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@rvlobato Nice article. I wonder how the hell "researchers" think they are doing science if they do not also specifically say what algorithms and statistic tools they used.

And R rocks <3 is an open source hosting exchange website (like couchsurfing) born in the community, and is an awesome one. The android app was in the play store only, but today platschi put the android app in a repo:

nice job!

Strength is usually considered at what's the max intensity you can express, that is, a few pushups is the same of 50 pushups. Being able to do more of one movement is a matter of endurance, and it will have some other mechanisms associated.

Doing a lot of pushups can put quit a strain on joints and is likely not really a good idea. There was a thread about it on /r/bodyweightfitness... let me see...
Here it is

My doctor prescribed to me a basically untested therapy with only one, badly done study of years ago.

Dear MDs here, this is how you lose people's (and patient's) trust. Sure, thing is you always have to loosen up the soil when you first work it (and some parts were not worked before, so I double-digged them), while others were opened up but not tilled. It's more akin to what a broadfork does.

Unless you have an extensive life that already provided the soil structure, you are not likely to see your soil soft after just 1 digging. In my experience new, compact soil need an additional break every year or so for a few years before the structure (eventually) kicks in. Every year will be softer, and as long as you don't turn it upside down you should not be harming the soil life.

That's afaik, of course, and I may be wrong, I often am

@Surasanji awesome!
I'm craving for some star light too frankly, spring takes way too long to come

How do you organize your memes, do you have a folder, do you tag them somehow?

On a related note...

@Surasanji It can happen, that's true for any human interaction. But you, don't stop posting memes you!

I wrote a while ago about how I switched my from typical elements to a more rational and classic food production system.
I think it's working out really, really great. This are the latest pictures, blog post to come in a little while.

I am experimenting with very closed space dense planting, little mulch (most of organic goes to compost) and yeah, I'm digging it. Sometimes double-digging it.

@Surasanji That's interesting, I only use mastodon as social media and I usually have peaceful, useful interactions.

I use the mute tool quite and only follow nice people though, so that may help.

In any case yeah, people are nice <3
You may with the same approach see other instances people too, I've yet to see someone from who I don't like, for example

@uniq if you can go on and have one tap more for the "Download audio" button in newpipe you are all set :)

But I can see how having a more integrated way of proceeding can be useful, sure thing.

I see what you mean. I have youtube links to automatically play audio in background using newpipe, I really just have to press the link button and it plays, that's why I didn't catch the big difference. man, that's an awesome domain... and you get approved by Sauron himself!

@uniq hi, well youtube offers rss feed, so you don't really need any tool to make a feed out of a channel.

For example, the feed for BBC Earth is
Thanks, nice to know I am not the only one to find it so nice!

What app do you lover people use? I just switch from a simple feed reader to antennapod, available at , and I am quite happy with it, but especially for searching new podcasts I'd like to know if there is something else you'd recommend.

'Morning fediverse!

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Qoto Mastodon

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