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@design_RG @freemo

Would topics such as Permaculture, Biodynamic Farming and Agroforestry and Design

as offered by the Apricot centre, come under the STEM banner for this instance / discourse forum?

Would be good to invite people but would not want them to be tripped up by the signup form?

@globcoco These webinars are well presented and if you have an overleaf account they usually have example projects you can open so the webinar becomes practical too.

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Torbay Council
To support hospitality businesses with their recovery plans, we are offering free short term pavement cafe licences to allow them to provide outdoor seating for customers. Find out more & make an application via:

Accuracy in reporting remains our prime goal (we focus only on subjects that we understand well); expect an average of around 10 stories/posts per day for the foreseeable future

I am challenging myself to write a basic application to help solve the Drake Equation

Doing this in Python2 at the moment

So far got the GUI started.

I have set up a gitlab repository for this too.

Hubble Provides Holistic View of Stars Gone Haywire
As nuclear fusion engines, most stars live placid lives for hundreds of millions to billions of years. But near the end of their lives they can turn into crazy whirligigs, puffing off shells and jets of hot gas. Astronomers have employed Hubble's full range of imaging capabilities to dissect such crazy fireworks happening in two nearby young planetary nebulas. NGC 6303 is dubbed the Butterfly Nebula because of its wing-like appearance. In addition, NGC 7027 resembles a jewel bug, an insect with a brilliantly colorful metallic shell.

Some truly stunning pictures here, not bad for something built in 1986 and launched a few years later. Hubble still going strong in 2020.

@hyploma @ademalsasa @debian @delta @dino @dismail @disroot @duckduckgo @libreoffice @linuxmint @mastodon @mxlinux @nextcloud @operationtulip @ProtonCalendar @protonmail @torproject @Tutanota @veracrypt @xmpp @codeberg @cryptpad @ctemplar @guardianproject @i2p @peertube @pixelfed @tails @Whonix @write_as @freemo @design_RG @globcoco

If anyone on here is also on Twitter you may want to follow:


As the Fediverse uses
Activity Pub
As the protocol that makes everything communicate nicely

Right now they have 3 followers, so the more the better.

We can then try and ask publications, on twitter if they can also add activity pub to their website so it is easier to federate here and allow us to subscribe, or even create bots to do this.

The more people they feel will benefit from this the more likely they are to look in to it.

I found this today and am sharing here, I have updated some of the Discourse forum posts to also include this.

Writefull for Overleaf checks grammar and gives language feedback on the text you write in Overleaf. Using language models trained on millions of journal articles, Writefull corrects grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and more. Writefull is specifically designed to provide language suggestions for research writing. Writefull for Overleaf is a Chrome extension provided by Writefull, it is not provided or maintained by Overleaf. Both Overleaf and Writefull are part of Digital Science.

This is a test image for uploading pictures to the forum.

Feel free to ignore.

That didn't quite work out as I expected, but it may help others.

So for the forum just use HTML to insert images and control the width (and therefore aspect ratio) of the media.

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If you need to insert images and want to control how they look, this works on the Discourse forum as well as here.

With a guide on Stackoverflow here

Making Science more inclusive
Update from IOP Science website

IOP Publishing joins forces with other publishers to make research publishing more inclusive and diverse

* [Read more](

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