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Scrambled Exif, una aplicación para eliminar metadatos de tus imágenes en el movil.
Encuentrala en fdroid.

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For todays I'm going to do something a bit different. We have a lot of new users, one of the biggest surges we have seen in a while. As such a lot of new users are looking for high quality, long-standing, accounts to follow. Similarly many of the new users need some help getting attention and making new friends.

As such I am going to do this in a few parts. One for old users I have mentioned in previous posts, as well as some of the new users who have been making quality posts and been active for at least a week now. Hopefully this will be more helpful.

Also a section for some bots might be useful.

I will use a persons profile description here as I dont want to misrepresent anyone.

:awesome_slide_r: New Mentions :awesome_slide_l:

@design_RG - Books, Bicycles & Cats, Life is Good. Books, . Bikes, sport ones. Cats, any colour or size. with Virgo rising. House of Ravenclaw.

@Karthikdeva - Always a Student, Nano-Technologist, Bookworm?, and basically I don't know anything, so I might be asking some agonizing questions.

@_lunawinters - Just a human , living on a rock called Earth, floating in a giant space.

@VidyaKrishnan - Independent journalist, S. Asia


@yantrajaal - Engineer by education, teacher by profession, programmer by passion and imagineer by intention

@susi123 - வாசிப்பையும்

@Full_marx - I am a मस्त डॉन on Mastadon. I wish to build something that can be of good use to as many people as possible. Social Sciences: Propaganda Science, Social Engineering, Behavioural Science, Advertising STEM: Human-Computer Interaction Design, Web Dev, Cyber Security Noob. Multimedia: Motion Graphics, Video Production, Electronic Music Production, Abstract Film, Writing Politics: Left, Right and Center. Whichever ideology leaves the people with the most amount of Dignity, sign me up for that one.

@raining_night - I love women, food, thriller/sci-fi/slasher movies and series, astro physics, superbikes, nature and animals ❤️ not in any specific order Trying out Veganism.

@shibaprasad - Master's student. Football Fan.

@ppmanik - Believe in free speech and data privacy. Interested in physics and science in general and future of Semiconductors and related devices in particular.

:kaboom: Old mentions :kaboom:

@jump_spider - <> programming autodidact and polyglot <> meditation enthusiast

@chris - Developer focusing on , and the . Also a speaker, teacher, blogger, and pilot doing my best to make the world a better place.

@SecondJon - I'm interested in being just not civil, but excellent in interacting with others of different viewpoints in an online world where we can so viciously defend our echo chambers and be so dismissive of other perspectives. I rarely log onto the bird site of FB anymore because the interactions are unproductive about anything meaningful. I'm a , , , , Unaffiliated , Software , , Reader of paper , Card and BoardGamer, drinker, solving problems for co-workers and partners primarily with and integrating with the /SFDC platform.

@sandfox - and developer

@cwebber - User freedom activist, ActivityPub co-editor, parenthesis enthusiast, occasional artist.

@whirli -

@pschwede -

@Rovine - Born in Hong Kong, lived in Australia, working holiday in UK.

@Absinthe - The green faerie


@ae -

@metapsyche - I am a cloud of vapor. Fragmenting into ever smaller pieces to explore ever widening spaces. Web Developer by day, Pattern Hunter at night. Thinker and Tinkerer on weekends. :)

@imvectech - RESEARCH ° COOPERATE ° MONITOR ° ADAPT. Developing and teaching to implement DITO techniques for human survival between knowledge and fate.

@canonicalbrud - ; husband and father; ; tinkerer; Stephen fan, i.e. proponent of (re-)introducing and into and thus heal the modern rifts between , , and the natural /s.

@david - Value people over code. I manage WordPress Maintenance On the Internet, everyone knows I'm a dog. Follows are open both ways for me if you're nice and cool!

@Algot - Words are my friends.

@Curator - Curator of art from the instance

@Erik - Privacy, plants & politics Student CybSec @ :utwente:

:doge: Bots :doge:


@arxiv_eess - Electrical Engineering





Otro motivo para el empleo de cometas .

Momento en que manifestantes hacen caer un DRON con un "ataque" de luz láser, en Plaza Italia (21:00)
(video @PiensaPrensa)

Muy contentas de participar en el grupo de @soberaniamicologica nacido en @calafou.

¡Si no los conocéis, ya los estais siguiendo insensatas!


IMVEC boosted

Durante este mes pondremos a punto nuestra nueva página de herramientas para el registro vecinal de agresiones medioambientales.

¡Permanezcan a la escucha!


Kit de investigación medioambiental

y son dos aplicaciones complementarias. Una para verificabilidad y otra para anonimizacion de imágenes.

IMVEC boosted

Zonas de Sacrificio

El término "Zonas de Sacrificio" ha sido acuñado para reflejar aquellos lugares que concentran una gran cantidad de industrias contaminantes, afectando siempre a aquellas comunidades más pobres o vulnerables.

Ya no se trata de un mero problema ambiental, sino de una abierta discriminación contra aquellas personas que soportan niveles de contaminación desproporcionados y mucho mayores que el resto del país, sólo por el hecho de vivir en estos lugares, ser más pobres y tener menos redes de influencia política.

Ese es el común denominador de Ventanas, Tocopilla, Mejillones, Huasco y Coronel, entre otras localidades. Además de estar ubicadas en la costa del país, todas ellas comparten el hecho de ser zonas altamente industrializadas, saturadas de plantas termoeléctricas a carbón y, en algunos casos, de fundiciones de cobre.


#chile #zonasdesacrificio #emergenciaclimática #tiltil #contaminación

IMVEC boosted

La seta de ostra (pleurotus ostreatus) es una de las más sencillas de cultivar. Además posee enormes propiedades de bioremediacion.

A Plataforma Mina Touro O Pino NON levará esta semana novas peticións a Bruxelas.

A veces es difícil entender algunas cosas si no se ven. Cómon enseñar a nuestras peques qué es la contaminación?
Nosotras lo intentamos con los laboratorios de experimentacion.

Diversos modos de contactar con nosotras. De más inseguro a menos inseguro.


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IMVEC boosted

Imágenes del taller de construcción de microscopios de ayer en la Festa de la Ciencia de . Para peques a partir de 11 años y alguno de 9 😊

Looking for an online translator?
Give Deepl a try!

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.