It's a framework/network for writing distributed apps built on DHTs! It's agent-centric, with each agent having their own "source chain" that is essentially a journal of their activity within the app; entries into the source chain are shared with the app's DHT network and other agent-nodes in the network gossip to ensure that new entries are witnessed, verified, and properly allocated within the DHT.
The framework is written in Rust using proc macros with a javascript test framework called TryORama and currently in alpha right now! Check it out at https://developer.holochain.org
#ruby #rust #golang #elm #AdventOfCode2019 #adventofcode
Repo for my Advent of Code. Going to try to do multiple languages each day, finishing with Ruby because it's my strongest.
PSA: Someone has apparently typo-squatted a package with a similar name to dateutil on PyPI and is serving malicious code on it!
Please check that you depend on `python-dateutil`, no other variants. (The malicious package is `python3-dateutil`).
Trans rights are human rights, and you can just fuck off if you want to argue with me about that.
More robust handling of cases where username is reused or keys change https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues/12148
1: Establish root trust by signing profiles/keys with the instance actor
2: Establish a web-of-trust for instance actors, using Trust On First Use (TOFU)
- Give instance actors their own keys, if they do not have them already.
- Sign profile keys with the instance key.
- Add UI in the admin panel to audit when instance keys change.
Maybe you were thinking of exercism.io?
If you are a web developer trying to keep spambots out, DO NOT use reCAPTCHA. It is an unethical privacy invasion that follows people around the Web and stops disabled people from accessing information or services for no good reason.
Instead, just ask a (very) simple logic puzzle from a decent-sized set. Ask the questions in regular text and give an option to change puzzles. Switch out the library of puzzles occasionally. This will stop the vast majority of spambots.
“The technology behind the internet is not incompatible with our rights, but the business model Facebook and Google have chosen is.”
Yep, that’s Amnesty International saying that.
Depends on what mastery we're talking about. Mastering computer science or informatics, that's probably a PhD level pursuit; programming is just a set of tools for informatics, and different languages are like variations of medical tools or chemicals. You can master a specific tool fairly easily given enough time, but you'll be limited by how every problem looks like a nail unless you learn how different tools can be used together. That pursuit is never ending.
@freemo @Full_marx
Forgot to add that the rest of us, excluding Jeff here, just have to get by ~
Let's Learn Algorithms - Calhoun.io https://www.calhoun.io/lets-learn-algorithms
I saved this for myself recently, hopefully it helps!
@design_RG @tek @kornel @namark @raman @fahrni @mngrif @rodolpho @shibaprasad @Gomario @EdS @freemo
It's true, maybe one in a thousand programmers is good, one in ten thousand is truly exceptional
@design_RG @tek @kornel @namark @raman @fahrni @mngrif @rodolpho @shibaprasad @Gomario @EdS
To help some of the newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same. Add #introductions to the post.
Mozilla has taken the pure wizardry out of CSS shapes and now we are all sorcerers.
#ActuallyPsychotic <> programming autodidact and polyglot <> meditation enthusiast
Avatar by Leanna Schwartz,
Header image by @cesya@birdshite.monster