CS Story, Crazy Customer. Long
I have to tell you a joke tomorrow. in privare though.
CS Story, Crazy Customer. Long
Well, angry people come up with crap :/
@ben666 While I'm sure that would be effective, I'm not sure I'd want to have to live a life where I had to hide who I was all the time just so I didnt get harassed.
Then what if the news gets out it is you? You have to move to a new account and start making friends all over again?
I dunno I'm not sure that would be any better for him honestly.
@freemo @arteteco @Surasanji @hashtaggrammar @commandelicious @comphys @QuentinMann @rnitsch @spinflip @hodot @SecondJon
I am very deliberately non political on Mastadon because I am extremely political on Twitter. Honestly, I love it here because I can be more myself.
I will say this though about politics, no matter who wins in the end, we all have to live with one another afterwards.
I think people need to remember that and at least try and work towards a dialogue where some working together can be accomplished.
Granted, I sometimes lose patience but I try to practice what I preach as much as possible.
@pkok Cat :3
Nah, you have to add and add more and more words to it to make it even worse of course.
Back in Tel Aviv! #QOTO upgraded!
@Surasanji Time to mute another instance for me
@HN Now you know the reason we don't use a whole lot of them in Germany.
Reminds me of ComStar in Battletech.
So basically modern day GCI and game 3D devs :X
@Surasanji What I love about playing Oldenburg: I can go tall as all hell. I love going tall in games like that.
Going to tomorrow.
I am still trying to figure out what to do next in EU4.
So many ideas but nothing really compelling.
I am sitll in my Serbia and Russia playthroughs in HoI4 as well. :D
Youtube content creator, writer, cat aficionado
Social Justice Thermonuclear Warhead
enthusiastic (ɛnˌθjuːzɪˈastɪk) about scifi, (alternative) history, politics, games, physics, mental health and our supreme overlords. The feline Masterfamily and suborder.