@lucifargundam Erm.. and in more simple English...?
@lucifargundam How do you figure you're being gaslighted?
@sergeant Ik las het, dat is pretty cool. We moeten eens allemaal upgrade-subsidies krijgen om nog meer te kunnen besparen.
Maar blauw is grappiger, dat zal hem leren met die deus ex atmosphere! 😅
@lucifargundam Good job! :)
@knuppelbeer @egeltje Of jeuk op je neus krijgt. 😬
@stux Bloodmoon upcoming, prepare for the zombie invasion!
@knuppelbeer Deus Ex Atmosphere. 😋
@4 If I find it interesting enough to share. 😁
@mpax That constellation really looked like a half-life symbol to me. 😅 Glad you liked it!
@freemo Outch. Hope that sore will go away soon, sounds damn unpleasant.
Donkere band? Dat zijn meteoren die aan karate doen.
( I'll let myself out... 😋 )
Being offended or angry at the Latin prefix "cis" is like being offended by the Latin prefix "pre", "semi", "tri" or "uni".
It ridiculous.
@dev_nadine Lookin' sharp. Also literally! 😁 This is a Goth style, right?
@soundasleep Yeah, definitely not that cold anymore in the past decades or so. Very wet though! Cloudy and dreary, that's what our winters are mostly now. ☔
@soundasleep Oh! Looks like you're about the same distance from the median as Spain, makes a bit more sense then. Though it can snow in Spain.
Not that our winters have been that cold lately, though. Which is probably a good thing considering our gas prices. 😬
(Netherlands here)
@soundasleep What's a normal winter temperature over there? 👀 I thought NZ might've been closer to our kind of climate (middle-north Europe).
@soundasleep Holy.. oh yeah it's winter over there.
@soundasleep Should be low humidity over there, I believe. If it's 43C here, I'm dead.
Main account is now on @trinsec
I've resigned as moderator on Qoto.org since 29-aug-2023.
This one is now a backup account, my activities on Qoto will be low.
Used to be on another mastodon server regularly, but it's been inaccessible since November 2020. So I've decided to join Qoto instead! I like the features this server has to offer.
Huffi-Muffi-Guffi! | Deaf | Gamer | Minecraft | Steam | Coder | Cats | StarTrek (not reboot) | Firefly | LEGO | Science (& Fiction) | Logic | #nobot | #fedi22 | Awesome 😎 | 🇳🇱
I'm not an ass, I have AS(S). I'm just a blunt autist.