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@DoesntExist @freemo @aardvark @ariaflame @agilealliance

Oh shut the fuck up. You seem less likely than Freemo to know what I'm talking about.

Define yourself by what you're in favor of, child, not what you're against.


I have a user interface suggestion for Mastodon.

Currently, the little box where you enter your toot text is on the left side of the screen. This means that the information from that little box goes into your left eye (mostly) and is transferred to the right hemisphere of your brain. The problem is that for most people language processing is in the left hemisphere, which means all that information has to cross the corpus callosum to get to the left side of the brain to get processed. For someone like me with dyslexia that really screws things up and causes me to drop words and makes it very difficult to use.

So my suggestion is to put the little box on the right hand side of the screen or in the middle, or give the user an option as to placement and size of that little box.

That's my suggestion.

(Sometimes I write stuff in a separate window using a word processor and then copy it over to the little box, but that is kind of tedious, especially for short, quick toots.)

There is a movie called "Trump vs the Illuminati" where in some distant future a clone of Trump escapes a space prison and goes on a killing rampage.... I feel like I need to watch this movie now.

@ariaflame @freemo @agilealliance Sometimes an angry hurt person is just an angry hurt person.

Cheers to my friend freemo, and my new acquaintance aria.

Sorry to be so reactive.


Again, these acts are horrific, the semantics about what language you want to use doesnt matter to me nor am I objecting to it.. the issue is the non-descript more hyperbolic form makes it harder to know what, specifically, the law is being discussed and makes it much harder for anyone to read up on the topic and thus integrate a persons views.

You are literally arguing with someone whose only intent, very clearly and explicitly stated, was to ask what the law of concern was. I never justified the law, never said anyone was wrong for being upset, just asked what the law was... and from that you've now spent 2 days throwing a tantrum over literally nothing and trying your best to fabricate some delusional image of me that is in no way related to my actions..

Apologize, and move on if you want, or keep making a fool of yourself. I dont care, but you can kindly leave me alone now because you are a waste of energy and time I could be spending **actually* helping LGBTQ people or doing other positive works rather than feeding your black hole of toxicity over a non-issue.

You are not welcome to contact me again about this issue, thank you.

@ech @GeePawHill

@freemo So the mafia is ineffective? Glad to hear it. Was looking into your feed and it seems they use feat more than violence, a good thing. Let's hope it stays that way.


Law.l** ftfy

Btw, if such things got out of hand, I would just artificially inflate my own faux political party with various nonprofits erected to support underprivileged domain names.

Names have rights too.

@freemo @ariaflame @GeePawHill @agilealliance , I don't doubt your intentions. I have watched your interactions for about 8 months now, since I joined this instance. I doubt MY observations of another person a few days back, someone I did not know, who I assumed was arguing without good faith, to 'win the internet'. The similarities were, looking at the two conversations, blatant. I am questioning now, based on your conversation, if I was too quick to judge. Second guessing myself. It seemed to me that everyone should be directly aware of the book bannings, the anti trans legislation, etc, that states like Florida are imposing, and how miserable the state is becoming. This discussion defused my opinion of a guy who I pretty much KNEW was sealioning me.

So, I am attempting to return the favor.

@freemo they don't care about that kind of community risk, though: they *want* an idpol grievance echo chamber, not a place to critically examine their positions to make them stronger. Comfortable patting each other on the back, not any kind of intellectual growth.

In this case, there's a race to describe Florida and Texas in the most hyperbolic nonsensical language possible. You get brownie points and encouragement from the crowd if you do that. Questioning it in any way is spoiling the fun.


I am neither sealioning or asking someone to do my research for me. I am engaging in a respectful discussion. A post was made saying gay/trans cant go there. I asked for why you feel that is the case, that is not sealioning nor asking you or anyone to do research.

I am not trolling, nor "profoundly ignorant", not everyone keeps tabs on the day to day happenings in Florida... but congratulations on being rude to someone who is genuinely curious about your opinion, and having a desire to support you in your concerns. Quite the self-defeating approach you have going there.

@GeePawHill @agilealliance

@freemo @mia I applaud your tenacity then, people like that are beyond help and deserve ridicule at most as soon as the first signs are spotted.

Holy hell the toxicity is on another level.. apparently politely asking someone what law they are talking about is the same as sealioning now... cant even make this idiocy up... two days ive been trying to get information and learn about their concerns and for even bothering to try to understand their concerns (with no opposition of any kind) makes me the bad guy.... do these people not realize that this level of toxicity is putting their communities at risk and not helping?

@freemo Ah, thank you for your confirmation of my suspicions.

@LouisIngenthron so apparently I've been doing some checking and modern day gunpowder residue isnt corrosive (except for blackpowder and blackpowder substitutes)... At least as far as I can see the idea that you should clean it after every shooting session is a bit out dated.

My husband had to wait for 6 years to capture this view of #TheNeedles.

Taken as the #moon set at 4.30 am last summer. This shot is only possible a couple of times each year. He almost had it in 2016 but it was slightly too breezy and the telephoto lens couldn't keep in focus.

It causes controversy as some think it's fake, I promise you that it is not. It involved much research, persistence and luck with the weather! It's the cover shot on our 2024 calendar #IsleofWight #photography

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.