I am enjoying podcasts via RSS readers, but note that #emacs #elfeed does not have #FeatureParity with others but has #FeatureSuperiority . A couple notes:
- easy OPML import/export. Other good readers have this, but not all of them.
- Works without an account in the cloud -- just the RSS and my device.
- Multiple tags per entry. I have not found this on ANY other reader, where ultimately tags = directories. This is silly.
- Super-easy history and search. You would think this would be a given in this day and age, but I do not see it in other readers. For example, trying to find "spooky" in the title of a recently heard podcast was not possible outside elfeed. Further, "Which ones did I listen to this morning?" is hard, also not easy in elfeed. But at least I can search for keywords there.
I use feeder on android, which at least checks the first two boxes about good OPML support and being subscriptionless. Of course, going to my elfeed is a joy, but not when I am on the move and can't pull out my laptop.
#Defn #clojure has a new episode out. Apparently soundcloud doesn't make RSS links obvious for everything, so I grabbed theirs from reversed the URL from Apple Podcasts and plugged it into my readers. https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:220484243/sounds.rss
@rgm you are neglecting the cons of the thing about evolving syntax.
- You have to learn a new syntax to use the thing
- You can only pray that the documentation is up to date, because
- code readability suffers majorly from "language evolution"
- in modern dev (at least webdev) library-focus is the way to be a good citizen so your thing can be shared and integrated easily
- #Clojure , being hosted, is already heavily biased toward sharing things with the ecosystem, which macros make harder
- data-driven development aims to bypass this entirely, since data is more pure (stable, non-committal) than syntax
Your point makes a lot of sense for self-contained projects, of which I have several and should definitely explore syntax evolution with, but there is this other side. My ¢2
Solution: take the link https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/general-conference-podcast/id1490483249 plug it in to https://www.labnol.org/podcast/ . The result will come out https://psd-podcast.s3.amazonaws.com/XML/1-audio-eng.xml , which you can give to your #RSS app.
The language #Clojure and #ClojureScript languages are so stable, with breaking changes being frowned upon in the culture. But breaking in the (frankly, awesome!) tooling has been my difficulty as I maintain a dozen projects of varying ages. It is a real problem. #cider #nrepl #figwheel #piggyback
No, I install through Guix, which basically compiles and builds firefox every few months. I'm currently an 118.01
Sometimes, randomly, my #Firefox cannot connect to anything. I don't know if it's from my changing locations (wifi networks) or what; other things connect fine. I have to restart the FireFox process. I have no idea why. #Troubleshooting #Error #Problem
couple of benefits that apply to both #nix and #guix: declarative configuration core to the OS, you can rollback a bad install, or even a bad boot configuration at boot time, you can have confidence your config will wont break for the same version, for example, my previous config is possibly 6-8 months hold, I should be able to just "switch" it and it will work. this is what i've experienced in my multiple migrations :D
I think I was able to use it as EMACS without much customization, but getting all my laptop fuctonality to work took some configuration (a good bit from the I3WM and Arch documentations).
I wrote about a bunch of such things when I was getting started, at https://orys.us/exwm . Battery, screen lights, wifi, etc
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@daviwil ah, yeah. The instability while streaming would definitely fall under the "Glass" part of my analysis. Not doing that sort of content creation, though, I'm not sensitive to the shortcomings of the X (x-window) in EXWM. I feel as "impossible for me to change" about EXWM. It was you and your stream that made me aware and persuaded as to Guix, though
@daviwil Whoa! I didn't realize that you had moved away from exwm. Have you also moved away from Guix?
Would I recommend #emacs #EXWM as daily driver? No. But I also won't stop living in it. #GlassCannon https://orys.us/v6
It's hard to say how much I love the ad-free, bloat-free experience of #SafeTwitch #twitch . Thanks, #FireFox #LibRedirect #plugin
I just got mildly stung by the fact that #PHP is #DynamicallyTyped. Somehow on one #WordPress site a foreach over an array started choking because its datasource included a boolean, on our dev server only.
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