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The hard winds blew away 25% of my roof this afternoon. 


*eyeroll* My dad just did a dad joke to me. :P It's in Dutch though..

Dad: Je kan deze doos met gereedschap naar mijn auto dragen, of 5 planken.
Ik: Ik doe die planken wel.

Onderweg naar zijn auto...
Dad: Ik denk dat ze ongeveer even zwaar zijn.
Ik: Het valt wel mee, ik heb de planken in een goede houdgreep.
Dad: Ja, jij hebt de planken in een goede houtgreep, ik heb dit doos in een goede ijzergreep.

Ik: *groan*

Wir schreiben das Jahr 2422. Unsere mittlere menschliche Lebenserwartung liegt bei 100 Jahren. Kriege, Hunger und Krankheiten sind auf der Erde mittlerweile unbekannt und die Besiedlung anderer Planeten hat begonnen. Das ΓΌberall verwendete Icon zum Speichern von Daten ist immer noch eine Diskette.

🎨 A painting/Fediverse experimentation:

With percentages of Red, Green and Blue, you can obtain a precise RGB color definition.

So, please vote for one or more color channel and with the mix of all the votes, I'll challenge myself to paint a fantasy landscape, using the result as the dominant color.

(PS: I'm doing full time inking/penciling on episode 37 and a bit of colored art cool-down would be great! Also I need a bit of 'Fedifun' this week. Thanks for your votes and boosts! )


Reminder that the so-called "pro-life" movement is not about protecting life. It is about sanctioning government violence to try to force women to give birth against their wishes. People have many different opinions about abortion and that's okay, but unless you truly believe women deserve to be jailed for having an abortion, you shouldn't be supporting the so-called "pro-life" movement and its extremist agenda.

Grabbed Jurassic World Evolution from Humble for $1 and currently installing it. Wonder what it'll be like, it's a little over 7GB big. Current Choice got Planet Zoo, but I think I'd rather have dinosaurs instead.

Pbbbbth... I'm still tasting some paint and terpentine in my mouth. :P Dad done goofed a bit and I got an accidental brief blast from the paint spray gun when he wanted to show me something on that device. Thankfully the paint was already cleansed out by the terpentine but... yeah, tasting it a bit still. :P

Anyway! My fence at the streetside (well, no street there but you get what I mean) is now a nice green color. Took about 2 hours of spraying but it looks pretty good even if I say so myself.

We'll have to do this again in the winter, I think, when the hedge in front of the fence will lose its leaves. I tried to spray paint as low as possible but 20cm below the top of the hedge is as far as I could go. ;)

@rastinza Okay, I’ve taken a peek at it now.

The two plugins in question are: Obsidian Columns (OC) and Multi-Column Markdown (MCM).

They have both pros and cons.

OC uses code blocks, and you can nest them to have columns inside columns. I’m not too fond of this approach much because if you have a genuine text or codeblock inside a codeblock, the normal text formatting or syntax highlighting is gone in editing. It’s just a bit annoying to work with in editor mode. But hey, nested columns! The output is in divs.

MCM uses === keyword type coding, so not codeblocks. It goes like === start-multi-column: name and then right below it a small codeblock for some config settings, and then stuff like === end-column === and ending with === end-multi-column. Rendering was a slight bit buggy but ultimately came out right. I likey because formatting of your content stays intact, but no column nesting possible inside them. And yes, this ended up as a div as well.

I'm seeing 2 different multi-column Obsidian plugins in the plugins list. They both look interesting. I might fiddle with them later today to get a feel which one of them is the more logical/easiest to use. Would be nice to have multiple columns possible in markdown. I wouldn't always need it but it's nice to have an option there!

Okay, I have to admit that DIY with a high pressure water hose involved is kinda fun. ;)

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I'm definitely lazy, but my dad is pulling me to do DIY stuff. Sigh. ;)

@tunnel I played Minecraft since Alpha, and have been turning to modded Minecraft pretty darn early. Never ever touched Bedrock version myself because it was not 'modded enough' to begin with. I love the freedom that the Java version gives me, even though performance sometimes is abysmal, especially in the heavier modpacks.

So my knowledge of Bedrock is nonexistant I'm afraid. Just that my cousins are playing it on their Switches, but I bet that's probably vanilla Minecraft.

For modding Minecraft you actually don't really have to hack up Minecraft code. You can choose to go for Fabric, or Forge, or uh.. the other thingies, Spigot? They're all modloaders which already takes care of the hacking part and provides hooks for modders to mod into. So it's a bit easier.

As result, there really are a _shitton_ of mods available for the Java version. Forge's most popular but Fabric is gaining territory as well and is a bit lighter on resources I've noticed. Some modders choose to release their mods for both, some are exclusively the one or other.

Spigot (If that still exists) is another way but I've left that scene (from when it was still Bukkit, iirc) a long time ago for Forge. Mind you, I don't make mods myself.

I did notice a performance improvement with the latest Minecraft, though. 1.12 had this one great modpack but it'd make our badass server whine. 1.14 I didn't play too much. 1.16 made my client whine. 1.18 ... is an improvement. Even loading up the game somehow doesn't take 10 minutes anymore but just around 1 minute or so. So I'd say Java is improving.

I'm currently playing a new Minecraft modpack called All Of Fabric 5. It uses Fabric instead of Forge, so that part is new to me. Though Fabric is easy to put up on a server, it's basically automated.

Anyway! So I'm playing this modpack for two weeks now and some mods are pretty new to me. I wondered if there was anything akin to Ender Chests and I'm pretty happy that they have an alternative called Entangled Chests! And Tanks! And Buckets! And Bags!

Not seeing anything for wireless long-distance power yet, but that can be worked around by converting stuff into lava, pumping it over, and converting back to power!

So far I'm liking Fabric, it's faster to boot up and it's lighter on resources usage!

On Thursdays I do the space/astronomy news -- this week featuring:

β—‹ Hubble's 32nd anniversary!
β—‹ JWST is allllmost entirely cooled (4 primary mirror segments to go!)
β—‹ all DNA/RNA building blocks have now been found in meteorites
β—‹ good-bye Axiom-1, hello Crew-4!
β—‹ Ξ² Pic exocomets are similar to ours
β—‹ Ingenuity investigates landing debris

Great news #Fediverse it is Official. The #EU #EuropeanCommission just launched two servers πŸš€

Welcome to #EUVoice mastodon and #EUVideo peertube πŸŽ‰

So say hi to πŸ‘‹

Love #FOSS with @EC_OSPO πŸ’˜

Stay in the loop with @EC_DIGIT ➿

Help make things fundamentally right with @FRA β˜€οΈ

Regain balance with @Curia βš–οΈ

Protect that data with @EDPS πŸ”

Let's go global with @CDT 🌐

Get us heard at @ombudsman πŸ“£

Watch and boost from:

And explore:

Mastodon & The Fediverse Explained.

Pretty good video and it's got subtitles!

Just returned from King's Day flea market in town. It was very busy! I wouldn't be surprised if half the city went there. The other half went to various music stages in town, loud enough for me to feel the music.

It is the one day in the year where people can put all their rubbish on display and try to sell them, lol. I enjoyed seeing all that trash. :D I think there was a bit more trash than usual thanks to Corona the past 2 years, people had been saving up. :P

I expanded my Loekie de Leeuw collection with yet another lion plushie. And a very old Sjors & Sjimmie comic. Total damage? 1 euro. :P

Also had delicious fat fries with mayo from de Belg, in a puntzak. I'm fine now for the coming 5 years with greasy food. Burp. It'll just be a sandwich for dinner later. :P

I'm glad that King's Day seems to be back to normal. Let people enjoy themselves.

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Trinsec @Qoto's choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.