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Agree to Disagree / Agree what you can from what you can't
Move to next on The Agenda.
Do Loop.

( / the program of Life itself)

Enjoy / Aims of
(Together and as metaphor / simile):

I'm getting better playing Chess, although I think the aim of Chess and Life should be not just to win against people but improve them also as type of united sport (life) / yes competition in chess but to get better...

So you might need to believe in others (the premise of life perhaps) so you too can trust them not to cut off your head once you teach them the tricks (or know what to do for a less warring future if they switch on you).

This is why some people don't teach people things in life or chess - they don't want them to trap them - so they don't teach others to make sure (as in life too)... the final of the chess game (as in life) is to learn and teach but not punish / make others suffer and keep the sport of life going somehow... probably by saying "I don't wish you any harm" but let's enjoy this game all the while...

Relationships / Friendship Online: 99% can be good and then fails... Have you ever met the perfect communicator and then for some minor point it ends? 

I want to solve this because it's such a shame people simple can't move to the next point and continue as they did for a while... and even has stopped projects,,,

Have you ever met the perfect communicator and then for some reason or minor point it all stops as communication?... (often some emotional thing or some ultimatum)

Sometimes it's clear, usually some etiquette thing or expectation, but from similar people it seems really strange why on internet of all places people trust but then suddenly don't trust when getting a bit closer to them or simply sharing the same stuf but more focussed between 2 people... (same way they have been with others)

To give some example I was talking anonymously with a person who respects privacy but then suddenly (I think because we were going to work more on something) they wanted to know where I come from and where I was born (lol)

This is one example more baffling as we mentioned in topics long before the whole bigtech or bad ways or dangers... so seems clear...
I know for others online it could be many things behind less often emails, like smaller etiquette like signing "best regards" or NOT mentioning their name in emails can get you trouble... 🤣

My example was starting contact from 0 with similar person, knowledgable and happened over months of great talks and even audio recordings with their permission! (Imagine a person that can take all the YouTube video knowledge and give to you in 1 conversation like pure DMT into the brain) and then suddenly nothing because of an ultimatum or something like "being too close" as how I describe it...
Literally was said "I want to know who I'm talking to" and I was like
"All these months we did share everything else so can't you see all those things as well and continue, as well your own privacy type stuff in a different way for someone else, the same but slighting different to your privacy type stuff which is high in it's own way?"
(they just repeated their question over and over and in the end an ultimatum not to contact them without this... which I didn't give into and that was that".

I might release the audio for this as it was with their permission... but it's happening often I'm sure and a big hit to relationship or logic and trust from seemingly nothing (we are both good people so why we find such problems?)

It happens all across the board and all the time that I think you people know personally so that's why I'm asking you and collecting personally the logic / emotional intelligence over it.... (It's only for me).

It's seemingly not really logical or fair or I don't understand how someone similar can flip into this defensive mode suddenly...

I guess I could see they were like this from start but also with "I don't mean any harm" etc as their own motto I said I feel the same about and said prior (with explaining my situation etc) I don't get why people ditch people like this (other than learning themselves though you would think such high level see and even explain this to others!!!) and why they / we 2 people don't get to final steps of uniting is a bit beyond me.

Usually it's fear of trust like jumping off a ledge with someone like me who assures you they will catch you or that it's safe below, because the evidence, sharing and history together almost counts as 0 at the end point and not sure why!!...

Fascinating how we get to 99% or 99% rewarding communication and then might ditch over something small or seemingly big for the other - and then can't get past it using the 99% communication or previous 99% good times as memory...

Elephant seeing a mouse and thinking it's a big problem seems similar kind of metaphor... and then damages whole room / the relationship as a result of almost nothing...

Can you relate to any of this / share some light on it?
"The largest US bank, and the world’s largest by capitalization, JP Morgan Chase, is going forward with another way to monetize their clients – by giving access to their spending data to be used for targeted ads."

Forming a bang called "Chain of Good".

I just don't know who's in it yet !
- it could be you!

Meme's will help determine our cultural survival !

Meme's may even help us survive when you need to make a choice,,,

(Like that button-push picture in)... and you press both at the same time...!

of the Memest

Limp Bizkit - Maybe my first time I actually look the band members 

Limp Bizkit - Maybe my first time I actually look the band members...

So maybe for the first time for you too!?

Funny how we listen but sometimes don't know anything about them...

(have you ever seen them live?)

"Take a Look Around "... (song)
"Now I know why you want to hate me..." (famous lyrics)

Lyrics for :

When it comes to money, try not to rely on someone else. 

When it comes to money, try not to rely on someone else.

(hard, almost impossible but true in some sense to take control of money and less leave it *all* in someone else's hands and loose power to control it).

Video is not important but from "Got Fired":

Try and keep it in your hands and under your control. Measuring properly is also part of that (how much do you really get after tax / spending? Measure...)

Troubles these days are a result of people spending money they don't have... Not their falt too, it's by debt design... 

Part of the world's financial troubles and situation these days is a result of people spending money they don't have, and finally, it has all caught up and we see that the money just isn't there

[ is faster than ---> income and rewards+spending cost increases+silent depreciation/inflation+more liquidity from more debt in system]

of maker middle-man attacks

ASD - Do you / I have ASD etc? 

"Comment on whether I have " by Protesilaos Stavrou ]

People might identify with points listed as he tends to say things quite well and listed in paragraphs...

[ this is a shorter intro version of ]

Spectrum Disorder.
...whether I might also be autistic. I have never been formally checked/diagnosed as such.

█ I discovered it after stumping by chance to a video about autism for women

█ Behind the Mask: Autism for Women and Girls | Kate Kahle | TEDxAustinCollege

█ Autism is indeed as you suggest: either you have it or you don’t.

█ There is a great deal of variety among autistic people. Meaning that what applies to one, may not hold true for another (at least not to the same degree).

█ The science behind it still has ways to go and there are deep-seated biases that remain to be overcome. Perhaps we will discover that things are even more nuanced/complex.

█ I would expect neurotypical folks to not be ‘typical’ within the confines of their own categorisation: they should exhibit considerable variety as well.

A quick review of my case:

█ I am very good at “masking” and that was my default mode of conduct in ages past. It led me to a period of depression. The length does not matter right now. I managed to address it by changing my attitude: no more masking and apologising for who I am—I am just honest and don’t care what people think about me (whether they like me or not, consider me a weirdo, etc.).

█ The apparent cost of that change in attitude is that I quit my career and changed my beliefs/social-expectations from the root to the branches. I became a different person in terms of aspirations, outlook, attainment of “social points” (e.g. a respectable degree, a successful career). Old me died a long time ago. No exaggerations!

█ I used to work at the European Parliament (my university studies were on EU-related issues; everything else is self-taught, normally through trial and error (i.e. tinkering) instead of some formal training). Now my jobs are whatever sort of part-time manual labour comes my way, which means “unemployment” or “partial employment”. The good thing is that I do not need to socialise with people to get things done. The bad thing is that they do not pay well and require a lot of energy; energy which I would rather direct towards my intellectual pursuits, Emacs packages, etc.

█ About me being honest, it helps that I am a philosopher. People have this stereotypical notion that philosophers are irregular fellows, which helps my case as I don’t need to tell them more. As soon as they realise I am philosophising, they have the “oh, you REALLY are weird” kind of epiphany (without ever saying it, though it is obvious and funny).

█ I do not pursue friendships: never call anyone, never message them, and so on. For many years now I live in a remote village in a mountainous area and have no social circle as part of my day-to-day life (a friend might visit my area once in a blue moon or I might have tea with a neighbour, but still no need for social activities). For example, when I was in Brussels, I had two people I would usually go out with: they would contact me once every few months and be like “Hey, did you disappear again? Let’s go for a drink!”. If they would not message me, I would just stay alone without ever realising that several weeks had gone by… My sense of time and direction is excellent, though not when it comes to interpersonal relations and the need to “keep in touch”.

█ I also have no social media presence. To my mind this is a good thing personally and politically (won’t elaborate on the politics here). If someone wants to learn about me, they are welcome to ask me anything. No need to peruse a profile page.

█ I have not had issues with motor skills. For example, I played football in a semi-professional capacity (would have become a pro, were it not for a major injury), and I have done (and still do) lots of jobs that involve manual labour: motorcycle mechanic, stone mason, bartender, waiter, and the like. I remain athletic.

█ I can read other people really well by understanding the intent behind their actions and combining it with relevant information to predict their behaviour. I know when someone is lying or has an ulterior motive (obviously this is not possible/easy for written exchanges). Though I do not empathise with them: I do not feel them emotionally, but I reason how they feel—I interpret them the way an AI would, if that makes sense.

█ I have never had a romantic attachment to anyone. Not even what we call a “crush”. Never! (I understand it rationally, as noted above.) I have had a few cases where others were attracted to me, but I never felt infatuation or, generally, this notion that “you are my other half and I cannot live without you”. In this regard, I have no dreams of an “ideal partner”, never idolised some celebrity, was never sad about being potentially rejected by someone, do not feel any need to be in a romantic relationship, and simply can’t relate to people who obsess about these issues (by “can’t relate”, I mean that I consider it super-easy to not think about them and go on with my life).

█ I should clarify here that I am not emotionless. I do care about other people, such as my friends and family. I do love my dog and care a lot about animals in general. And so on. I just can’t relate to the obsession or this feeling of emptiness/fulfilment if you are alone/romantically-attached.

█ I let my beard grow for health reasons. In order to keep a clean shave, I need to apply a razor twice-a-day: this results in my skin being irritated (dry skin and razor burns) and I would rather avoid all those chemicals. The beard is healthier for the skin and considerably easier to maintain—I just wash it daily as part of my cold shower, though I was told that some people use all sorts of products on their beards (I have no need for any of that).

█ What I also discovered about having a beard, and why I want to keep it even if I can somehow keep a clean shave and retain skin health, is that people no longer try to get close to me for the friendly hug, kiss on the cheek, or cross-kisses in the air around the cheeks. I believe you know what I am referring to. In France, they salute you by kissing you once, in Belgium twice or thrice, in Greece twice, and so on (I am not sure about the number of kisses, but you get the idea). I no longer need to proactively extend my hand for a handshake and implicitly warn “no kisses”, as the beard does that automatically. Yay!

█ I am not a control freak and do not obsess about particular interests. If I am alone, I will think about some philosophical theme or work on my hobbies (e.g. Emacs), but I will not act as a nerd in a social context. It probably helps that my friends are already carefully selected, so I don’t have to unexpectedly talk about wildly random stuff (e.g. what was discussed during some gossip show on TV—I don’t even have a television).

█ I believe I am competent with eye contact. What people would find unsettling about me is my seemingly inexhaustible capacity for listening. I have been with people who can go on talking for 30 minutes straight and who will interrupt you as soon as you utter a word (many folks in politics are like that). I would never interrupt them and would then recall what they talked about and be able to make accurate remarks on what they shared. Put differently, I am a good listener and am very patient.

█ Being a good listener sounds like a wonderful quality, though it is not always desirable. For example, in the world of politics you have to be assertive, appear unequivocal in your statements, leave no room for doubt, and the like. In most cases, I consider those signs of either dogmatism or foolishness (similar, but not identical) and would not play that game. As such, I might appear “weak” when, in truth, I am confident in my abilities: I do not see the point of pretending to be certain about my opinions—the “I would die for my beliefs” sounds ridiculous to me, because you imply that you will die for something that might be a falsehood (put differently: “are you sure your beliefs are true?”).

This covers it for now. I may have missed something, though this should give you a good idea.

"Comment on whether I have " by Protesilaos Stavrou ]

@protesilaosstavrou / @protesilaos (not sure which works, get in touch if you see this)

Pixelfed is the Fediverse equivalent of Instagram, try it out!

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Rebuilt old gaming PC (1060 gpu) for nephew. Setting up projects to interest him in and . Generated playing cards with , , , for integration into database for or module. Whew! (Little sister's a middle school language arts teacher.) Gallery here:!AvfrYowYmFebkhlSyw

If teaches us anything, it is that things are alright until they are suddenly not and that by that time it is usually too late.

Anyone who describes Ukraine as free, democratic and independent is living in a self-contained separate reality coexisting with the real world in which Ukraine depends on Western handouts, has no elections, no free press and is directed by the Pentagon via their puppet dictator.

Social Switch = privacy browser extension for Instagram + TikTok more *anonymously*... 

Social Switch browser extension...

for Instagram :instagram: + TikTok viewing ➡️ automatically changed in browser to more private & *anonymous* links ! 🔗

by @claromes (a developer already on the Fediverse! :fediverse:)


⭐ Better for sharing privacy links to friends than direct links !

☑️ Similar privacy to @invidious

+ 🎤 Audio Version below! \^_^/
2mins Mini-Podcast by FreeSchool & Developer ⬇️

📔 Audio transcript (developer part about half way through) ⬇️ \^_^/
"Hey Fediverse,

This is Claromes, an open-source developer, and my latest tool is Social Switch: a browser extension that redirects Instagram and TikTok URLs to anonymous web viewers.

The extension features an option to enable or disable redirection.

And each social network has two web viewer options: Picuki and Imginn for Instagram, and UrleBird and Xaller for TikTok.

It's currently available only for Chrome, but the Firefox extension will be released soon.

You can find the source code on GitHub at"

@freeschool note:
Good people ARE working on better privacy even with bad sites, we CAN use many things to bridge everything back to good as well as good sites directly and only ! 🌉
➕ No hate, just love / positive direction!
✊ Use sites
Anti- =

Mastodon Backup Viewer Tool - View Your Post Archives in Browser Offline !!
🚀 Amazing - Boost 🚀

(JSON archive file to human readable HTML style page)

Why this tool is needed ?

⚠️ Mastodon DOES NOT HAVE it's own way to show your own posts archive OFFLINE in a HUMAN READABLE format!



If you delete your profile / move / admin quits server / servers corrupts then you don't have your own posts in a way you can read!!


What kind of micro-blogger doesn't have already a tool or format you can read yourself in the same way online? Mastodon !

Your backup (if you save it) is 1 big text file, with lines of code parameters + text of posts mixed between it all (all stuck together) - so 1 long line of code and post text, which isn't great as a backup!
No images just hyperlinks to the offline image files if you have them !! :picardfacepalm: :facepalm: :picardwtf:




This tool helps see them offline at least if you're going to move or lose your online server:

CREDIT TO helge:

Solutions + Answers

Quick How-To....

Go to "Edit profile"
...then Import / Export...
Data Export
Download TAR.GZ Archive file
Extract OUTBOX.JSON file
Open file at

Longer How-To... / Step-by-step

1. "Edit profile" page (while logged in)

2. Import / Export > Data Export

e.g. you should end up at

3. Create Export / Backup (export takes a bit of time)

3. Download the export file (a TAR.GZ file - need a zip-like program to open)

4. Extract OUTBOX.JSON file out of this downloaded TAR.GZ file

5. Use to open!

6. Save (print / export to PDF / PNG / MP4 scrolling capture)

:mastodon: :mastodance: :mastodon_oops: 🚀 Amazing - Boost 🚀 :mastodance: :mastodon: :mastodon_oops:

My Social Switch browser extension, tagged as "anti-big-tech" was added to the AlternativeTo website and I didn't even know... It was recent. Loved it!

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.