🔫 "Pulling a gun on an UNARMED citizen that has not committed a crime.
- Video comment about ID refusal + no crime
Science people to improve the human interaction work as well...?
" I’ve seen many prominent computer scientists whose theories about general intelligence just don’t make sense. "
- Sarah Constantin
A mathematician,
Data Scientist, Machine Learning and "I'm interested in questions related to “how do we know what we think we know?” This touches on machine learning, cognitive science, and philosophy. "
Sarah continues...
"People who excel at the sit-down-and-execute activities that help you succeed in your field aren’t necessarily going to be able to reason about the weirdness of a changing world."
"(I agreed that the ability to “philosophize” well seems to be much rarer than the ability to execute well; I’ve seen many prominent computer scientists whose theories about general intelligence just don’t make sense.)"
"So the speculative, philosophical, imaginative stuff that comes before sitting down and executing is important for success, important for humanity, and maybe something we can learn to do better. John certainly thinks so, and wants the rationality community to be a sort of laboratory or nursery for these ideas."
MY COMMENT - I hope you got an intro to what I mean... more coming but feel free to say what you feel as I think sometimes Data Scientist or other people simply "will never get it" or "why to make all our work the 'people work' meanwhile in whatever field?" .
So I'm glad to find Sarah there who is into all that but understand we need to do something more than only that or what our jobs have incentivized us deliberately by design (and not the other stuff).
#DoubleCrux #Game for #Conflict #Resolution in #Relationships and More Productive Debate...
A Strategy for Mutual Understanding [updated Sunday]
Developed by CFAR
(Center for Applied Rationality)
The goal is to simply pin down where exactly two people disagree.
To pragmatically go through the tensions in Truthseeking.
#Algorithm used:
1. Find a disagreement with another person
2. Operationalize the disagreement
3. Seek double cruxes
4. Resonate
5. Repeat!
" important is that even when people are "wrong," they are usually partially right "
#Conflict #Resolution in #Relationships = #DoubleCrux #Game
Towards #Collaboration #Cooperation #Reconciliation
🔗 1/ https://www.rationality.org/resources/updates/2016/double-crux
[below is the same cross-posted info in case the link above doesn't work and links at the end of this post as extra writing]
🔗 2/ LessWrong [cross-posted from 1/] http://lesswrong.com/lw/o6p/double_crux_a_strategy_for_resolving_disagreement/
A "crux" usually means important point, but in this context it is any fact, if they believed differently about that fact, then they would change their conclusion in the overall disagreement. Each person offers a way to change their mind with something smaller in the disagreement.
A "double-crux" is a crux is a fact for both parties that would help them change their mind.
█ My own example (I made up) is about Solar Panels "I do not believing they work long term"... "but I'd be convinced if regular people have posted somewhere more concretely their long-term experience or find a manufactured that has tested 1000's of them to see the real rate of failure / life expectancy."
"We can't just trust fairly new technology or Chinese hit-and-miss quality".
Even though there is not much else choice for "solar" or "portable" electricity that's the main thing
(I did write more in this section below but is really not needed and only as I started thinking deeper about solar panels - you can skip this next part...)
"I'd feel much better and be convinced a lot more if we could:
✔️ Work out ourselves how much a solar panel costs in oil energy itself
+ time in manufacturing
+ what metals and other materials are in it
+ from where they comes from...
+ facts given in a reliable way -
....then I might be convinced solar panels are not a gimmick or extension of oil !!
but.... if you do find someone....
"... that feeling you get when you genuinely change your mind... "
" The idea is to get you and someone you disagree with into a situation such that hopefully one of you will be able to change your mind. It is genuinely one of the most awesome experiences I've ever had... "
- Eric Herboso
" First, you need a friend who's willing to do this with you. It only works if you're both intellectually honest, willing to change your mind if presented with sufficient evidence, and excited about the progress of getting closer to truth... "
" But even in these "failures", I've found the double crux game to be an immensely rewarding experience, because it usually helps both sides to understand the perspectives of each other much more. "
Pete Michaud points out that you can use the game to resolve cognitive dissonance by examining your internal epistemic rationality, or even to build deep, sustainable caring by playing between the parts of you that thinks some part of the world matters and parts of you that are afraid to look in that direction.
#Conflict #Resolution in #Relationships = #DoubleCrux #Game
Towards #Collaboration #Cooperation #Reconciliation
" In a debate I am challenging the other person for their best arguments, which I probably won't find immediately convincing. However, I can then ask myself "what should be added to their argument that would convince me? "
" Ultimately, each move should be in service of reversing the usual antagonistic, warlike, "win at all costs" dynamic of most disagreements.
If we can move the debate to a place where, instead of fighting over the truth, we're collaborating on a search for understanding, then we can recoup a lot of wasted resources.2
- Duncan Sabien
Tensions in Truthseeking
by Raymond Arnold
The Umbrella Ethic of Good Faith — Nell Watson
The space remained sacred. I knew it had different rules, and did my best to follow them. When I was incorrect, they explained. Use 'I' statements. Things about your own beliefs, your models, your feelings. Things you know to be true. Pay attention to your body, and how it is feeling, where things come from, what they are like. Report it. At one point one participant said they were freaking out. I observed I was freaking out. Someone else said they were not freaking out. I said I thought they were. The first reassured me they thought there was some possibility we'd survive. Based on their prior statements, that was an update. It helped a little.
What we need is for Sarah to hang out and around people who believe we should value (on every meta level) such thinking MORE, not less.
- Zvi Mowshowitz
Sarah Constantin who writes up the conversations she's had and some origins around it all... she's interested
Gleanings from Double Crux on “The Craft is Not The Community”
#Better #Disagreement Guide + Play #Taboo Game
Encourages using Dictionary words for expression
1█ Find something you disagree about:
Same Word, different meaning?
Equivocation / vague ?
Talking past each other ?
Bring disagreements about facts to the the surface, or cause them to disappear in semantics
2█ Play Taboo Game
Hasbro(TM) version: Guess a word without using it or synonyms
Avoid Arguments over definitions / semantics
Dissolve disagreements by defining your terms or...
Taboo the disputed term and make your arguments without it
ℹ️ From Richard Acton's Better Disagreement Source Modified (some layout / added words)
#Twitter posts viewed more safely:
Example Twitter post: (can bookmark)
Freedom causes poverty / Hierarchy is too expensive (morally on the mind and physically on the body)
That's why poor people are often still happy if together in some way as you at least have some humanity and suffer better together rather than apart with bulldozed and destroyed civilization in cramped conditions erased of every sqaure meter of nature.
If you observe that the “freest” functioning organizations and societies the tend to be small, poor, or primitive, you could come to 2 different conclusions:
1. #Freedom causes #poverty
(non-hierarchical organization is worse than hierarchy at scaling to large organizations or rich, high-population societies)
2. #Hierarchy is #expensive
(only the largest organizations or richest societies can afford the greatest degree of authoritarianism.)
- from Sarah Constantin (Very slightly changes and although a long page has few gems for those looking)
For 2/ I would add that it always gets to the stage of unbearably expensive hierarchy and almost paid group like ganges (whether doctor know or not how much their bosses get paid and then how much hospital owner is reaping from every operation).
Either way both morally and physically working to put arbitrary year-on-year increases "just because" and keep wages the same for "maximising" profit is cruelty. unfairness and just say it violence on their body or by stressing people / displacing people using prices to those that do not even need the money... and they just giving it back to banks that create the #fuckery in the first place with loans and fund both sides of wars... oh yeah we support this war and the other war too 🤑 % ✈️ 🛩️ 💣 etc -
Welcome to #Freedom as another half-existent word similar to #Independence or # IndependenceDay under new masters / clueless landlords (yours and my parents included!)...
Yay 🆓 dom 🎏 🏴 ☠️ .... The planet is really "paid forward" now and given to next generation
right ? We don't have to fight anymore lol... Or shall we just pay over and over again in rents like those old pirate days rowing for big ships... generations now 'civilised' in their extortion or physical debt to "system" cheating humanity for stupid numbers every second...?
I honestly think forcing people to sell themselves is not classy freedom at all for what was mostly given to us free including previous generation's free work and love too not long ago.
People will even forget that and fall into the mindset that "oh no everyone must pay you know"...
Did you learn anything?
Then say "Amen." regularly with a straight face. Slava YEAH RIGHT!
🇺🇦 Which way is #Ukraine going after this do you think mostly ✝️ or 🏦 ?
🇺🇦 What is the real war underneath before during and and after war - by what groups of people that enable the wrong types for more force and violence ? 📈 🏦 🍾 ? 💳 no surely not!
LIMITED Liberty / freedom you mean ? Only idiots / ignorants can't see the world burning while "comfortable" and people political kicking the shit out of it for money in nice ways and getting away with it... same oppression and lack of life in a different way... pay up or shut up....
@TheOldGuy So in reply "NO WAY that's true - totally wrong" - maybe for those really absent but on Fediverse very unlikely.
I probably won't get a reply (like in the real world and my previous posts to you aside the first one... but it's ok probably better for your one-way fire for a "cause" which I have doubts after they win, which no doubt is needed but really I question under which authority I'm better off under and whether it's all USA as endgame with $ and bank being strongest funding and underpinning all 'causes'....
Because people more and more are NOT free even if freeER than Ukraine seems - almost they have a better chance to learn and REBUILD - we're stuck with concrete jungles of power and control - bigtech vultures and yes more "free" but have similar scale in a different way even if not physically harmed (I consider for me or anyone the mental slog waking up early and only going home 12 hours later to go sleep to do that all year quite the same as a soldier even if THAT people don't see) and over time this affects me and everyone - even the hardest of Capitalism's soldiers burn out (forget even adding to equation basing your life based on debt by University / Banks and creating new person in a family out of debt on top of that!). That is a cruel death to me and cruel game people can't win, only enslave themselves further.
☠️ The death is the siphoning and draining a patients blood over time and sending them home just about alive to get wasted to deal with what just happened to them. What kind of lives are people living - look around. Rent sky high, people prostituting everything just to pay landlords (YES LAND LORDS - I'M SUPER ANGRY AT ALL THAT)
We have to value even the small things yes, but again even if parallel is not similar - we are under Authority - a false negative currency (selling debt) which state and banks copy in every country - what about Ukraine? What are you taking about Free?
We're all (most of us) blogging here from lack of better to do just like all the other groups of solidarity out there WE ARE NOT HAPPY LOCK IN OUR HOUSES ALMOST... especially those conscious who don't want this silent oppression of free trapped with power-control morons out there who don't reply back and just mark your card to what you say at work, at home, anywhere.
What liberty are you talking about. To pay taxes and just work for other masters?
It’s Ukraine’s Independence Day and not to shit on it at all - it will be like other Independence Day's where you celebrate one thing and realise it's out of the frying pan into the fire (or the other way around getting slow cooked in the frying pan thinking anyone saved you, just new masters took over). Are they going to be different? Fuck no. Unless they get rid of banks and undermining the very blood or value of people of which USA can intall and buy up anytime. You think Ukraine or it's people are going to learn and really remember if everything went back to playstation generation playing war games = hell no - will be just the same as everywhere install new buildings enjoying the bank funded debt and temporary bliss of loans until it wants more back or just takes it as there own. All a trap of which people build foundations.
I could name all the things for you but you know it.
This " war " is more obvious for Europe but the need to support / oppose it goes beyond into what housing prices / crisis doesn't get seen as war but is worse pushing people out financially rather than kicking them out physically and sending others to do their work - we don't even see who owns all this.
All is a culture in decline / internal war after anything external / physical. So if not sure how it's same-same or no change in being heard / being locked out / open-prisons / limited choices / never towards freedom... then have a look at a few first few videos of this and what's happening to us all and will be to Ukraine after this #war:
DISCLAIMER: I didn't got over this as I didn't get response last time so low value time and speed writing - make the best of it - and if you have real freedom and feel you're not owned and it's not all BS under your copy of authority and banks (strangely all the same)... then DO REPLY! And make sure you see war as not just physical, the mental and loving government and it's people... lol does it exist for you?
#USPol Best Comment - "...without a bipartisan Congress - none of this will ever see daylight anyway….
"That said, without a bipartisan Congress - none of this will ever see daylight anyway…."
-* That Nonproductive Guy @nonproductive / Post https://mastodon.social/@nonproductive/112973355340715481
"Bipartisan" = Supported by both sides
#Question Is politics "Much ado about nothing?" / nothing really changes other than the fanfare and new faces for the same old?
MasterMischief @MasterMischief
Another best comment:
" Maybe publish who is raising prices while raking in record profits? Less control, more kicking knowledge. "
- MasterMischief @MasterMischief
Same word but different meaning
= 99% cause of #Communication and #Arguments #Breakdown!
Multi-meaning #Words in #Language #Problems!
A large part of arguments (maybe not 99%) are based on what words mean to each individual so serious people will refer to a #dictionary often! 📖
Stopping Banks = slowing Government AND Far-right & Fascists (and their companies) who are funded by those aligned with Government... so with less money they can do much less!
@junesim63 If you're still using money (banks) without gritting your teeth then consider this is all part of coming back to source (money) and that's also far right / fascist but maybe just surface level of even the underbelly which is pure debt as numbers against people.
Once you reduce banks, you reduce all the funding - and not many far-right do much without funding (I'm guessing) as that's one of the benefits of being far right or fascist (it aligns with state or IS state / government / banks!)
@HonkHonkBoom It's not looking good on the horizon I have to admit!
❓ Would you change your lifestyle to last longer?
#Plastics in the sea...
#Plastic Mountains seen in video clip...
#Pollution #Oil #Science #MicroPlastics #Polyester #Acrylic #Cosmetic #Soaps #Toothpaste #Bottles #Factories #BigPharma #Pharmaceutical
#Thanks to those helping (directly or indirectly) skimming my long posts especially and making fixes / solutions. Even TLDR version occasionally help expression.
Good stuff. #Gratitude
#Plastic stuck in your body RIGHT NOW!!
#Plastic is stuck in our body?
The Dark #Science of #Micro #Plastics
#Notes below:
Good also for showing the chemical derivatives of Naphtha / Naptha (Nafta in some languages?) which is sourced from Crude #Oil 💧
Hashtag Summary of Process:
#waste #bags 🛍️ + #rubbish in #weather = #climatechange and #environment #problems / #pollution
⭐ 460, 000, 000 tons (2019)
09% of that recycled...
📋 How does it get in us ? 📋
😖 Inhaled and Ingest from 🌬️ wind / water / rain ☔ spread
😖 Drinking from plastic bottles directly!! 🍼 +👶 babies lol
😖 Clothing particles (almost ALL plastic polymers now and very cheap) 👚 👔
😖 Cosmetics - micro-beads used in products for "cleaning" as it's abrasive
😖 Single use plastics (cups, polystyrene, containers etc)
Plastics are not organic after being processed and can't be broken down by common nature (which would usually be a big help to us).
There are no enzymes in or body or nature to digest or break it down. Means they can be lodged in us. In the cell, organs like throat, Brain, heart lungs, intestine, spline, Liver - almost all...
Inflammation?... Cognitive dysfunction?... Auto-immune disease... Cancer... ☑️ Plastic
(yes I'd like a bag for that!) ☣️ ⚠️
@johnlehet Well I guess you're forgiven for thinking that happens that often and that maybe "if you try you're AI and if you don't you're human!" :) It's about right though... I'll take your response as a no though we need your help and experience especially!
If you don't mind and to avoid adverts in spirit of Fediverse, please use links that avoid adverts and bad code
Same link for example with invidious to clear adverts from same page is below! Try it!
Also filtered from any server around the world with same software:
The PCB I designed for the #Atari 8-Bit Ethernet Project card using an #Olimex board works!
I only forgot to connect 2 ground pins. 😁
Soon I will upload the fixed gerber files to https://github.com/AndresPlazaR2/atari_8bit_ethernet
#retrocomputing #atari8
@AndresPlazaR Love the phpBB posts... loads in my old browser at least! New sites that don't load are full of sin - so props for using oldschool style stuff. Like how you link to others (maybe copy and past or screenshot scroll them as they might disappear or to archive in one folder what's relative for repair!)
#Question Does #Government #Fix things ?
People need to do something of their own and not wait for governments to "fix" things.
(There's a 2nd meaning of "fix" there more related to government "work" !)
Mostly Fediverse #Quotes #Notes #Books #Videos #Talks #Websites for a more Human-caring world - not hating only... so it's a better example of ourselves and what we could do in loving things we all share and mostly care for (not everyone I know).
My interests constantly change according to what interests others and I assist in ANY way possible if noble enough. Finding relativity between people I think more directly is the way and NOT just developing computers. DEVELOPING PEOPLE ALSO.
Working together is the answer - I'm sure of if you want *human* change then it's humans developing HUMANS not just computers.
It's a cruel and long road but better than tech #rugpulls we see all the time and need better decision-makers. Time to design something more personal to humans and cared for. Re-design / Upgrade own CPU's.
#FreeSchool hashtag for examples or see:
...Media / Educational Memes 🖼️ :
🖼️ https://qoto.org/@freeschool/media
...Chat / Conversations / Brain work 💬 :
💬 https://qoto.org/@freeschool/with_replies
Towards Togetherness. Agree?
So let's build whatever we can, the best we can. without rugpullers.
Perhaps building friendship at the end is 'it' and can win it for all of us rather than paranoia and not trying to gel together.
Making our own relationship with life rather than shying away leaving it to people hating Trump / Bezos / Musk and spreading news of their actions that self-perpetuates itself more than work on something else.
This profile and life is the work of the heart and mind. We have enough material and tech mostly. Now to evolve the mind a bit more and catch up with the lessons and psychology.
Quick Links to my best work below:
- Media / Memes 🖼️ : https://qoto.org/@freeschool/media
- 💬 Chat / Conversations : https://qoto.org/@freeschool/with_replies
"FreeSchool" is a movement from 1960s/1970s
Learning via interaction means there is always risk by the way. By not building trust or working on mutually worknig together inaction happens and lack of friendship also allows bad people... so I see us as doing the work more daily or as the good homework we need to do (nobody else can do it properly without us).
All aims should be towards working together more personally instead of hating, because most of the hating is free advertising and spreading fear for them ("Bad news is still good advertising)
This means less spreading Trumps, Musk, Bezos names and plans, and more our thing.
Humans change Humans - we the caring people reason better as we have a caring soul and a conscience. We also need to test and repair those that can't. Tech does not care and has it's limits at best which I think we have akready reached and in danger of leaving people behind over-doing I.T.
Do you have work for me or any ideas / dreams of your own?
Going towards growing better decision-making humans as a main goal or my interpreration (human-educated examples helping others help others) and not just tech filters of progression / aggression / profit.
Tech has measurably been over-done and had it's limits being backed by BigTech and State-orientatedand heavily regulated infrastructures. This ultimately undoes this and is are not human-caring and just money / profit-orientated the same as the state and companies are.
All $tates use bank$ that cheat everyone else behind their back.
Every $tate let's this happen to keep unfair power over people and keep them down.
I have DIY education more than any Massive Tech-based $haring. We have enough small solutions. We just need to do the human homework together which is what almost nobody is doing and it shows! We canNOT just do tech, we can maintain some tech but then grow the user's interests and direction using caring people and releasing their potential and curating ourselves... Since the mentlaity of people (users) are the weak point of all systems (who are happy to abuse them / add adverts etc) so it means working on ourselves is the best now we have mostly everything else worked on to catch up on the mentality and also realise all the tricks historically.
☼ Free work if you can justify it +
#Friendship (it's for humanity and world too to grow friendship). I edit basic text, audio, video for free to grow the idea of Freedom or not just banks and money made to give us crutches after they break our legs / eat our time and money (energy).
No data scraping / taking / using / processing of, nothing. All inalienable rights reserved.
Personal temporary individual Fediverse usage is ok without company or other affiliation backing or feeding these actions.
#NoConsent #NoPermission #Data #Storage
#NoSearch #NoIndex #NoBot #NoBridge #NoRobots
Other similar profile descriptions:
Help People Grow? Enough Tech! Help Users grow? Enough Tech? Better ❤ People+Habits (⭐+🔔) Improve People? or just Tech? Freedom=Learn❤+Respect (⭐🔔) Freedom=Better Habits FTW ! ⭐+🔔 Learning Better Habits ❤+⭐+🔔 To Freedom=Respect Love Learn Growing Each Other #FreeSchool