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DaveTLV boosted

@Surasanji Yes the bigger problem is from interbreeding early on. The scenario would be, say, a modified species where one of many modifications is beneficial in the wild and the other factors is not. It passes on that gene through interbreeding on one of its children but not the other qualities. that child may pick up that gene and spread it.

Again this hasnt been much of a problem yet, and generally most species arent at high risk of this like corn (which rarely even grows in the wild). But it is the only legitimate concern I can think of.

DaveTLV boosted

@Surasanji I am a huge GMO supporter for all the good it has brought to starving people. The only legitimate risk I can see is if those species escape to the wild and out-compete native species. With that said for crops it is a non-issue since they rarely grow well in the wild.

DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted

My tasks list right now... I have to finish the documentation website (REST API still missing), I have to finish the Conversations API (it's mostly about the UI part now), I have to finish report source blocking, I have to finish fixing link verification for remote accounts...

And that's just the currently in progress stuff, I have 5-6 items on the 2.6 roadmap I haven't started on yet.

Okay, coffee ingested.

Goooood Day and !

I hope you'll have a wonderful day today. It's another lovely day in Tel Aviv- the heat is finally starting to bleed off and it's super comfortable outside today. I'm feeling good, always a bonus.

So, for you find peoples today: Genetically Modified Organisms- specifically crop plants: What's your opinion?

Ooh. One of those I need two coffees mornings. Stand by for standard greetings.

DaveTLV boosted

Ruth Bater Ginsburg is s awesome, and right. Even she thinks the Kavanaugh trial is a partisan circus and uncalled for. What is going on with the partisanship is plain wrong, she is right. Democrats AND Republicans should be ashamed of themselves.

Hear her comments for yourself:

So, we're well past the initial Kavanaugh engagements and I can say one thing- the man's behavior during all of this is enough for me to say he doesn't belong on the US Supreme Court.

I was on the fence, before, but now watching how he's acting and the things he's saying- and most importantly the WAY he is saying them makes me believe he's just not Supreme Court Material.

I have a certain expectation of the people on the highest court of the US. Brett Kavanaugh does not meet those expectations.

We are back to blue skies here in Tel Aviv. Lovely day, although a bit warmer than I'd prefer.

I hope all my friends here at and have wonderful days ahead of them.

DaveTLV boosted

@Surasanji Thank you, that really does mean alot to me. I'd rather be wrong and fair minded then right and close minded.

You certainly have brought a lot to this comunity and just like everyone who is active at QOTO we wouldn't be what we are without people like you to fill the crowd.

Thats what amazes me too, not just that I started this but somehow with relatively minimal effort we managed to get sooo many people who are so excellent. Like whats the formula that made that part happen too.

DaveTLV boosted

I have to say I'm really surprised with how quickly my follower count and the user count exploded in just a little over 2 months.

When I first came to the fediverse the very first thing I did was start my own server (qoto) because I wanted a place where I could talk freely (free speech), without the facism of censorship. Honest sincere debate, something I felt was lacking from other nodes in the fediverse.

I never intended to draw a crowd, or even other members on my server. It was for me and for one friend, that's it. But somehow in the 2 - 3 months I've gained thousands of followers many of whom have come to join our family on QOTO.

What I dont get is how. What did I do that was so special that got me 3k followers in a few months. I have to think its more than just being a nice guy.

My guess: people, like me, crave a place they can be honest, where a difference of opinion is met with mature respectful debate, not censorship and hatred. I hope we have created that here!

Tell me what you think! I'd love to hear everyones opinion on what brought them over to QOTO or even why you decided to follow me.

DaveTLV boosted

Important: Anyone in the bay area looking for a roommate? Please boost

DaveTLV boosted

I just hit 3K followers! So amazed by all the interest in my projects, and my posts, thank you all! I look forward to getting to know all of you, your such a diverse group with so many interests from art, to science, to religion, every moment is a joy! I appreciate how you have all enriched my life.

I love you all!

:ablobcool: :awesome_rotate: :blobcheer: :blobthrow: :GoldCrystalHeart: :hiss: :doge:
🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉

So, I was thinking, what would be a good here- and I haven't yet touched on a genre known as .

I feel like is a cousin to . Mostly instrumental, albeit with strange time signatures and syncopated rhythms.

Math Rock can be a bit tough to get into because sometimes it is *very* odd, but you got to find what you like. Personally, I suggest starting with bands like LITE, jizue, and Brontide.




Anyways, check these guys out! I've only got spotify links today, sorry for those of you without access there!

DaveTLV boosted

I took some advice. Follow this account if you're not. One of the mods, I think was @hashtaggrammar who suggested I move my account up here? If so, thanks, samantha.

DaveTLV boosted

Just heard @matzekult explain mastodon on @podfeet Allison Sheridan's tech show - sounds like an excellent alternative to other social media platforms.

After poking around and checking out some of the instances, seems like the place to be. Thanks for having me!

Gooood day people of ! Very nice to see you here and on the fediverse! I'm seeing a lot of new faces in the stream and I'm happy to see us growing.

It's actually cloudy out today in Tel Aviv. This only happens a couple of times a year! It's nice to have the contrast, though, I do wish these clouds carried rain. Unfortunately, rain is most likely to be at least a month away. And, between you and me, I'm hoping for a nice, cold winter this year. I've got sweaters and I want to wear them!

DaveTLV boosted

I'd like to donate my corpse to science, when time comes, but on the other hand I'd hate to see the research done on me to be copyrighted by big journals and to be a part in this closed-source science progression.

I wonder if I can donate my body to science with a Creative Common license...

DaveTLV boosted
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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.