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I swear, more than 80% of my mods are purely QoL because either the mechanics or my pawns are so DUMB!

I love those silly little Roombas. They save my pawns a lot of cleaning but they also look silly when they're cleaning the spot where a sleeping pawn's head is.

Wow, I've spent HOURS on trying to get a few mods matching up to what I want. In the meantime I've also managed to hard-crash the Steam Deck twice, I needed to press the power button for quite a while to get it working again.

At least the end result is that I can continue playing tomorrow with nicely colored floors and more floor designs. :P

Just did some, uh... 'garden work', which is basically emptying the organic trash container, because it is going to be replaced for a bigger one in the coming week. Unfortunately it's before trash pickup day, sooo... yeah, uh, that's a bunch of cat poop and piss that I had to move over to another bin that I happen to have. The actual garden trash I just threw on a heap that I already have (because this current container is too small).

I do feel extremely icky right now and am so going to take a shower and throw those clothes in the laundry. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Home (2015) is such a nice movie. I've seen it before, but it was nice to see it again. And I still think that the hair of that girl is outright gorgeous. The animators really did a splendid job there.

And right after this picture, there is a solar flare, rendering those electric stoves useless. Thankfully there's this wood-fueled stove right above (hence all the wood next to it) that's immediately getting used now. ;)

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I think the hunting is going too well. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Time to switch over to lavish meals to use up as much as possible, this is getting ridiculous. ๐Ÿ˜‹

Mad animals in general I can handle. But mad Boomalopes are a bit tricky when they explode upon death. So it's nice to let visitors handle that.. uh.. difficulty.

Of course, then they explode indoors and my pawns go enter the room immediately afterwards to repair, not a good idea. The room's superheated and needs to be aired out first. Still ended up having 3 of my pawns in the hospital. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Another case of 'Huh, when we tested it last week it didn't work, but now that you're testing it, it works fine!'. ๐Ÿ˜‹

Oh wow, just saw a mod that looks very useful to me: Table Range. It'll show the range that pawns will travel to eat at a table, and I can set the range for individual tables...

Now I don't need the WHOLE DAMN COLONY to sit down at THAT ONE table IN THE PRISON!

Been busy in RimWorld experimenting with some mods. Like.. mechanical walls that spring up if you toggle it... I've made it 3 rows. Row 1 and 3 are up. Pawn in the middle row.. then raise it to see what'd happen.

I was disappointed. There was a puff of smoke and they ended up outside the walls and continued on their merry way. ๐Ÿ˜‹

Note to self: Not a viable tactic to kill enemy pawns. Would've been hilarious otherwise.

Wish they'd also hop off in a puff of smoke when a ceiling collapses on top of them. ๐Ÿ˜›

This is inescapable on French insta so I'm posting it here for all to enjoy

Aaaahhh, darn. The cat didn't make it. That last sentence would do it, yeah. :P

Happy easter everyone... as you know zombie jesus is the final evolution of the jesus pokemon, and the most sacred of pokemon among christians... So have a wonderful easter everyone!

I wonder if today is technically a zombie day because of all those resurrections?

Happy Zombie Jesus Day!

I've tried out some Space Station 14 with a buddy. It was interesting, it kinda had a MUSH vibe. Join a server, take on a role and then join the station. The game still felt a bit rough around the edges. Since we were new, we joined a fairly empty server.

Because I was an utter noob, a guy there was so kind to give me a tour and teach me how to use some of the machines. Now I know how to cook (cheeseburger and pizza), grow tomatoes in hydroponics lab, see what engineering looks like, a morgue, had a ride in the garbage disposal system, and uh.. an all around overwhelming bunch of information for me, lol. I probably should read the manual at some point. The controls aren't very intuitive at times.

I played as a lizard, which was hilarious when talking in-character, all those extra 'ssss'. Ekssstra sssssssss. ๐Ÿ˜‹ When talking OOC, it was all normal again. Nice detail.

So it looks like this game is played in 'sessions', or shifts?, and in this case that took around 3 hours. Something in the end message about all zombies beaten, no infestations.. not that I ever saw any though. Just saw some mentions of anomalies over the comms. So I'm not really sure yet about the end goals and all that.

But for today I've seen enough. I've got information overload so I'll probably just go back to playing RimWorld now. SS14 is a multiplayer game (and you can host your own server) where you can play with like 100 people, so I can imagine it is a lot of fun when you and a fair amount of friends jump into the game and work together on this station. It's all free and opensource too!

Yesterday I added 11 mods, today the count is so far on 9 added. Might be more incoming. ๐Ÿ˜… Thankfully adding mods is almost painless. It's still an interruption in gameplay though.

Finally hooked the Deck to the dock from job, and gave it a cabled connection. Streaming from the Deck to my laptop is way more snappy now.

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Qoto Mastodon

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