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O Nº1 da Almanaque está online em

Ilustração de Lia Ferreira (@liaferreira),
layout de João Lagido.

Great quote.


"Is this really what AI has come to, automatically mixing reality with bullshit so finely we can no longer recognize the difference?" et Galactica 🍿


Our perspective with Leto Peel and @manlius just came out on Nature Communications: “Statistical inference links data and theory in network science”

We argue how Bayesian inferential methods are essential for a robust network science.

How can we get the most from network modeling and data?

Together with & @tiago we have just published a paper to ignite discussions and present constructive proposals.


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A thread: 1/

#ComplexSystems #ComplexNetworks #CollectiveBehavior #NetworkScience Of interest for #Neuroscience #ComputationalBiology

Esta cena do boy do PS ganhar 4K eleva meu receio de filhos terem decidido estudar um univs 🇵🇹 depois de crescerem 🇺🇲. Passei a vida a insistir que estudo e conhecimento são a forma de obter uma vida boa. Mas, racionalmente, o caminho em 🇵🇹 é uma jota. Qual aeroespacial qual quê.

RIP @GalCosta. The softest giant voice of Brazilian music. I grew up with her voice as a classic of the portuguese-speaking world, but her ability to innovate always surprised as well. I even managed to play this amazing record on my DJ sets.

We have a new paper out in First Monday about how Covid-19 impacted the identity expression of the #digitalnomad (DN) Reddit community, with KarineEhn and Thiago dos Santos

We introduce a diachronic orientation-anomaly typology that considers (a) the tension between interactions on the community's core and peripheral topics and (b) interaction-pattern anomalies.

We built the OA typology on top of a non-parametric topic model algorithm (by @tiago and Martin Gerlach).

Today at 2022 I will give two talks summarizing our lab's work on in . One focusing on network structure (session 4A) and the other on dynamics on and off networks (session 5C). See you there!

Meanwhile, in the Eastern US:

"Species considered human commensals like squirrels, and raccoons had high seroprevalence, ranging between 62%-71%, and sites with high human use had three times higher seroprevalence than low human-use areas."

Holy hell the twitter exodus is **still** accelerating. The influx of new users is up about 33% from yesterday, our biggest day so far. We are now seeing over 1,300 new users every day on QOTO!

QOTO User Count  
21,888 accounts +34 in the last hour +1,333 in the last day +3,843 in the last week


Working on network polarization? This new network correlation measure can quantify polarization on graphs and captures very well hostility and disagreement in real networks. Marilena Hohmann w at Complex Networks’22. Paper coming soon… #complexnetworks #palermo


If you are interested in network methods, come see Felipe Xavier Costa show that distance can be applied to , session 3C at 2022.

@lamaral opening 2022 with a thought-provoking keynote "An opinionated evaluation of where we are after a quarter century of complex networks“ in Palermo.

Attaching here this very useful diagram to understand who sees what when you toot in Mastodon

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New day in the fediverse of Mastodon. Still thinking about another change of instance. Back to or What are your experiences?

I hope some major scientific institutions, such as universities, funding agencies, or other organizations enter this space and think about setting up instances in the coming months.,

Here is the link to apply to our tenure-track Assistant Professor level positions. We seek early-career researchers working in , , , biomedical complexity, and related topics.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.