MM #11: Renewable Salvation? | Do the Math
The wonderful Tom Murphy on point as he often is.
>As we rush at the community of life clutching our technology, we show every appearance of an intent to do it harm. It won’t matter whether we destroy the living world with fossil fuels or solar panels: we are more than capable of getting the job done either way. Before we get too far along, though, I suspect that the deteriorating web of life will create cascading failures that end up making humans victims, too, and pulling the power cord to the destructive machine. Only then would some people accept that ecological ignorance—paired with technological capability—has dire consequences.
📖 "Bestseller" books are based on the number of books sold TO bookstores not the number of books bought BY individuals.
So a lot of it comes down to the publishers convincing bookstores that a given book will sell well so they should buy more of them.
Everyone forgets that the sciences were essentially considered magic until fairly recently, math included.
"Proof by turning it over" is the best math proof I've heard.
He totally forgot to mention the paradox:
For each individual bingo-sheet, the chance for a horizontal line is the same as for a vertical one.
But if you play against other people, the chance of someone's horizontal row winning first increases. Up to 73% when you play against all the other existing bingo cards.
Yeah exactly - people are saying it's entirely intuitive when you know the distribution, but it's incredibly dependent on the parameters of the paper. As they themselves state, their simulation of 1,000 cards only got to 2:1. Intuition takes us in two different-but-similarly-wrong directions here, very cool.
it's not the odds of your bingo card getting a horizontal versus vertical first it's the odds of whoever gets done first having that
It depends on how the cards were generated. If Matt generated the cards in a manner that is equivalent to taking the 75 possibilities, grouping them into 5 sub-groups of 15, and having each subgroup correspond to a column, then the same thing holds.
But of course Matt's behavior is not a sequence of 75 equally likely things, so that breaks it.
"How can that be?" "Oh they're not uniformly distributed."
Source: The Bingo your 3× more likely to win
#Plastic #Comments from #Web
My grandpa, full of lead: 👴
My dad, full of asbestos: 🥸
Me, full of microplastics: 😎
1800s ➡️ Lead
1900s ➡️ Asbestos
2000s ➡️ Microplastics
Eating lego blocks to up my diet from microplastics to macroplastics
It's like we never stopped poisoning ourselves since medieval times
relizing 2019 was 5 years ago hurts more than microplastics
Those microplastics are making me lose perception of time lol. So does waiting for people to be less stupid
And it's not just affecting humans, it's affecting every living thing on the planet.
#Plastic #Plastic #Comments
from #Web video:
Extinction Rebellion Ireland has warned that if a planned new Google Ireland data centre gets the planning go-ahead for south Dublin “it will be met with massive local and national pushback and action”.
“This expansion is a disaster for local communities, water shortages, transition to a more sustainable economy, and reaching our climate targets."
All over the world, communities are getting organized against data centers.
#Question How do we get truth out so that it is like material something more concrete and out there and irrefutable ? (for really really common things - don't ask me what but like happiness perhaps or not selling the Earth cheaper and cheaper each year because it's "priceless") ?
But pick you own truths also...
French drains aren't French... (Henry French)
"you cannot stop water; you can only direct it."
[ RE: I'm not a philosopher ]
"You don't just explain the #Science but 'Why it matters'. That's #philosophy in my book."
Had a dat ecosystem comm comm call with Sher team today.
It's amazing to see a true p2p app working in the browser for audio live streaming. It's literally a p2p radio that works without any servers.
Check it out and share the show if you try the streaming <3
" ... going against the mainstream is often tough and lonely <3 "
- Ninja Birdy in 🇬🇧 #Quote #Fediverse
= @ninabreznik from post:
#ConnectingPeople #Caring
#People #Happiness #Projects not #Mainstream
" After these two weeks of code camp we organize with WizardAmigos I became so much more aware of the power of connecting to people who care, who build and push their projects forward because they have a vision and imagine the world they want to live in.
And they don't wait for someone to make it rfor them. Instead they spend their scarce resources and push for making it happy.
And I am so grateful they exist. Because going against the mainstream is often tough and lonely <3 "
I also remembereg that p2p & federated sistems are cousins and are working towards same goals just from different perspective.
P2P often focuses on the future but we are not there yet, while federated systems work for the world now and pull people slowly away from all these centralized data capturing platforms and gving them tools that work now and teach the people what means to be empowered and how to empower each other.
Now and for the future.
I got naturally pregnant a few weeks ago after a few years of trying and sadly had a miscarriage almost 3 weeks ago.
I was absolutely not aware of this whole parallel world where I learn almost 25% of all pregnancies end with a miscarriage 🤯
But that is not all. When a tiny fetus dies (mine was 1cm big and had a heartbeat for only one week, it doesn't just go away by itself. Nope. You need a surgery. Mind blow and huge respect to all the ladies who went through this before me. I didn't know.
Ahhh. #solpunk and swedish countryside were just what I needed after the #cccamp
So grateful for all the lovely people sharing the love for things that are dear to me too. #nature #regenerative #p2p #permaculture #freeganism #art #care #feminism
My European summer event itinerary so far!
M*******es Meetup
May 18th to the 21st
July 18th to the 23rd
August 15th to the 19th
August 18th to the 25th (last years info)
Ice Cream made from a new fermentation process from whey which was created without using dairy products. Pictured is box of Breyers Ice Cream.
#IceCream from #Fermentation #PrecisionFermentation #Whey #Protein
#Vegan #Food #Dairy #NonDairy
" are unique, and it is my job help you find that uniqueness and leverage it to our mutual benefit.”
- Gary Ackerman #QUOTE
#GaryAckerman post:
#Question #QOTO Light Promises / Delays without updates YES mean I'm "entitled"... !
(not for admin - I guess it's just for those that want to pick up point or not heard some of it + life generally power-based even if people are giving some "free" stuff but I want more power & similar human projects which probably this QOTO isn't or whatever... )
So I am "entitled" to say something if someone in control of a server says repeatedly says they will do something but doesn't (even if they did many other things, just the repetition of guesstimates is at fault.
Maybe I am entitled to say something repeatedly if it's:
"In a few days..." then
"In a week..." then
"In a month..."
"Entitled" in that way is rightful if one wants to achieve something here (which again I realise isn't for the many here otherwise they'd jump on it too), Yes I got something free BUT I am paying / costs if #Admin say something they will do but don't do it. Get it ?
For Example: My friend can give me a washing machine free and repair it regularly but if promises to come fix it tomorrow and the next day but doesn't show it costs me - when constantly he doesn't show up and keeps promising to fix it and months go by without a word - that's bad,
then yes that costs people. It's not just money or free service.
Anyway it's been heard. I wanted to get that FREE MEANS I CAN DO WHATEVER doesn't always cut it... in other words more specifically:
💣 The paradigm that I'm not entitled to complain too much (or even constantly) because I don't pay, is false. Even those paying have people who give bad timescales constantly so it's no money assuredly!
Stick to your words more often and let down other less is the lesson. Maybe others don't care it's not updated for months on QOTO but 1 person might at least vocally and that's me!
This message is not for admin as I've given up / learned lessons.
Not even going to edit it much...
There will be duplication
As seemingly nice as people are (and it's over with so not stirring up here) it just becomes unreliable a let down for those who want to actually do something here apart from 1-way posts mostly.... and misleading / empty taking what they say if it gets delayed more than a few times. Not everything but if it's important to you or me... I'd rather have more solid guesstimates and then a "it's not going to happen" message instead of chasing - so that's my answer to better practice - staying on top of what you do saying. I might say promise here but even in a light way saying things in power ultimately magnifies it.
I should have realised from beginning needing to keep peppering them.
Of course we don't see half of what they do but they could simply not say tomorrow and then another send message with new time or nothing.
The short answer is not taking admin's word for it now, OK done, Exit
Sad people in power are like that.
☑️ Even good guys who think it's their project and saying it sounds "entitled" or "rude" to persist in pointing to what they said simply isn't. Some tings still hasn't happened like an update publicly even though I asked before and the last time "if you ask me nicely". Latest one being enabling searching own posts (still not done "in a few days" 2 weeks and counting)
What's the point if people in control think it's ok to say things but not at least admit or follow it up as courteousy of the delay?
Need to improve on their own ways .
They said there were not away for week - no posts on timeline for a few weeks and they DIDN'T REPLY TO MY DM like it's ok"...
So it's ok to ignore your DM's as the only admin for weeks / only when I spam you? That's weak.
If you are not able for some time, at least announce it or say so.
☑️ Your fault in not managing / replying to DMs (we should expect that much)... and then getting flamed for not answering (public or private DM didn't work at the time so I am entitled or rather you earn it)... again I am "entitled" or your bad practces earn you that from lack of other means. Contacting mod's to say "hey he's not answering and not on his timeline for weeks" get a reply very similar to "I'm not his mother" which is poor, you guys are supposed to keep in touch or even update yourselves lol.
What do we have to vote you off or something lol.
People observing might only interpret me or any whining and moaning person without thinking *I tried* or I want to get on with doing things here... so to contact admin or think we don't have right to call slack isn't right - it's not as if it was our first message and only flaming them. What would you do with constant delay / flaky words / being ignored?
Not even updating their own users is I think is essential... These words for the next admin...
Asking people to need to go to a matrix server or github is not right just to get updates on a page or hashtag somehwere. It's almost like a gate "you have to do this to get updates" lol no how about you let us know Admin?
Anyway guess it's not my server and that's the crux of it. drum roll please
So for the observer mostly seeing people as "entitled" - this doesn't if you have people that want to be part of something... which isn't #QOTO I guess, so that's part of it my side. The door is closed.
Seems stupid but without something happening it's very dry and not all QOTO's fault IT'S ALL SHIT / DRY OUT THERE beyond the "we give you for free so shut up and don't try building too much, we're not interested in the human building stuff ".
Nice #Graffiti on Fediverse account:
@RadicalGraffiti = Radical Graffiti
Topics in Graffiti format like:
#Gaza #Capitalism #Trans #Palestine #Antifa #University #Protest #SexWorkers #Elections #UKPol #USPol #Sexism #Racism #Genocide #Planet #ClassWar #ClimateChange #Food #ACAB #Immigrants vs #Billionaires #Patriarchy #Boycott #MAGA #Military #State #Government #Bank #Banks #Money #Profit #BigTech #Bourgeoisie
#Freedom #Liberty #Anarchy #Peace #Stickers #Mural #Love #Friends
#War #Bombs #Machines #Refugees #Gentrification #Stencil #Homeless #Politics #Rent #Landlords #Buy #Sell #People
Why Some People DON'T See Things Clearly or Similarly....
Why Some People DON'T See Things Clearly or Similarly....
Interested in you #answers 4:
The subtitle of a #book suggests answering that... (this book
So if anything comes to mind in genera or if anyone has ideas reading this text and 1st line of this post... let me know!
Some ideas are below (apart from those that know and choose not to do things)
- Lack of Sleep
- Bad time management
(including having little time but still not forcing themselves into constructive habits and not just time-dumps into the next series and watching empty TV)
- Bad Environment (House-hold included that don't encourage much more of the same - watching TV included)
- Self-confidence and getting over humps
- Not enough random people and people out of family circles able to help others... estrangement grows more estrangement
- add yours here ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️
#Quotes #Notes #Books #Videos #Talks #Websites towards a more caring world...
Not just hating Trump Musk Bezos AlexJones etc - but a better example of *ourselves* here and what we can do in loving things together... More than hating and not really getting anywhere...
Finding relativity between people I think is "the way" that can be done daily 'slowly but surely'.
Most people may not have got this far and the short depth and sentences and proportionate to less caring. (prove me wrong by writing me)
To be clear about caring - it's NOT just developing computers BUT DEVELOPING PEOPLE !!!
This means to some degree being "Friends with the world" rather than not. Spending time hating Trump or even enjoying throwing rocks / virtue signalling doesn't build much.
CONTINUAL FRIENDSHIP BUILDS / GROWS US ALL. So give chance the positive rather than spreading negative ok?
Free School is a 60's 70's educational life / practical movement:
1/ #FreeSchool ⬅️ hashtag:
2/ Media / Memes (Educational only) 🖼️ :
3/ Chat / Conversations / Brain work 💬 :
☼ Free work & #Friendship for the way (also for humanity to grow because friendship saves and solves a lot for everyone - make time for making friendship. Thank you.
Free work = Editing text, audio, video (free) if idea grows #Freedom.
My #Politics below:
$tates in the middle don't care (we hopefully know now) so it's down to us to do things (ourselves). There is deep down no Justice, Just Us. Let's do it together with $tates less often.
#Banks and it's money is false human-created #negative math / #debt material - all designed to eat our time and money from faster devaluing things using the debt economy (loans %'s, increasing housing prices, rents sky-high, mortgages, etc - all eats out our energy, body and soul. That has to stop / is not sustainable / is cruel.
No data scraping / using / processing. Personal temporary individual Fediverse usage is ok without company or other affiliation backing or feeding these actions.
All inalienable rights reserved.
#NoConsent #NoPermission for #Data #Storage
#NoSearch #NoIndex #NoBot #NoBridge #NoRobots
Other profile descriptions could be:
Help People Grow! Not just Tech! ... Better ❤ People+Habits (⭐+🔔) ... Learning Better Habits ❤++🔔 ... Freedom=Respect Love Learn ... Growing Each Other #FreeSchool ... BETTER USERS... Not just Tech! ... IMPROVE PEOPLE! Enough Tech!