An overview of our multi-year project funded by NIH National Library of Medicine to build a #DataScience and #NetworkScience suite of tools and personal library for people with #epilepsy. A Collaboration with Katy Borner, Wendy Miller, the Epilepsy Foundation of America, and many others.
Updated Chapter 7 of my #EvolutionarySystems and Bio-Inspired Computing course: Modeling Evolutionary Systems. This is the last chapter for this year's course.
#Evolution #complexity #multilevelSelection #Development #ArtifialLife #TheoreticalBiology
The entire package is available as a pdf as well:
Could not agree more with this review. #Mentalhealth is a complex multilevel problem. The idea that social media is a key factor has no scientific basis yet. Also the idea that its causes and solutions reside molecular mechanisms of the brain are equally simplistic.
So happy this NLM-NIH sponsored work with @alfonsovalencia , @jonsv89, Rion Correia et al is out @BMCMedicine!
We study #DrugInteraction #polypharmacy with longitudinal #DataScience and #NetworkMedicine study of #EHR revealing #gender #age #bias in #health.
O 25 de Abril poderá ter trazido maior liberdade aos docentes da academia portuguesa, mas certamente os alunos continuam sem voto na matéria. Desde o numerus clausus à entrada, até a falta de escolha curricular e mudança de cursos.
Também não têm qualquer poder sobre professores abusivos ou incompetentes, exames que reprovam percentagens inconcebíveis noutros países, nem sequer nos horários que os afetam nem na gestão das suas cantinas.
Admira-me que alunos portugueses sejam tão dóceis—ou talvez não,dada a escolinha secundária em que são educados. A academia portuguesa trata os alunos com um autoritarismo anacrónico que afeta muito o bem-estar deles, incluindo a saúde mental---que certamente contribui para que tantos abandonem o pais para ambientes que lhes dão maior liberdade.
Awesome time visiting my PhD co-advisor and #legend Howard Pattee. #Respect for foundational work on #complexsystems #theoreticalbiology #hierarchytheory #multilevelcomplexity
Updated Chapter 6 of my #EvolutionarySystems and Bio-Inspired Computing course: #VonNeumann and Natural Selection. #SelfReproduction #SelfReplication #Evolution #complexity #ArtifialLife #TheoreticalBiology
At 2:05 Moises Mallo @IGCiencia and team debuts at SNL! congratulations!
Chapter 5 of my #EvolutionarySystems and Bio-inspired Computing course have been updated for 2024 edition. #ArtificalLife #TheoreticalBiology #ComplexSystems
"Reality is Stranger than Fiction"
Indiana politicians are really stupid. This is the most famous center at @IUBloomington . Cole Porter, another Hoosier, even immortalized it brilliantly (
Updated 4th Chapter of my "#EvolutionarySystems and #BioInspiredComputing " 2024 Class. #SelfOrganization #Criticality #Robustness #Resilience #Evolvability
Fun interview I gave to @GraceyWeather at the @natwxdesk podcast for Valentine's Day. About sex, of course. Big shout out to @mjoanasa towards the end. on Spotify and all other podcast platforms.
P.S. Though I have to say that the best version of the song is @DavidBowieReal and @Gail_Ann_Dorsey fabulous #DrumAndBass live version
No such thing as #academicfreedom in #Germany: "The university said it believed that art, culture and science are places 'where contentious issues are kept in check'".
@LaurieAnderson ends German professorship after criticism of Palestine support
Very apropos, I have been playing @OnlyAnExpert all day, especially my favorite German techno remix of Oh Superman by @BookaShade . "they are american planes."
Full text now available on PubMed Central. I love PMC and that federally-funded research becomes available to the public there.
"The distance backbone of #complexnetworks"
Updated third chapter of my #EvolutionarySystems and #bioinspiredComputing class. This semester I added a new subsection about #complexsystems and #systemsScience approaches to studying life, from #artificallife to #systemsbiology. "#MODELING THE WORLD AND SYSTEMS APPROACH TO LIFE"
My latest op-ed is about #polipharmacy #druginteraction, which are higher in Portugal than almost everywhere else in Europe, and how #datascience could help. #dataforgood #health #publichealth
Second chapter of 2024 lecture notes for my course "Evolutionary Systems and Bio-inpired Computing"
#ArtificialLife, #BiologicalTheory, #ComplexSystems, #GeneralSystems, #SystemsScience, #Theory
Post-identity earthling working on complex systems, networks, biomedicine, AI, evolution. Music, politics, DJ as E-Trash. Life through parrhesia. "E se mais mundo houvera, lá chegara".
Professionally, I'm the George J. Klir Professor of Systems Science at the Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science (Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering), Binghamton University (State University of New York), where I lead the Complex Adaptive Systems and Computational Intelligence (CASCI: lab. I'm also Principal Investigator at the Instituto Gulbenkian da Ciencia in Portugal.