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@DoesntExist @blogdiva @astrojuanlu @KathyReid well, yeah, it's the same weakness in FOSS generally 😥

I think every day about this thread talking how OpenAI is going to kill the Commons bc exactly this. The only possible defensea are data poisoning or not sharing, which both suck for the Commons.

"The data I helped create is going to be bundled in an #LLM and sold back to me." 


Source post by @KathyReid

People! Please snap out of tech a bit and see the lies and back-stabbing profit!

Imagine it's like Crypto but they are still mining you in other ways and then exiting leaving you high and dry...

"The data I helped create is going to be bundled in an and sold back to me."

Like many other technologists, I gave my time and expertise for free to #StackOverflow because the content was licensed CC-BY-SA - meaning that it was a public good. It brought me joy to help people figure out why their #ASR code wasn't working, or assist with a #CUDA bug.

Now that a deal has been struck with #OpenAI to scrape all the questions and answers in Stack Overflow, to train #GenerativeAI models, like #LLMs, without attribution to authors (as required under the CC-BY-SA license under which Stack Overflow content is licensed), to be sold back to us (the SA clause requires derivative works to be shared under the same license), I have issued a Data Deletion request to Stack Overflow to disassociate my username from my Stack Overflow username, and am closing my account, just like I did with Reddit, Inc.

The data I helped create is going to be bundled in an #LLM and sold back to me.

In a single move, Stack Overflow has alienated its community - which is also its main source of competitive advantage, in exchange for token lucre.

Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow's former instantiation, used to fulfill a psychological contract - help others out when you can, for the expectation that others may in turn assist you in the future. Now it's not an exchange, it's #enshittification.

Programmers now join artists and copywriters, whose works have been snaffled up to create #GenAI solutions.

The silver lining I see is that once OpenAI creates LLMs that generate code - like Microsoft has done with Copilot on GitHub - where will they go to get help with the bugs that the generative AI models introduce, particularly, given the recent GitClear report, of the "downward pressure on code quality" caused by these tools?

While this is just one more example of #enshittification, it's also a salient lesson for #DevRel folks - if your community is your source of advantage, don't upset them.

Run Linux (Install or Test) using only 1 USB drive (for Beginners - Basic Guide)... 

Try another operating system without risk!

Run Linux using 1 USB memory drive!

Forget CD / DVD 💿 unless really old like 20 years - USB is more accessible and reliable... speed difference is minor...

Test without any hard drive - Optionally install after testing along side your Windows (or just reset back into your existing operating system).

Just 1 USB drive setup correctly allows you to test drive almost any Linux system like Ubuntu or Mint simply by downloading the ISO for it.

How to try Linux? (an alternative to Windows)

Main steps

1- Download YUMI - a Multiboot USB Creator (currently

2- Use YUMI to format USB drive

3- Download Linux Ubuntu or Linux Mint ISO (2 or 3gb file)
- Version 18 Ubuntu seems best / robust for example

4- Use YUMI to add the downloaded Linux ISO to USB
(YUMI allows as many to be added by copying tovia it's menu to USB)

5- Re-Boot + start system from USB drive. Your available Linux version will show in list - run any listed.

6- You're now in and testing the new operating system - That's it!

No install, but shortcut icon from the desktop allows you to optionally install if you want it and have it on a hard drive installed.

ISO's are 1 file containers with the operating system (for Ubuntu or Mint in this case) AND these already include a strong disk manager and fixer called GParted (GNOME Partition Editor) so you don't have to download anything separate if you decide to install to an existing disk, you can manage it here in one go.

GNOME Partition Editor can be seen here also as a separate download: - but again it's included in the ISO so it is very handy to re-organise disks AND install.

Even if you don't want to use Linux you can have a USB with disk tools and even other repair ISO (almost anything) on 1 portable USB toolset.

Side by side with
+ has etc

Run Linux (Install or Test) using only 1 USB drive (for Beginners - Basic Guide)... 

Try another operating system without risk!

Run Linux using 1 USB memory drive!

Forget CD / DVD 💿 unless really old like 20 years - USB is more accessible and reliable... speed difference is minor...

Test without any hard drive - Optionally install after testing along side your Windows (or just reset back into your existing operating system).

Just 1 USB drive setup correctly allows you to test drive almost any Linux system like Ubuntu or Mint simply by downloading the ISO for it.

How to try Linux? (an alternative to Windows)

Main steps

1- Download YUMI currently
2- Use YUMI to format USB drive
3- Download Linux Ubuntu or Linux Mint ISO (a 2/3gb file)
4- Ue YUMI to add that Linux ISO to USB (YUMI allows as many Linux or Windows versions added by copying to USB)
5- re-Boot (start from USB drive) and your Linux version shows in list of boot items - run any listed.
6- You're now testing the new system - That's it!

No disk install, but shortcut icon from the desktop allows install if you want it and have hard drive installed.

ISO's (1 file for the operating system) for Ubuntu or Mint includes already a strong disk manager, partitioner and disk fixer called GParted (GNOME Partition Editor) so you don't have to download anything separate if you decide to install to existing disk, yuo can manage it there.

GNOME Partition Editor is for creating, reorganizing, and deleting disk partitions. seen here as a separate download here - so as it's included in the ISO it is very hand to re-organise disks.

Even if you don't want to use Linux you can have a USB set of strong disk tools from 1 USB.

🇪🇺 According to the preliminary results of the european elections, more far-right and conservative parties are entering the European Parliament.

🇩🇪 In Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz's party came in third place after the pro-Russian Alternative for Germany. The opposition Conservative Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union is in first place.

🇫🇷 In France, President Macron dissolved the parliament (National Assembly). This was due to the triumphant victory of Marine Le Pen's right-wing radical National Rally party. Macron's party received half as many votes, which led the far-right to demand the dissolution of the National Assembly. The elections are scheduled for June 30 and July 7.

🇦🇹 In Austria, the pro-Russian Freedom Party is the likely winner.

🇸🇰 In Slovakia, the Slovak opposition party Progressive Slovakia took first place in the elections, and the party of Prime Minister Robert Fico came in second.

🇬🇷 In Greece, the New Democracy movement of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis retained the lead.

🇪🇸 The opposition Popular Party wins in Spain.

🇫🇮 The ruling NRP led by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo wins in Finland. This is a good sign for Ukraine.

🇧🇪 Belgium : The liberal party of the country's prime minister, Alexandre Decro - Open Vld, is defeated. Against this background, he is resigning (the prime minister promised F-16s, so this is potentially a concerning moment for Ukraine).

The pro-Ukrainian European People's Party (EPP) remains the leading faction in the European Parliament with 181 seats, but the influence of right-wing, pro-Russian forces and conservatives has become stronger.

🎵 UPSIDE down you turn me...
>inside < >out> and...
round and round 🎵

- Diana Ross - Upside Down

😎 🌻 @dibi58

Humans are very similar to plants!
Inside-out to be more accurate ! 🌻

are like plants! We are (very similar to plants!)

Inside-out to be more accurate ! 🌻 👱

Found 20 new servers and 24 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,335 servers checked. 14,446,404 Total Users with 1,516,054 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found: a #friendica server from Czechia a #mastodon server from Italy a #sharkey server from Germany a #misskey server from France a #hubzilla server from Private a #mastodon server from United States a #hubzilla server from Private a #mastodon server from Portugal a #friendica server from Germany a #writefreely server from United States a #iceshrimp server from Germany a #mastodon server from United States a #gotosocial server from Germany a #pleroma server from United States a #misskey server from Private a #mastodon server from Germany a #pixelfed server from Germany a #mastodon server from United States a #rosekey server from Japan a #misskey server from Japan

Help others find a home, send them to

Upgrades = Obsolescence-encouraging ? (Encouraging "new" to be old even quicker + NOT accommodating the old - ignoring them + Misskey / Iceshrimp / Firefox interface aesthetics... 

The mentality of upgrades = bad / too erratic for long term if used unwisely, abused even...

Info here is not a deep techie look but basically "new" today is constantly "obsolescent-encouraging" or more temporary stuff shooting for the moon or claiming it's better.

So I'm not claiming any projects mentioned here are bad, but just I would prefer what can actually load in an "old(er)" browser!

I mean we have enough solutions already for everything at all levels and if we can stick to "old" protocols (unless really really revolutionary like WebRTC) then oldER = betTER or at least not to be exchanged - and newer is just a platform for more problems / high requirements that you can't rollback on.

Imagine Windows :windows: and realising once you do this, you can't go back! And you like features from before and in the new!

That is why you get Firefox add-on extension reverting people back to old or taking out the new... people are forced to new for using their banking or whatever but have to try find things to undo everything else...

YES the new is all trial and error / hit and miss but Tech seems to encourage the old to be tossed out and forgotten too early - it is BigTech at root after all (and don't you forget that despire your bubble) and as upgrades eventually are pushed / forced in exchange for bells, it's easily encouraged to be readily forgetting what works or try pretend "we can trip to the moon with this version better" ... I admit it cam ne hard to put finger on but I'm sure you know what I mean and have example you can add comments to here...

Things like Android needing a higher version of the same application - like why? And anyone that points to the 👉 "security problem" is likely just a parrot because "you should upgrade as it's no longer secure" and "for security reasons" you need Window 112 now...

Why can't I run the same calculator program on Android 4 now? (Android 4 = 10 years ago) ? Nothing big really changed but people still up the requirements and basically alienate oldER mobile users and retro-tech..

MASTODON vs. Misskey / Iceshrimp, forks
So I wasn't a fan of the Misskey and similar Mastodon forks FROM DAY 0 when I loaded it in my browser and saw it didn't load apart from the title (not even informative error message or reduced version available).

I mean newer stuff or forks could at least allow rendering to basics of site or skeleton like RSS does or more universally compatible version (I mean mostly it's a login box right?) so almost purely because most of they have very bloated UIs I skipped it! Call it picky but principle stands... and they could have done better to *accommodate* the old -(backwards-compatibility ) NOT make ultimatums / ignore them.

Not being able to be loaded by "old browsers" even 5years or less is a kind of bar I have with "new" bells-and-whistles style upgrading constantly moving the bar and deliberately requiring BigTech-style "upgrade now for another UI change or change in design"

* Iceshrimp wasn't on Wikipedia
but does redirect to Fediverse page:

Do you have any favourite pages related / feature comparisons?

* Iceshrimp is A fediverse platform, forked from Calckey in 2023 (Firefish is formerly Calckey)

* Misskey was not designed as a distributed social network, so its main philosophy is not based on an decentralized approach...


= good example for retro-tech because of it's backwards-compatibility with Universal / basic access by design/

+ bogus / parroted reasons

pushes tech - People just what's best

Forks aesthetics

Final thought... To upgrade or Not?...

People do like the idea of new, even if it's old! (was just reading people upgrading their NAS software (running perfect for years) and then regretting it! Doh! :facepalm:
Tempting isn't it ?)

ATARI 51years ago! (+your childhood included I assume!) 

Here's my own animated creation using stock graphic of a cassette + animating it.

As a "cheers" to Atari, and homage to what I kind of kinda literally 'LOOP'ed into... (I had nothing better to play with... and then PC came along an well whadda know still using that too!)

Atari name comes from the Japanese term atari, used while playing the ancient board game Go.
(bet you didn't know that!)

And that it was an American company with Japanese sounding name ?

The word atari means "to hit a target" in Japanese and is associated with good fortune; in Go, it indicates a situation where a player will be able to capture one or more stones of the opponent in the next move.

😃 The company fizzled and perhaps Amiga was better but what a storm all that time was!

💣 💣 💣 💣 💣 💣 💣 💣 💣 💣 💣
Which of the pictures on the Wiki page do you most recognise?

(Wiki Pictures on the right show the evolution of Atari stuff)

now GOTO 80! 👾
💣 💣 💣 💣 💣 💣 💣 💣 💣 💣 💣


practical love for life... let's do it...
(let's chat more often)

I must be like Rumi because: "writers and poets are considered as negligible, frivolous, tawdry sideshows...." 

I'm more than only just that (and not as religious) but the love for people and knowing we make each other alive I do have...

so consider me Rumi-esque and check my posts / increase the relativity and practical love for life! ❤️

The numbers in the image may not be entirely accurate, but this is how it works when your data is sold to third parties.

It all depends on how vulnerable you are. If you have been abused and are more vulnerable, you are worth more money to Facebook, for example.

This is sick to say the least! The screenshot comes from a YouTube video:

#privacy #bigtech #facebook #meta

Just got my blog started for my cycling adventures! I will try to keep it updated as best I can. More content will be added as time goes by.

Maybe @evelyn is interested following the blog? 🙂

Why do you exist if you're not going to give it to the next generation? 

(I don't mean every 'should' but really what I'd like to know is what you personally intend to live for?)

Also because it seems people get into games in life (like computer games but other non-game games) and then they are working / doing stuff without considering a bit what it's for in the end... ?

Do you want to create another world from this one TOGETHER?

How strongly do you want to try new ways towards a new world?

(get in contact to try something more)

"Open-sourced Evil" type of open-source! 🤯 

left unchecked can easily become "Open-sourced Evil" type of open-source! 🤯

Like all these servers running commercial things, totally not giving back - multibillion dollar companies even complaining to volunteers/geeks to fix it! Those ad-farm type things could totally not exist!

Does seem like openness has this kind of weak point / very regularly exploited factor... which getting permission from someone / origins can really keep lid on things...

otherwise you can "open-sourced evil" type of open-source that take over like overgrowing weeds* !

(* even though I like weeds as usually you can eat them like spinach / make tea / etc ! Those BigTech servers aren't even worth that as weeds ! )

Friendly reminder that if you like what I do and you want to support it, you can donate at 🌸

I could trick you by saying that it'll make me more productive warts and all, but it'd actually cut me some slack. God I'd love some slack 🐌

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.