos: boosted

Sweet! My radio license was just renewed. I'm good until 2030. Man this makes me feel old!

binsrc :popos: boosted

Why is cold benevolence so much more captivating than overtly friendly benevolence, which can sometimes be repulsive?

binsrc :popos: boosted

my mother used this proverb: Those who have tongue can reach Sardinia"


those who have tongue will travel to Sardinia


will end up in Sardinia

Sardinia is an island and although a big one, it has historically suffered with difficult connections, both by air and by sea

The proverb means that by talking with people you can reach far away places and difficult ones

I've never liked a desktop as much as the one I have now 🐎. There is no turning back. :popos:

binsrc :popos: boosted

@freemo @realcaseyrollins @design_RG @mngrif @Surasanji

I'm a free speech lover and I like this place to be a platform for our users to get in touch with as much as they want of the fediverse, as long as there is no **active** harassment of any of us.

The rest is up to the users and the clients, they have a lot of power in carving their own informational niche, and that one of the big reasons why AP exists in the first place.
I understand that people may not be familiar with the technology, which has never had this scale of usage, but if you want freedom and independence is it too much to ask that you just search "mastodon how to silence instance", or whatever you may need?

We as mod are also always here to answer doubts and help our users to get the best out of this place, but no, I personally would never take the arrogant decision of what is good or bad for others to be exposed to.

Please, @evaristus , if we want to talk about it in a serious way could you please open a topic on discourse? We encourage this kind of discussion and it would be easier for anyone to follow.

binsrc :popos: boosted

If the World was created by a Programmer... 


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binsrc :popos: boosted
binsrc :popos: boosted

Posts Editing in Mastodon // Consider Friendica @Dr DeJahang 


Keep in mind qoto is an open-source varient of mastodon. That means anyone can offer up new features if they wish.


dog attacks crocodile and wins. In other news It’s 43 degrees Celsius outside. How cool is that?

binsrc :popos: boosted

I'm having some second thoughts about plywood. And that's a sentence I never though I'd use

In theory, plywood is a fantastic building material, but I have no idea what the long-term effects are of the adhesives they use to bond the sheets together. Same goes for OSB (oriented strand board)

Come to think of it, I don't know what any of the chemicals used in routine construction today will do to my health in the years to come

binsrc :popos: boosted
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