@stevetex 2 things:
1. Slow progress can be made (against the grain of the same-old mentality of corporations)
2. Corporations ARE GOVERNMENT to a large extent
2.1 = Governments create / maintain / do deal with their subsidiaries (kinda the whole military point of a 'company' is to recruit and register more people to do more contract work
2.2 = Gov and Company are on same team largely so feels better than free (imagine you get all the data eventually)
So it's a bit of a 50/50 for a feeling forever but people can push others to use it "free trial" or via 'less spending monthly' reasons etc to get them past the post of worry... into free / doing things slightly different,
Example: Microsoft Word
Imagine how long it too to get a MS Word equivalent or compatible program or docx type (I mean real 1;1 compatible not just mangles your formatting and whole look!...
And then the other way around in being able to *give people* your version without MS Word saying "eh? this isn't text"
So since we got better compatibility, tools and other stuff it might be ok... but also wasn't 1:1 or was too steroided up to begin with as proprietary and also let's face it a bit more classy 'looking' or idiot proof sometimes (icons etc).
Example - Mastodon
You cannot even export data to a human readable view! Twitter exports to same navigation look with all post and pics OFFLINE.
Mastodon didn't even make backup exports viewable!
I wouldn't have invested my time if i knew that... literally if my server goes I have to be a near programming genius to simply link a directory of pictures to a JSON file...
2024 UPDATE: Someone else had a go making a offline viewer for Mastodon export (compressed .tar.gz <---- I mean that's going to throw people off for a start but ok it's like zip of pics and JSON <--- wtf is json? Ok whatever back to Twitter!!(
So the answers I have for poor Mastodon people all these years of non-movable / almost not-viewable "backup" data is:
1/ #MeowViewer ➡️ @meowViewer
(I think this links pics also because the one below was only text)
2/ #Bovine ➡️ https://bovine.social/mastodon/
Try the first with a backup - I'm trying mine out now... so ask me later if you want...
To give people a chance is for you and others, not just who you are giving to
But often even harmless chance is not given over the internet... You can see people don't want to give much at all - even similar thoughts - this is a reflection of real life I suppose and what needs sorting. B allowing people and testing things long than half day patchy talk... things might take off!
With just a few days’ notice, Mozilla terminated my employment this month after leaving me hanging on leave without for several months. My discrimination case against them therefore enters a new phase after this wrongful termination.
@gabriel @hazlin @adiz Unfortunately he was patchy in terms of answers or trying. I think you said it well first time, and simply trying do less sin (which is hard in default level of sin "system" we have voluted to now and if we try team up with more non-commercial (even those not perfect but heart in right place to get better / stay at the table of comms) then we'll be doing well...
At the same time of having emotions or fear or whatever, people really must act like there isn't much time or actual risk from individuals half the planet away or with the 1% not to disconnect at first signs of issue-taking before trying and testing more (not you but Christians in general don't walk the walk often, even online where it easy / harmless to give chance, but even chance people don't want to give - lol new slogan )
@bonifartius Wasn't the 'BEST' keygen music but still worthy the nostalgia
- even volumes wasn't sorted on some those tracks and really like "oh fuck turn that off" suddenly waking people next door to that eclectic clunky 8bit - full blast for 5 seconds
🤣 lol 🤣
@mangeurdenuage @bonifartius Fun times, yes I think have my best kept somewhere :)
Your faves from this list?
Mine is 3rd one, bit 80's :)
The "tsht" is my favourite sound !
boom "tsht" boom "tsht"
boom "tsht" boom "tsht-tsht" "tsht"
Thanks for the heads up on this
1/ More Governanc - by who? 2/Free for them or us ? 3/ Trusting USA history and it's companies? (adverts / mining) 4/ People's mindset & links need training / educating 5/ Putting more signs on door THIS XYZ IS NOT PERMITTED / NO CONSENT
@bonfire Just as a check I wrote about my considerations or questions...
"More Governance" ?
So I hope it's not so open to the extent Government can use it as "More Governance" like a kind of Google using "more Open Source" and all the mainstream using Linux servers badly for ad-farms basically on all websites - because still those type don't even contribute back themselves (even to code or much)
and people get sucked into making THOSE components better for them to come collect like gems to make a bigger monster... And viola a new bigger monster every year while we are maybe happy with some tools claiming to be anti.
So Point #1
They are not keeping the spirit.
We can expect it. How does that work when it's a free for all for even them...
It really is like giving good work to bad people unless there is a clause or 100 there to keep the spirit.
I might have a point there because I like openness but staying after work and giving it to bad people is the same even though we love coding... and making things faster... but not good until people use it wisely.
I'd really rather we think longer and have less. Openness without sign or conditions on door and without our blood stain to keep respect for humanity, is dangerous.
Somewhat giving the game to them or anyone that wants to sell / mine data.
Point #2: Users being weakest link so need more training / helping instead of giving more tools or scope - again dangerous, do we want a Mastodon and add components around like Twitter?
Maybe open governance means some other good things but the mindset of people can be dangerously behind or the same as before as shitshow people (said in short but politely).
Google links 🔗 ( ) we have here like an ad-farm basically, every other fucking link and trackable which Admins are not even interested to suggest another curve in bsaying something even though they believe in Mastodon type things (why we came here soon to to be all mixed).
So a proxy filter links like @invidious (also open source) should be used if people believe in similar things to and could at least be announced often to watch youtube links without ads, tracking, bad code-!
It's along the same lines of why we came here and (IF we want to keep going further it's the users). ✝️
Even using google video without tracking - this a major WIN (or just not a major LOSS)
I calculate 99999 per day - we got to aim for better usage here rather than honeypot each other... like most people with a 'simple' uneducated click undo all the good work. That is down to us too if we see it as a pattern to invest in that (not just give people hammers and expect them to be responsible with posts like nails flying everywhere)
NEXT: #Americanisation of Mastodon
Mastodon and it's people have somewhat chosen to make it's home in America at least with it's finances and registering there - that is a BIG mistake - I understand EU was slow or even not recognizing Mastodon to allow donations (or whatever the story was) but if you become more Americanised you are endangering things FULL STOP. How strong America governs things is like advanced well-trained system of breading aggressors and is under-estimated as systems or even currency which gives currency to people but takes back more... so moving your finances there Mastodon to that side of the pond where they are invading every single fucking thing elsewhere (HOME and ABROAD) is near stupid AS IT IS POLITICAL WHO YOU 'DEAL' WITH. If you understand who has who by the balls and previous shutdowns of finances... You can see it at some point... were the people even asked (sorry I don't know).
So let this writing be not just a warning but seriously train your baby users and Mastodon future compromises as it's the same fast-fast build and then BANG "HALT" STOP.
"Don't go to America" in a millions senses even if they are the best (you know all the bad stuff and the good isn't worth it).
Open Source 🔥
Open Protocol 🔥
Open Governance <== (by who?) META / BlueSky? 🔥
I too want for more users BUT really the feeling are like...
"We want to talk to Threads PEOPLE but not Threads as a US company / META etc@
NOBODY accumulating data / monopoly based / invader type companies and massive predators...
It's not like they will stop there and satisfied and happy... they want the whole lot! The whole country!
I think people forget history or have closed eyes even today.
Give give, take take take take...
No undertones of racism just pure compliments to American producing such shitshows and technically they perfected the shitshow as brutal monopolisation and ruling by keeping people on the payroll or holding their livelihood random - they already dun did it almost in every way they could.
So saying open isn't necessarily good BUT priority (safety) and less swimming with sharks / accepting inevitable adverts / mining / the usual.
Not enough to say from Admins or Developers "We it's not up to me but the users" when it's somewhat their users which they could at least advise else they become part of it (and that is politics in a nut shell including not doing when you see it happening).
ℹ️ I did this text with speed so you can skim the main points which there is about 4/5 there.
All said positively (even the "watch out for this" parts)
5/ Putting more signs on door THIS XYZ IS NOT PERMITTED / NO CONSENT
My bio has some element of that copied from others...
#Life is...
- Looking for love and play...
- Education and experience together.
What we're essentially all looking for is love or play, education and experience.
Seeking simple appreciation or acknowledgement of things and of each other - and not always the extremes needed at all.
Education and experience together. Healthy growing things (each other included).
Love means so many things for example, and can be shared for relative objects or art that create or hold joy for us and meaning.
The library enriches the present; The library protects the past.
now, library collections need *our* protection
@dlakelan @FantasticalEconomics As a tangent, can you see / have you heard of a much better way (even if there is a big weakness or 2, just something that does things much better?). Optional question and whatever better means for you is ok for the meaning.
#Capitalism "... it's "a political system in which the government is willing to exert violence to protect ownership claims to the receipt of rents" ".
- Daniel Lakeland @dlakelan
#Quote from post: https://mastodon.sdf.org/@dlakelan/113188657256377188
(full text below just in case the post goes)
" I'm gonna make a much much less drastic claim. And that is, in a democratic society, a market for exchange with a medium of accounting will appear.
That's it. That's not capitalism. It took me nearly 50 years to understand and distinguish between the two because of all the propaganda. Capitalism isn't "selling things" it isn't "markets" it's "a political system in which the government is willing to exert violence to protect ownership claims to the receipt of rents" "
" Go play in a world you #love, and include yourselves. "
- 'Nathan Burgoine @NathanBurgoine
#Quote from Post: https://romancelandia.club/@NathanBurgoine/113192469358884076
Can you say more about what you mean about "a market for exchange with a medium of accounting will appear." ?
@dlakelan @FantasticalEconomics
Hi Daniel can you say more about what you mean about "a market for exchange with a medium of accounting will appear."
was in this post (or clicking this post should get there)
Full post below;
I'm gonna make a much much less drastic claim. And that is, in a democratic society, a market for exchange with a medium of accounting will appear.
That's it. That's not capitalism. It took me nearly 50 years to understand and distinguish between the two because of all the propaganda. Capitalism isn't "selling things" it isn't "markets" it's "a political system in which the government is willing to exert violence to protect ownership claims to the receipt of rents"
I'm gonna make a much much less drastic claim. And that is, in a democratic society, a market for exchange with a medium of accounting will appear.
That's it. That's not capitalism. It took me nearly 50 years to understand and distinguish between the two because of all the propaganda. Capitalism isn't "selling things" it isn't "markets" it's "a political system in which the government is willing to exert violence to protect ownership claims to the receipt of rents"
@elysegrasso Hi, saw the favourite for https://qoto.org/@freeschool/113188845912681593 and thought I'd have a look at your profile.
Something rings a bell and even look familiar but I'm sure it's not something close, but interesting nonetheless to see more even for that reason (everything seems connected or connectible sometimes right!)
So just started reading through posts - fires can be tough - I've personally jumped into an inferno while looking from outside and deciding if I should... and went in looking for my bag.
Hope you can recover / rebuild almost better from what you want and even appreciate less load from the material loaded over the years naturally as humans.
I have some things I know have but forever won't do much with ('m just starting this process pretending my stuff will go or that I will not make it - just so I "hurry up a bit" with that in mind and figure out why I keep these things... but also have much less now and made things digital
1/ Still wondering what to do as it's people and interaction that seems the main (as solution and enjoyment) so any tips or realisation welcome from things gone and hope it's not too late to learn something from it
2/ I'd like to also offer any help to balance that like if you need old or new things re-editing / sorting / donkey work / laborious stuff etc consider me a the time / hands you can use.
What else... Well I'll see as I scroll.
Appreciations for your life and experiences...
Earth Guardians #ClimateChange #LawSuits with Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez
1/ #Legal #Case
2/ #TEDTalk / #TEDTalks
3/ Award for "Speak for the Trees"
⬇️ About the case ⬇️
The plaintiffs ranged in age from 9 to 20 and 10 of the children have either Black or Indigenous backgrounds.
⭐ In 2013, he and six other youths filed a lawsuit against the state government of Colorado. He was the lead plaintiff in Martinez v. Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission case.
⭐ In 2015, Martinez and 21 other youths filed a lawsuit against the US Federal government, Juliana et al. v United States et al. They argued that the federal government was denying their constitutional right to life, liberty and property by ignoring climate change.
📚 #Books 📚 by #XiuhtezcatlRoskeMartinez
📖 Imaginary Borders
(Penguin Workshop Pocket Change Collective 2020)
📖 We Rise: The Earth Guardians Guide to Building a Movement That Restores the Planet
(Rodale Books 2017)
@Hejny Mastodon Export In progress...
Looks really good if it loads pictures with posts (in demo it seems so)...
This account helped me see a demo of it @meowViewer
... because I saw another similar tool from #BovineSocial website but sadly that doesn't link pictures
- so that only shows text and as infinite scroll of posts which takes a lot of memory, inevitably crashes.
This tool #MeowViewer looks like it's paginated which saves that problem and to find a post again A LOT easier with a search box 🔍
So I just boosted a toot just now related to that tool's account which is
Makes it super clear when seeing that account's toot (you can also boost the account's post and suggest it to others if you like).
Really appreciate it... if it works ;p
meow is a tool that lets you read and search your old posts, even after you delete them from your profile or switch instances! all you have to do is export them through mastodon's preferences, then open the archive at https://purr.neocities.org (all your data is processed locally in your browser, nothing is uploaded).
in addition to showing your posts, favorites, boosts and bookmarks, it can show you some statistics, e. g. which day of the week you're usually the most active!
@Hejny @L29Ah @cweickhmann @trinsec Ok thanks
My export is a few Gb's so are you suggesting I drag and drop that to purr.neocities.org/ page and it will somehow view it without taking ages and hang ?
And after... How would I publish archive online (it was 2nd on your list)
Thanks again
#Legal #Wins for #ClimateChange = Village for trees / forests 🌲 🌳 + Youth argument for having no voting rights to influence future...
1990's first known cases, led by Antonio Oposa, a Philippine lawyer that represented a class-action suit of 43 students against the Philippine government to protect a forest surrounding their village.
Among their arguments, the youths' attorneys asserted that
1/ the lack of governmental action on climate change discriminated against the youths' generation, since they would be most impacted by climate change but
2/ have no voting rights to influence things...
Oposa had won the suit, which led to numerous other lawsuits around the world.[5] As of July 2018, there were over 1,000 such lawsuits filed across 24 countries, with 888 of those within the United States.[6]
part of info for #Juliana #LawSuits Wikipedia page
#Legal #Wins for #ClimateChange or Village trees / forests 🌲 🌳 #Nature for #Future #Children etc
Simple isn't it. Working together as the answer.
Towards Togetherness.
Human-caring posts are added here from the #Fediverse to show the #Quotes #Notes #Books #Videos #Talks #Websites. All towards better examples of ourselves and what we should do in the principles we share.
To do what history hasn't always done well *among the people* who are mostly working always for cruel leaders instead of just building whatever they can more without them. Perhaps building friendship or love at the end.
Making our own relationship with life, NOT just time spent hating Trump / Bezos / Musk and their actions that self-perpetuate with hate.
Quick Links to my best work below:
- Media / Memes 🖼️ : https://qoto.org/@freeschool/media
- 💬 Chat / Conversations : https://qoto.org/@freeschool/with_replies
"FreeSchool" is a movement from 1960s/1970s
Learning via interaction means there is always risk by the way. By not building trust or working on mutually worknig together inaction happens and lack of friendship also allows bad people... so I see us as doing the work more daily or as the good homework we need to do (nobody else can do it properly without us).
All aims should be towards working together more personally instead of hating, because most of the hating is free advertising and spreading fear for them ("Bad news is still good advertising)
This means less spreading Trumps, Musk, Bezos names and plans, and more our thing.
Humans change Humans - we the caring people reason better as we have a caring soul and a conscience. We also need to test and repair those that can't. Tech does not care and has it's limits at best which I think we have akready reached and in danger of leaving people behind over-doing I.T.
Do you have work for me or any ideas / dreams of your own?
Going towards growing better decision-making humans as a main goal or my interpreration (human-educated examples helping others help others) and not just tech filters of progression / aggression / profit.
Tech has measurably been over-done and had it's limits being backed by BigTech and State-orientatedand heavily regulated infrastructures. This ultimately undoes this and is are not human-caring and just money / profit-orientated the same as the state and companies are.
All $tates use bank$ that cheat everyone else behind their back.
Every $tate let's this happen to keep unfair power over people and keep them down.
I have DIY education more than any Massive Tech-based $haring. We have enough small solutions. We just need to do the human homework together which is what almost nobody is doing and it shows! We canNOT just do tech, we can maintain some tech but then grow the user's interests and direction using caring people and releasing their potential and curating ourselves... Since the mentlaity of people (users) are the weak point of all systems (who are happy to abuse them / add adverts etc) so it means working on ourselves is the best now we have mostly everything else worked on to catch up on the mentality and also realise all the tricks historically.
☼ Free work if you can justify it +
#Friendship (it's for humanity and world too to grow friendship). I edit basic text, audio, video for free to grow the idea of Freedom or not just banks and money made to give us crutches after they break our legs / eat our time and money (energy).
No data scraping / taking / using / processing of, nothing. All inalienable rights reserved.
Personal temporary individual Fediverse usage is ok without company or other affiliation backing or feeding these actions.
#NoConsent #NoPermission #Data #Storage
#NoSearch #NoIndex #NoBot #NoBridge #NoRobots
Other similar profile descriptions:
Help People Grow? Enough Tech! Help Users grow? Enough Tech? Better ❤ People+Habits (⭐+🔔) Improve People? or just Tech? Freedom=Learn❤+Respect (⭐🔔) Freedom=Better Habits FTW ! ⭐+🔔 Learning Better Habits ❤+⭐+🔔 To Freedom=Respect Love Learn Growing Each Other #FreeSchool