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@dinosauce You'd know more than I about this. 😅

I've eaten Greek yoghurt before, it was okay. Definitely more tasty than Activia. 😬

@dinosauce This one wasn't strained, it was scoopable and a thick liquid. Kinda similar to my usual brand of yoghurt. Definitely didn't taste the same though. 😬

@dinosauce You're lucky I checked the thread, you misspelled my @ mention name so I didn't get notified. :)

I like the full yoghurt from De Zaanse Hoeve, using that in my cereal daily.

Isn't strained yoghurt the kind that's almost solid? Like Greek yoghurt? This is more like a thick liquid, so not strained I think?

@LouisIngenthron I said less suicidical! :blobcatshocked:

I'll stick to normal full yoghurt, seems healthy enough.

@LouisIngenthron Surely there must be a less suicidical way to maintain your gut bacteria? 😬

Mrmf, my cat didn't agree with me. He licked up the leftovers. :blobcatgooglyshrug:

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Uh.. wow. I won't be buying this brand of yoghurt anytime soon. Got this one for free from a supermarket scratch card, so decided to try this for dessert. This is even worse than the nacho meal. 😬

Oh gods, I should eat something tasty now to prevent my taste buds from doing seppuku.

Post uit de toekomst?

Misschien viel het je wel eens op: sommige post heeft een dagtekening die nog een aantal dagen in de toekomst ligt. Waarom is dit?

Het gaat soms over enorme aantallen brieven, dus we willen de printers wat ontzien en vooral ook die arme postbode.

Omdat iedereen genoeg tijd moet hebben om te reageren (die termijnen liggen ook vast in de wet) versturen we de post in batches, waarbij de laatste batch uiterlijk óp de datum van de dagtekening wordt bezorgd.

Bwoah, it is pretty difficult to prune the butterfly bushes when they're twice as tall as you. 😬

@SETIEric They're not calculators, they're just dumb language models.

Grabbed Lemuroid on the phone and managed to get me a Skip-bo rom somewhere. I've never owned an NDS, but my bro and sis both did, and I used to play Skip-bo on theirs.

Played a few sessions just then. Ahhhh, nice. 😁

@knuppelbeer Dat klinkt alsof die knakker van dit plaatje van de trap gevallen is.

@obsidian Oh that merging of templates with your existing stuff looks interesting. Is this also possible with inline dataview properties?

@tripu No, because women can lead companies too. That generally needs brains, and both genders have brains which are comparable.

I won't answer your other replies because I am actually starting to think you're a misogynist. This isn't the first time I've noticed this tone. You seem to find a lot of things are 'unfair' against men but are completely skipping over the fact that all the shit pulled against women over the centuries is also unfair. What's going on is maybe overcompensation, whether it be good or bad. But playing victim as male isn't gaining my sympathy.

So far I think you're only seeking validation, which I'm not going to give. And as such I'm leaving this conversation.

The nacho meal was actually a bit disappointing. There is enough for 2 days, so tomorrow again. I'll have to add something to the meal, because my taste buds are craving more than this meal can give. Definitely won't be buying this sachet again.

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Nachos are in the oven. My first time making a nacho meal, with premade stuff from a large sachet. Let's hope it'll be tasty.

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