>"[Biden] spent most of his career trying to keep segregation alive, I cant think of too many on the GOP who are half as evil as that to be honest"
1. There is no doubt that Biden was racist 50 years ago when he opposed desegregation of schools in Delaware. He said it would create "a racial jungle". (However, I know of no evidence that supports the statement that he "spent most of his career trying to keep segregation alive".)
That was 50-years ago. Today obviously he is not a racist, based on his appointments, policies and pubic comments.
As to being worse than the Republicans, most if not all of the major candidates supported Trump very recently, an overt racist, and any one who openly supports a racist for public office is a racist -- today.
2. To judge someone based on who they were or what they said 50-years ago is about the dumbest fucking thing I can think of. In fact, assessing any candidate today based on what they say or promise today is pretty stupid, too, (unless they are openly racist) because truth and integrity are gone and no one can be trusted.
All we can do is look at what laws got passed and what policies were implemented and what the effect of those policies were and evaluate an officeholder based on that. If half of all the things you want and laws you support got done, then reelect the incumbents; if not, then vote for someone else who has not held high office before and has not yet had a chance to fuck things up.
Matt, I think blocking someone who is misinformed is not constructive. I think it is better to engage them and correct them rather than avoid them, (if the guy is sincere in their views and comments, as Freemo is.) My advise, FWIW.
(FWIW = for what it's worth)
graphic scenes of a snow leopard hunting
Here’s a National Geographic episode about mountain animals, including this cute kitty.
(fair use clip – Content Warning: includes graphic scenes of a snow leopard hunting)
Yes, it does say that three species of ants were given the mirror and they passed.
>"Please, define 'sentient'."
When AI becomes sentient, maybe they can answer that one for us. 😆
(Semantically, meaning conscious.)
When will AI become sentient?
(please boost)
#AI #LLM #GPT #ChatGPT #transformer #AGI #intelligence #HAL9000 #sentience #consciousness
If you want CO2 in your coffee, I guess.
Depends on the app and depends on what you're learning.
When AI takes over, I hope they do a better job than we have done.
All you can do is inform people and lead by example, and maybe discourage those who keep making people to do things that are harmful.
People are sheep. They do what other people do, even when they know better.
The Perseid Meteor shower peaks tonight (Aug. 12, 2023). NASA detected the first meteor from this year's shower on July 26, 2023.
This astronaut photograph, taken from the International Space Station while over China (approximately 400 kilometers to the northwest of Beijing), provides the unusual perspective of looking down on a meteor as it passes through the atmosphere. The image was taken during the Perseid Meteor Shower on August 13, 2011.
accessible description:
Image shows the Earth from Low Earth Orbit with the curvature of the Earth and the faint glow of the atmosphere with the meteor streak below the horizon.
A study finds that at least some species of ants are self aware and pass the mirror test.
#psychology #animals #ants #mirrorTest #social #intelligence
More people died in the US yesterday from COVID-19 than died in the wildfires in Hawaii. Please take care out there and make sure you wear your N95 mask or other respirator when you're around other people.
#mask #covid19 #pandemic #vax #respirator #n95 #USPol
(image wikimedia commons, Ryssby, CC-BY-2.5)
A Rorschach test.
Retro SciFi Film of the Week…
Logan’s Run (1976)
The 1976 science fiction movie "Logan's Run" explores timeless themes of individualism versus collectivism through the lens of a utopian society where citizens are encouraged to prioritize pleasure over responsibility.
Director Michael Anderson creates a believable world featuring sleek architecture, intricate underground subways, and flashy laser guns. Throughout the film, characters confront ethical questions about sacrifice, morality, and mortality while embracing values like selflessness and altruism in their quest for survival. These ideas still resonate today because they speak to core issues of human identity formation and societal evolution that have persisted across centuries.
In conclusion, the visually stunning cinematography and groundbreaking visual effects combine with thought-provoking subject matter make "Logan's Run" a standalone work worth revisiting repeatedly. Its enduring value lies in challenging audiences to consider how far we should go in pursuit of happiness and longevity while respecting the dignity of every person along the way. Although some may dismiss "Logan's Run" due to perceived datedness or lackluster acting performances, the film remains culturally relevant for anyone interested in exploring intergenerational conflicts and the consequences of scientific progress run amok.
Enjoy your journey back in time!
(This review was written by Model: oasst-sft-6-llama-30b.)
#science #fiction #ScienceFiction #SciFi #FTW #sfftw #film #movie #physics #thirty #utopia #distopia #technology #AI #Box
accessible description:
an animated gif video of a robot from the movie named “Box”. He is metalic silver that has an android-looking top and a boxy bottom and torso. His arms are spread out and he is moving them and opening and closing his hands over and over...
I hope that when AI takes over they don't feel ambivalent about how humans are treated by other AI.
The first thing on the Devuan website is a message saying that they don't use cookies or JavaScript.
(or maybe it's the last thing, at the bottom of the page. At least it's there.)
TruthBeTold Spoiler
This one is 100% true...
LIGO made the first observations of *gravitational* waves -- ripples in spacetime created by the merging of black holes or other bodies with very high gravity.
A *gravity* wave is just an ordinary wave, like what people surf on. A gravity wave is created at least in part by gravity trying to pull a fluid down.
This TruthBeTold conflated the terms "gravity wave" and "gravitational wave".
Retro SciFi Film of the Week…
The Black Hole (2006)
The Black Hole is a made-for-TV movie that was produced for the Sci-Fi channel. It was produced by Nu Image Films and by Equity Pictures Medienfonds GmbH and directed by Tibor Takács. It stars Judd Nelson and Kristy Swanson, who do an adequate job for a TV movie.
In the movie, something goes wrong at a particle accelerator facility in St. Louis and a black hole begins to form. What seems like a typical disaster film eventually goes off the rails and becomes totally unbelievable, even for a sci-fi. Being a TV movie, its production quality is lacking.
It’s ironic and inappropriate that all of the characters in this 21st-Century film are white. And this from a company named “Equity Pictures”; it makes you wonder what was behind the decision to go with an all-white cast of characters.
I don’t recommend this one at all.
#science #fiction #ScienceFiction #SciFi #FTW #sfftw #film #movie #physics #TV #shocking #race #blm
They used to do this with typewriters. Each key had a unique sound signature, and with typewriters there were a lot more sounds to work with.
And this was before computers; just o-scopes and audio tape.
I'm just a geek.
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