#FawltyTowers, which I like and John Cleese wants to bring back, reminds me that in Anglo-US-North-EU Academics, I had to first enter as the Manuel character, not the Cleese or his wife characters. #Diversity is complicated. Be kind to non-native speakers.
Very cool approach to the #control of #BooleanNetworks and biochemical regulation models, using #nonlinear #dynamics and #canalization, by Kwang-Hyun Cho's team at KAIST
#SystemsBiology #NetworkScience #NetworkMedicine
Colegas #Universidade PT. Não é normal noutros países a média de uma cadeira fundamental no currículo ser 6 ou 7/20 (c/ 11/20 para 10º melhor). Mais, não é admissível que professor responsável continue. Isto depois de alunos serem selecionados com numerus clausus altíssimos. #portugal #Universidade #Academia #Educação #VergonhaNaCara
The media spectacle of #GenerativeAI (in which AI companies' breathless claims of their software's sorcerous powers are endlessly repeated) has understandably alarmed many #CreativeWorkers, a group that's already traumatized by extractive abuse by media and tech companies.
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
#RIP #BurtBacharach. So much respect! No one better in laying down tenderness to #music. So many to choose, but here is my favorite.
Dusty Springfield - The Look of Love https://youtu.be/Tf1d65OHYXo via @YouTube
I am pasting in a post here from Jay Varma, who used to be with the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. I agree with every word he writes.
"I was shocked today to learn that New York City will end its requirement that City employees be vaccinated against #COVID19. The City's own data, paid for by its dollars and analyzed by its staff, are abundantly clear: Vaccinating adults averts infections, hospitalizations, and deaths (https://lnkd.in/eiKt7K95). " 1/
Reminder: Jayson Boubin's CoCo seminar tomorrow at noon!
Fantastic use of LLMs to generate networks from unstructured text! https://twitter.com/varunshenoy_/status/1620511932930490372?s=46&t=MrEULnGIdUCnAOFlj0SmRw
"Sejamos capazes de ajudar a formar estudantes com sentido crítico, cientes e comprometidos com os problemas da humanidade para que sejam capazes de ousar questionar e de sonhar e o mundo avançará." Sem uma reinvenção profunda, não vejo com o sistema universitário português---baseado numa hierarquia bacôca em que o professor é tudo e o aluno nada, em que exames absurdos são a norma de avaliação com notas baixíssimas e reprovações altíssimas, em que o critério de entrada depende imenso da capacidade de estar sentadinho na escolinha 12 anos a "receber aprendizagens" quase sem nenhuma experiência laboratorial ou prática e também do dinheiro dos papás para os meter em escolas privadas---conseguirá produzir alunos que questionem. É um milagre que algumas dessas pessoas consigam sobreviver à experiência educativa portuguesa. Uns autênticos 120 trabalhos de Hércules. #educação #Portugal #pensamentocrítico #chatgpt
Updating #EvolutionarySystems and #BioinspiredComputing lecture notes as the semester unfolds:
1. What is #Life? https://casci.binghamton.edu/academics/i-bic/lec01.php
2. The Logical Mechanisms of Life https://casci.binghamton.edu/academics/i-bic/lec02.php
Since the data shared is only a "simulated data set," can one take this as scientific? Should we not construe this rather as Meta technical report release? #SocialMedia #PublicHealth #Science
"Pode-se concluir que no Porto criam-se redes e que em Lisboa fundem-se os nós."
'Immune response to the vaccine mRNA is the most literal example of “killing the messenger” that I can think of, short of the Spartan treatment of Darius’ envoys in 491 BC.'
cc @Caroline_Bartma
#Identitypolitics, like #nationalism, is ultimately nefarious due to the biology of cognition. #Neuroscience tells us action and perception are intertwined and epistemically-driven--to reduce prediction-error and increase confidence in our hypotheses of how the World behaves. This can result in mutually misleading cycles, whereby running hypotheses seek self-validation by selecting appropriate cues (cf Andy Clark ). Our epistemic models of people behavior based on their identity are then very prone to misleading self-validation. All of this is only enhanced by AIs that feed those very hypotheses in our human-social-machine interactions. That is the nature of bias.
This looks extremely promising! #ComputationalSocialScience https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-16624-2
"Violence, coercive force, the carry and use of deadly weapons – all of these are central to “proper policing” as the institution of policing in this country currently exists.”
The only track worth playing today. The insult to injury on all these tragedies, is that this track is still relevant today. I know there are good cops too, but the whole system of policing in the US rests on violent authoritarianism. It must be reformed.
I really loved going back to live DJing in 2022, mostly at Roterdão Club in Lisbon's Pink Street. Here is a mix of various bits from those sets I collected the bits most inspired-but not exclusively' by 80s #electro-#disco from #NewYorkCity. #DJ #House #Funk
Post-identity earthling working on complex systems, networks, biomedicine, AI, evolution. Music, politics, DJ as E-Trash. Life through parrhesia. "E se mais mundo houvera, lá chegara".
Professionally, I'm the George J. Klir Professor of Systems Science at the Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science (Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering), Binghamton University (State University of New York), where I lead the Complex Adaptive Systems and Computational Intelligence (CASCI: https://casci.binghamton.edu/) lab. I'm also Principal Investigator at the Instituto Gulbenkian da Ciencia in Portugal.