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I want my Mastodon posts to be exported into more universal format (so I don't need this instance to view my stuff -


mainly the outbox.json and the media ... which you get with export BUT nothing to view together!

🎏 Flags usually mean that they've captured something...

🤔 Wonder what or WHO they have captured. (ask whichever flag carrier you are under).

on - AND

/ )
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___ / /__
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@npdoty the ability to opt-out, even if it did somehow retroactively remove data from a model, doesn't justify ignoring ethics or copyright law. What about people who never get told about the opt-out? What about non-technical people who can't add to robots.txt? Why should someone have to opt-out?

If you don't design and maintain clearer politics with your users then the politics can be lost in your design.

Maintain the politics (why it exist and for who it is for or against) and the politics can be sorted WHILE people are using the software - If it's "yet another software" then it has less meaning.

The winner is what people use and believe to get better themselves so eventually the politics (perspectives of people within global consideration) gets better with your design and with you making it!

Maintain a clearer purpose I think is FTW

for your account?

➡️ Add these privacy notes (copy and paste selected text to your bio) ⬇️

"No consent is given to scrape or store any of my data, by Commercial company or individual, for any commercial purpose or otherwise."

( scraper)



It's something of a defence and prevention.

➡️ Add a footer section to say on your instance template 9under compose box):

"No consent given to scrape any data from this server for any commercial purpose"

Chat Control — the EU's latest plan to implement mass surveillance on the internet — is closer than ever to being passed. The vote's been pushed to Thursday, but we need to keep up the pressure: Contact your government ASAP and take action!


#ChatControl #StopChatControl #Privacy #EU

Stand up for privacy and freedom of expression online this UK #GeneralElection!

Will you join almost 200 people who have called on their local candidates of all political colours to protect digital rights in the next Parliament.

Use our tool to be heard ⬇️

#Election #Privacy #freedomofexpression #dataprotection #ukpolitics #digitalrights #Manifesto

Push-ups ✅
Calling my #EU embassy asking to stop #chatcontrol✅💪
Reverse push-ups✅

Train your democracy muscle, do your work-out today! Look for your gym here:

@kimvsparrentak @piratepost @Piratenpartij @piraten_saarland @netzpolitik_feed @kuketzblog
#EU #privacy

"I love talking to people, but I really need some quiet to recover afterwards."

- Scott Francis @darkuncle

Jobs cannot solve things totally if puts you out of a job...! 

This means often people and need to prolong problems or extend existing ways to keep alive and keep their job!

Play it too fair as individual or suggest a great idea at work and you can measurably show you're obsolete and even lose your job. So since as you are not needed and they see now they can do the job without you a bit of down-sizing (and being cut out) happens. Robots and machines are one more direct example but even good ideas can be similar replacement for a person.

Brutal and simple it means companies and individuals do a lot of other stuff that isn't in the usual moral interest at all to solve THIS problem (of needing employment before anything)...

(Governments and people at the top especially are stuck in a paradox face with risking their position for any big real ideas or implementation)

It explains also why less-deserving people get promoted and I've see this first hand as undoubtedly the best in the department has not been promoted and sent to top (for years) because there is probably at lost of risk they will set things straight / be too good and if they are not full of bad attitude they will not continue that flavour of hierarchy and even propose it bravely.

Imagine if actually reduced or solved problems - it would put people out of a Governmental job ! - make things too efficient for them) because it is actually possible to run things without using existing methods and techniques without so many people paid or layers / hierarchy etc... so when people talk about problems they don't see those people need to prolong them else cut themselves out of the loop (even with some re-inventing or moving possible - who wants to risk that in a shrinking employment market ⬅️ if that's true or it's simply not easy to change / find new employer / relocate / start again).

It's similar to manufacturing, make a good product - as there is not always enough market for them to buy in a years or that people will even buy from you again later... so do you need a monopoly and attachment with it (right!?)

Solving problems is a problem in itself when people using jobs to stay alive and therefore HAVE TO CAUSE PROBLEMS TO THEN CLEAR IT UP.


or even normal

you know how when you're thinking about getting a tattoo, a good question to ask is "would this be better as a t-shirt"?

the fedi equivalent is "would this reply be better as a new post"?

Show thread
"why have you been obsessed about cryptocurrency since 2007"

#poast losing its stripe account is a pretty good example

FINALLY a canadian builds a social media empire to challenge facebook, even for some small insignificant fraction of its total market dominance in social media, and boom the payment provider pulls the rug from under him for political bullshit reasons. Meanwhile crypto payments to said social media site continue as if nothing was happening.

10,000s of people, many canadians affected by political censorship by a US company and where's the canadian media? Sleeping as usual, because it's their political enemies who are affected.

Trust in Fediverse seems is fading - AND not being built on as relationships / networks etc - Here are my workings and estimations... 

(Hope I'm not projecting this)

Consider it as a work in progress my dear :fediverse: VERSION 2
(will increment this as I type today) - food for thought...

Hard to see what you see but I guess you use :fediverse: not much more than a few messages - and probably think "why do I need to more?" and "Not my fault if this place fall apart / dies / gets eaten for the same reasons as seen before (take overs / mergers / invaders etc) -

"HEY it should all run without my care / attention / participation to it all! "

TLDR: Below is reasoning of which general group on Fediverse you might fall into (and briefly your mindset / focus which is why you might appear to care whether it's true or not) and also what's going wrong added to under the categories

All as I see / experienced / experiencing in response to my ideas given in general, responses to my ideas or observations from interactions with others (or lack of) without my involvement. Limited but at least closer to first / second hard without any big stake in it other than doing something about XYZ invasions / potentials / building trust in ourselves...

TLDR (bit longer - or skip to next section)
Basically groups of people who moved over from Twitter cold-turkey from rug-pull type stuff or more intentionally and just Fediverse here now in a similar same way (not really building anything and being mostly user /consumer only)...

and those who *might* realise or not that as time goes on their time here is running out on Fediverse too as and bigger players are simply moving next door / shifting operations (literally Twitter, FB, Meta, Google / Alphabet Group going to dragnet and just move here / use us even more)

And continue to index the fuck out of us with near no-attempt by admins or users to protect us / themselves / their users from data-scraping / stuff (some we can't see but you know their patterns of profit are undoubted and their existence is their own definition of their own existence ⬅️ yes that's clever )... STOP READING if you don't agree with this.

STOP READING if you think predators or war makers changed their stripes and now their intentions are much better and it's not that bad, they wouldn't be so cut-throat in the more-civilised ways of playing off people against themselves to gobble us like a Pacman dots all the while... :pacman: ●☻●☻●☻●☻ :pacman: ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌

Commercialism's comforts has basically blinded us / made us think it's all ok and doable using their ways.

Anyway here is more on this:

Groups and basic reasoning why

█"Boys and Toys" (Computers or similar "This is all going to help" or "this is my fun leave me alone")
█Gamers, FPS shooters - like war playing is ok for so long or ever justified emptying so much time on (we've all been their, now it's time to get out)
█Hobbiest / Modders / Fiddlers (PC. . , , etc)... some genuine hacks we might use "one day" but still their communication is probably limited "like why should I look into anything else other my family and hobbies?"
News ("oh wow this could really save the world again" stuff or "oh my god look what they are doing now... let me re-tweet it.... I mean "boost")
█(etc etc... overall humans who are interacting with non-humans as main material - doing the consumption of time and interaction while not seeing the human sides are lacking as a result - directly communication and therefore systems etc - Advanced users can also be just users with users under them as an instance.

AND ALL here not caring to interact much, few posts back and forth MAX. Not many marathon runners - if you feel bad about this comment you might have been 1 of ?0 I contact during each month directly offering / asking anything and everything to catch a bit of interest, even to dispel any doubts openly.

Verdict: "Humans are inefficient and imperfect therefore ignore them" / "why try it's futile" types of people)

█Bourgeois (Too rich or Rich enough upper-middle class - don't want to rock any boats and happy where they are.
Why spend time on those below me or those non-family people?
Me talk to non-blood related people or think of "1 love" humanity - naaaa)

ANSWER: Like Martial Arts halls you can improve the lower belts by training with them and thos that stick around can be like family who then come up and fight with you / teach next calls or generation... it's not business deal always, but if you treat life like that then it will be just buying / selling people... which we know doesn't work well / ignores the mind or general issues of suffering by people...

Nobody wants to do these things actively apart from a few posts.

█Alternative sexuality- # ... etc
People who escaped from masses of others not quite accepting or upto speed...
More active, vocal and trying that others... probably because their life depends on it and sexuality in danger by those confused by new and strange purely from not having experience / learning from mainstream.

etc 🚨
all kind of the same and self explanatory
...just some just news echoes or some trying to do it all on their own mostly (which does make sense remember you need lower echelon as cringe as we might be).

A strong potential as already superior in activity and communication (yes even in making sense from things despite profile or server suggesting otherwise). Clever not just in humour or in killing time. A ton of stuff simply to view and ignore without big feelings.

spectators - action watching

Trump etc no need say more - you know why you watch this stuff rather than work on something with us (in the other groups)

to come today... will revise or add new post v soon... follow with notification if important to you (switch off if it's ever bullshit)

(or skip to next section...)

I included the word "you" here to make it "a bit more personal" so you question yourself to which category listed you fall in - and ask yourself if I'm approximately right (?).

It's totally ok to say this to yourself but consider coming out of your zone of comfort.

Made from first hand experience (attempts) and previous measured bias = a list of groups (on Fediverse but general groups too) who are perhaps not doing enough BUT also doing the opposite to their own ethos sometimes (much like Facebook while anti-Facebook and posting there a lot).

I estimate these groups as main reasons why for overall relationships / groups / networks are not to my level of expectation (while still leaving room for other group and reasons)


Like "no consent" or simple footer for "no permission granted" or "information is not for scraping or used commercially" or CC-BY-SA-NC).

This includes Eugene / Gargon + my admin @freemo who I've asked a good while back either about Google links here feeding the commercial farms (Gargron) or adding a footer to our particular server (freemo).

How bad do people want to keep Fediverse and is there enough people to hold it? Right now, as conversation I'm not sure.
As admins and few conscious yes, but without help of masses and "upgrading" your users then your users are the weak point and we'll just move to the next thing or stick to being "bridged" ( )

I reserve right to correct myself or see if anyone has a good comeback to justify changing this - all is from positive want for better / more reasoning... but my account shows what I've tried a lot... I don't many other to call their account and try for these 'upgrade the weak-points' type of things called users...
users being just are not enough and we can encourage more!

Trust in Fediverse seems is fading - AND not being built on as relationships / networks etc - Here are my workings and estimations... 

(Hope I'm not projecting this title and consider as a work in progress)

Hard to see what you see but I guess you use not much more than a few messages - and probably think "why do I need to more?" and "Not my fault if this place dies to the same reasons as before - it should all run without my care / attention / participation to it all!"

TLDR: Below is reasoning of general groups on Fediverse (and briefly their mindset / focus) and also what's going wrong added to these categories as I see / experienced / experiencing it in response to ideas in general, my ideas or observations of interactions with others (or lack of).

TLDR (bit longer - or skip to next section)
Basically groups of people who moved over from Twitter (mostly) and just use it in the same way... who *might* realise or not in time that their time is running out on Fediverse too as and bigger players are simply moving next door (literally Twitter, FB, Meta, Google / Alphabet Group going to dragnet and just move here)
Or continue to index the fuck out of us with no attempt by admins or users to protect us / themselves / their users from data-scraping / stuff (soem I can't see but you know their patterns of profit are undoubted as their definition of their own existence)... STOP READING if you don't agree with this.

If you think predators or war makers changed from their pure-profit intentions and playing off people against themselves to gobble us like a Pacman dot... :pacman: ●☻●☻●☻●☻ :pacman: ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ then stop reading and go back to commercialism comforts.

Anyway here is more on this:

Groups and basic reasoning why

█Boys and Toys
█Gamers, FPS shooter like war is ok or worth emptying so much time on
█Hobbiest / Modders / Fiddlers (PC. . , , etc)
News ("oh wow this could really save the world again" stuff)
█(etc etc... overall humans dealing with non-humans as main material / time consumption / interaction spent

AND ALL here not caring to interact much, few posts back and forth MAX.

Verdict: "Humans are inefficient and imperfect therefore ignore / why try" types of people)

█Bourgeois (Too rich or Rich enough upper-middle class not to rock any boats and why spend time on those below you or those non-family people / non-blood related)

ANSWER: Like Martial Arts halls you improve the lower belts treating them like family who then come up and fight with you / teach next calls or generation...

Nobody wants to do that actively apart from a few posts.

█Alternative sexuality- ... etc
People who escaped from masses of others not quite accepting or upto speed...
More active, vocal and trying that others... probably because their life depends on it and sexuality in danger by those confused by new and strange purely from not having experience / learning from mainsteam.

spectators - action watching

Trump etc no need say more - you know why you watch this stuff rather than work on something with us (in the other groups)

to come today... will revise this post v soon...

(or skip to next section...)

I included the word "you" here to make it "a bit more personal" so you question yourself to which category listed you fall in - and ask yourself if I'm approximately right (?).

It's totally ok to say this to yourself but consider coming out of your zone of comfort.

Made from first hand experience (attempts) and previous measured bias = a list of groups (on Fediverse but general groups too) who are perhaps not doing enough BUT also doing the opposite to their own ethos sometimes (much like Facebook while anti-Facebook and posting there a lot).

I estimate these groups as main reasons why for overall relationships / groups / networks are not to my level of expectation (while still leaving room for other group and reasons)


Like "no consent" or simple footer for "no permission granted" or "information is not for scraping or used commercially" or CC-BY-SA-NC).

This includes Eugene / Gargon + my admin @freemo who I've asked a good while back either about Google links here feeding the commercial farms (Gargron) or adding a footer to our particular server (freemo).

How bad do people want to keep Fediverse and is there enough people to hold it? Right now, as conversation I'm not sure.
As admins and few conscious yes, but without help of masses and "upgrading" your users then your users are the weak point and we'll just move to the next thing or stick to being "bridged" ( )

I reserve right to correct myself or see if anyone has a good comeback to justify changing this - all is from positive want for better / more reasoning... but my account shows what I've tried a lot... I don't many other to call their account and try for these 'upgrade the weak-points' type of things called users...
users being just are not enough and we can encourage more!

The art of doing nothing in Capitalism... I was thinking about this as a chess strategy... 

"On a strict definition this of course isn't really possible. We are compelled to make moves. It is, however, possible just to shuffle a piece backwards and forwards.

As you might expect this isn't a very successful strategy for any reasonable form of the game."

I thought the above was the best part without diving into the chessy stuff...

And in real life, "killing time" or "killing the clock" = choosing the right games = not playing into capitalism's hands = not selling your time too fast or paying endless rent (doing any game more controlled and in a better way than all of it taxed).

Writing this was hard as it seems "the end justifies the means" but for sure Capitalism holds all the squares and if Fediverse people won't listen or unite... then really don't try too hard... it's a lost game UNLESS you find really a sure way else you're creating another business that is the business template of Governments - very well designed (and yes "please sign here" means to jump into the fire before any progress even begins!)

If you can find a minimal way to live (like not pay rent) THAT IS A BIG +).... instead of Berlin prices...

So instead make your own work... work on your notes, re-thinking, re-writing stuff = you win and capitalism loses... while you MUST ACCEPT there are not real winners - and you might have to end it also - because they will also or committed to the negative debt-based society anyway.
That's why people "have no time" or spent it on making a family based on debt or paying forever.

Just not jumping into big traps or accelerating debt is A BIG PLUS but I don't claim you don't work or find some things to do / volunteer for, sports... asking people for help personally.

So you accept your death even if you live for a bit more, and try don't play too fast into INDEBT-ing yourself and obligations, not signing your name to too many known bad things (if any...)

If you can find the balance, the right platform to share. think about involving others... do that if safe enough. [ Direct messages for example can't be easily scraped and copied to search engines... ]

Capitalism wants your DATA to WORK AND TO...



"Let's decouple our ideas of innate human value from jobs, mmk?"

- Kudra @kudra

@bhawthorne @darius @martincrownover @kissane

while that outcome is possible, I don't think it's likely, because a large number of users would instead say "oh ho, you're going to monetise us as well as ask for donations? Well eff you, no more donations or buying #merchtodon, I'm going to move to another instance, block, and encourage others to do the same."

There's nothing stopping users at the individual level from removing access to their content from any instance that chooses to monetise through advertising.

We had these arguments waaaaay back when #LiveJournal sold out and started showing ads, after years of swearing they never would, but the interoperability of LJ codebase sites was imperfect, Facebook was stealing people's social graph, and sadly that community hub never recovered.

Fedi is imperfect, but people are starting to understand that we have tools at both server and user level to fight back against corporate capture. Spam and other issues I'm more concerned by, but so far Fedi has been doing pretty well there too, I think.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.