@hvangalen @knuppelbeer Ik vind ze allemaal lekker. Ik zie chocolade hier vooruit lopen, though.
@tyrandus That wasn't the point you raised originally, though. It's just that many platforms offer it and if you wanted one to be added, you probably can ask your admin for that. Some are very accomodating.
@olives Things to read, things to watch, and things to play!
@tyrandus Most platforms offer custom emojis, actually. It's not Mastodon-specific.
@olives That'd be interesting. ;)
Slightly annoyed but also amused at Mastodon. Annoyed they had those strange ideas that they didn't want to implement simple things. Amused that with injection of money and influx of people they finally go do it anyway.
Hey, who said money couldn't buy everything?
@StroomAfwaarts Definitely fast... Unless you're wanting a pizza.
Airfryer: 3 mins preheating. 4x 6 mins 180C. Time wasted: 27 mins (plus inserting/taking out)
Oven: 10 mins preheating. 8 mins 240C. Time wasted: 18 mins and can go eat in one go.
For burritos it's actually ideal, I did that yesterday. Might do it again. I use alu foil in this case though, since I don't want to clean up the airfryer heh.
@tonwood I think I have that one in my tech closet. I really hate devices without scroll wheels. I have the M570 myself, also a trackball.
The two tiny buttons, I'm going to wage a guess they might be backward/forward buttons? The M570 has 2 seperate small buttons with that functionality.
Oh wait, the Arch Linux manual says about this Marble one that the small buttons are enabling scroll wheel functionality. Might be worth looking into that, heh.
@garyackerman Mm, I don't see what's bad about it?
@lydiaconwell If you want, sure.
@lydiaconwell They haven't added the ActivityPub protocol yet, so they're not on the Fediverse.
@lydiaconwell When soft, the ears. My bro's previous dog had so very soft hanging ears, I liked rubbing them between my fingers.
@garyackerman If it was deaf people doing this, it'd be even worse. 😋
@auldlangsin I think this shit every day (I should.. I should...) and every time I'm not doing it. And then before going to bed I'm like '... I could've done that or that or that.. but I didn't...', and feeling the pressure is an almost surefire way into depression, and then you're doing even less. -.-
Thing is: It's easier said than done. If you know the one cure fits all answer to this, you'd be a millionnaire by now. ;)
@auldlangsin If they don't stop, they're already addicted. And if they're already addicted, it takes a shitton of effort to stop. Addiction is no joke.
@nixCraft Probably around 250 knots per minute. Although I hope to upgrade to a faster rocket soonish.
@olives Fair. ;) But this one seems to tout a few more features than usual. Anyway, I'm probably going to check this one out for myself. Firefish.social itself didn't give me a good impression as it's slow as heck, but maybe it'll be snappier on our own server.
@piggo My right foot tells me that it very well is not.
Fuck mosquitoes.
@atomicpoet Do you need to stay near your PS5 to use that PSPortal? I'm not really sure how it intends to stream. I've not checked up any details about that thing but I'm plenty confused about its purpose.
Main account is now on @trinsec
I've resigned as moderator on Qoto.org since 29-aug-2023.
This one is now a backup account, my activities on Qoto will be low.
Used to be on another mastodon server regularly, but it's been inaccessible since November 2020. So I've decided to join Qoto instead! I like the features this server has to offer.
Huffi-Muffi-Guffi! | Deaf | Gamer | Minecraft | Steam | Coder | Cats | StarTrek (not reboot) | Firefly | LEGO | Science (& Fiction) | Logic | #nobot | #fedi22 | Awesome 😎 | 🇳🇱
I'm not an ass, I have AS(S). I'm just a blunt autist.