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@kreyren What are you even asking for? To make all free software proprietary? To limit traffic to freaking
Are you capable of expressing anything but empty rhetoric?

Hmm.. Who are your corporate overlords, languages?

Rust (4 of big 5 tech)

Julia (3 of the big 5 tech)

LLVM (3 of big 5 tech)

Haskell (1 of big 5 tech)

Ocaml (financial companies)

Zig (individuals)

D (1 financial firm + individuals)

R (researchers and universities)

I had to tell this to myself sometimes, so I might as well tell this to others.

This is the Fediverse. Nobody's expecting you to be an "influencer" and the people subscribed to your account aren't your "followers".

There is no obligation to write sensational posts or only talk about things that will be socially accepted by the mainstream.


#Mastodon #Fediverse #SocialMediaAnxiety

It's a bit weird that I slack off on doing real work but instead of like, playing video games or something, instead I'm still doing work but on personal projects

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this Nordstream 2 jam feels like Scholz throwing Biden a bone, give it a week for everything to simmer down and they'll turn on the taps

Not everything. LSP is a Microsoft invention and it has literally saved Unix text editors and given them a new life.

By the way only proper alternative to VS Code is #Emacs with Vim bindings. I suggest #DoomEmacs or #Spacemacs configuration.

PSA (again): save stuff locally. do not rely on that videos will still be there tomorrow.

@freemo you seem like a physics buff. Tell me, how would you recommend I learn the physics of RF and waves and signals using a radio and SDR kit? Is it worth it to do it that way? Any suggestions?

Goal: make a radio and hook it to an mcu, write a library to decode digital radio signals using said radio, and essentially have make my own digital radio scanner. Additionally, I'd like to have an option to do some signal processing to change my voice when using the radio for transmitting.

@debian 2/ OK, I have more :-)

When I was a teen, #gcc was mind-blowing - a compiler I didn't have to pay for.

#GnuPG for security and privacy

#ssh is so easy to take for granted but so important.

#yggdrasil making the Internet fun and flexible

#Rust systems programming without so many dragons

#GNU project - thank you for everything from #tar to #bash

#UUCP got me online when long-distance was too expensive for #PPP

And finally, all the wonderful people of FLOSS!


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So, apparently "sharp" cos similarity can be as good as convolutions but with 10-100x less compute?

@jmw150 Hi,

random question but would you happen to have a link that you shared many months ago (possibly more than a year) in which there was a 4 volume series on formal method including a volume for verification of C programs.

Best regards,

Mastodon has been feeling kinda dead lately. Each week for the last few months I use it less and less. Why? I don't know. Perhaps the difficulty of finding engaging sub communities?

Anybody know people here who post regularly and are into:

* Effective Altruism
* in specially those who post about their projects
* such as

I've been leaving my hotel room door open so the waiter can come into my room without me getting up to bring me food. I hear meowing and apparently i made a new friend, this friendly little fellow was next to my bed. Startled me half to death but i think we are besties now. After feeding him he is just staying in the room guarding the door to keep me safe.

I hope he will come give me some cuddles.

Hot take: low h-index is a great indicator for how bitchy a professor is when grading assignments. The more free time without meaningful research, the more time to pick apart student's work on trivial stuff like chart colors.

Covid paranoia rant 

What is happening on this world? People whom I've always considered to be nice, compassionate and smart are now voicing hatred towards another portion of the population (unvaxxed) and wishing death upon them for "taking our freedoms by being selfish and not complying". These same friends previously advocated against elites but now seem to be doing exactly what the elites want, getting us to attack each other and hate one another without getting to the truth. This makes me lose all faith in humanities wisdom, it shows that after countless wars, genocides and segregation we still haven't learned the lessons of the path. I suppose this is partly a defense mechanism, after all, it's much easier to express hatred towards the unvaxxed on Twitter than to look at spread data and then protest or write a letter to your local government to try to regain those freedoms you lost. Instead, it's much easier to blame the invisible boogie man, the unvaxxed.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.